Hammy doesn't really like loud noises. He freaks out a bit when there are storms and stuff.
Every year there is an event in New Zealand called 'Guy Fawkes Day'. It's a bit like Halloween, but with fireworks. This year Guy Fawkes fell on a weekday, so that meant that they did the fireworks not only on the day, but also on the weekend.
This is how Hammy usually is when there are fireworks:
This year, Rumblemum decided to be prepared. She's been getting this
'Happy' supplement from Epic Health to try and help Hammy feel better about things that usually freak him out. All week she dosed our food with the 'Happy' in preparation of the noise.
So this is how Hammy was this year for the fireworks:
ZzzZzzzz |
... Ok, so not quite. But what did happen this year is that Rumbledad, me and Hammy ALL sat at the window together watching the fireworks! Hammy and I were both unfazed by the noise, even though it was much louder here than in our previous apartment. We used to hide under the bed, and we wouldn't come out for ages after, but not this year!
We're big fans of Epic Health- and in the interest of full disclosure we want to say that while we got a bottle of Happy to try, we've since bought a bottle and will buy more - it works wonderfully. In fact a lady that Rumblemum works with bought a bottle for her kitty because he was over-grooming himself, and within two days of using it he'd stopped over-grooming and was being super smooch-y again!
And speaking of super smooch-y...
I'm cool as a cucumber! |