Hello my friends! I'm sure a lot of you have been worried that I have wasted away from my dieting, and that's why I haven't been posting so much...
Well good news and even better news... the good news is that I've lost some weight! Yeah that's right, I'm a lean, super-clean, cuddle machine! So far I've lost about 500g, which is halfway to my goal weight!
But the even better news? I've been getting some special TREATS! Yeahhhh... this ALMOST makes up for all the treats that I've been deprived of while on this 'diet' *gRumble*
We were recently sent some cool products to sample and review by a
New Zealand company called Newflands... this is really exciting because it's not often that we see New Zealand pet brands! It's so weird, because NZ has so many amazing and natural ingredients!
One of my favourite ingredients is the Hoki fish - Hoki is an Australian/New Zealand fish that is SO YUMMY. It's also really, really good for doggies and kitties - because of the Omega Oils in it, it can help with things like itchy/scratchy skin conditions, heart and immunity issues, and arthritis! Hoki has been listed as having the potential to be an everyday, white fish alternative to salmon as it's so rich in omega-3 fatty acid. The Hoki that Newflands uses is called "Macruronus novaezelandiae" which is fished off the coast of the south island – often in the cook strait. It's Marine Stewardship Council certified - they are an independent body, and if you're interested in
finding out more about them, here's a link :)
We were really lucky - our friends at Newflands sent us some freeze-dried Hoki, as well as some
Hoki oil to add to our food, and some of their
Health Treats (which have Hoki and chicken and beef... and are very nice as you can see from these photos of me eating every single one that I come into contact with)
Please notice that I am getting my treats served to me on the kitchen bench, in my special dish. Kitties: this is how it should be! *high-paw* |
Even though I am very, very weak from hunger I will ALWAYS have the energy to eat these treats! |
Hammy gets his treats on the floor (apparently to keep me from stealing them from him. Please note that this tactic doesn't work) |
Because these treats are good for us, they get a pass from the diet police... HOORAY!
We're going to update you on our progress while we nom the great goodies from Newflands, and we're also going to be holding a give-away so that one of you could win some of their yummy products! And best of all, it's an international contest! So our friends everywhere can enter for a chance to try some special New Zealand treats!
Disclaimer: We were given free products to sample, but the opinions in this post are our own (and as you can see from the photos, we both really like the treats! The freeze dried Hoki was also very quickly consumed, but more by Rumbles than Hammy... probably because Rumbles pushed Hammy out of the way to eat his share and Hammy got all sulky about it :) )