Friday, October 16, 2009

Behold... the brother! - Rumblepurr

Well, as promised, here is Mister Inigo Xavier Flufflebum - MY BROTHER!

Mummy took these photos before I came to join the family. It was the very first Xmas that mummy and daddy shared with brother, and they took him out to our grandparents house. (please note: I am forbidden from the grandparents house for reasons not fully understood by me... something about small fragile ornaments and large clumsy Coonie boys? I don't get it.)

Anyway - at the grandparents, Inigo was allowed out on the deck to look at the birdies. He didn't really care for them - they kept chirping at him in a menacing way... but he still managed to look very cute for these photos.

(the last photo is one of mummy's all time favorites)


Misha said...

What happy times for Inigo when he was the centre of attention!

flicka47 said...

Awww,Inigo was a beautiful baby!And a very handsome cat!
Kinda like a Rumbler I know!

One Cats Nip said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog, you look so cool! *follows*
Ashley: *weasles way onto keyboard*
AHHH! I love coonies! CUTE CUTE CUTE!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Yes, that last photo is quite adorable! By the way, is it a roll of toilet paper you are looking at with such interest?

SeaThreePeeO said...

Those really are great photos of your brother!

Forever Foster said...

What lovely photos of Inigo. We had to pick our mum up off the floor after she swooned:)

Teddy Westlife said...

Inigo you are a very sweet looking boy and I LOVE your blue eyes! So does mum.

The Island Cats said...

We can see why your mum likes that last picture of Inigo...he's furry handsome!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wonderful pics!! So very handsome!!

Poppy Q said...

You do look very handsum in those photos.

Jasmim said...

Your brother is so beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh, that last photo - and that face - you just want to grab that kitty an' give it a smoochie right on the lips☺

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, what a CUTIE-PIE!

The Whiskeratti said...

How cute! That last pic is totally adorable. Look at the floof!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh goodness , Inigo is just the most handsome kittyboy ever! and I bet he is just as sweet as you too

purrrs for a happy day

Anonymous said...

Your brudder she is a handsome dude!!! But, Pandora is still a smitten kitten (well, ladycat) with you, RumplePurr!!! And the last picture is gorgeous!!!

The Monkeys said...

Inigo is a very handsome brother!

Lisa Kolosey said...

Such handsome mancatness, your brother. I can see why your Mom loves that last photo best.
~Lisa Co9T


Oh my what a handsome brother you have and I understand completely why your Mom loves that picture -- it's fabulous!

Daisy said...

I love Inigo's delicate coloring! That orange creamsicle fur and those pale blue eyes are stunning.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Soooooo floofy!


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

No wonder it is mummy's favourite.. Its Beautiful Hugs GJ xx

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are great pictures of Inigo - he is such a cutie!!

Cats in trees said...

With you looking like that, we would buy fragile ornament just for you to have some fun with.

Jigsaw said...

Munchking says: Oh, what a purrty boy... Blue eyes :::swooon::: ...

Anyways, while Munchie is drooling offur Inigo, I wants to fanks you, Rumbles and Inigo for bisiting our bloggie. About yer comment, 'poor little Tigger..' it should be noted dat dere is nutting 'little' about da Tigger.
He (and Munchkin both!) weigh in at about 14 pounds each!
Tigger is just a BIG kitteh... Munchie iss jus offurrweight. ...
An me, Jigsaw, I iss a tidy 8 pounds. swaggering down da hall... MOL

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh those pictures are just lovely!!

Angel Simba said...

You are both very handsome kitties! Such lovely pale colors. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment about MY special bro!

perrythebirman said...

dats mai pal inigo!!! i jus showed ur picshure 2 mai daddy an he wans 2 no wen u can come 2 teh u. s. ov a. mommy sez u come wit ur brudda fur a big #cuddlefest....

dang, mommy an daddy spend way 2 much time on dis puter!!

Karen Jo said...

Inigo, you are such a handsome boy. I also love that last picture of you.

Milo and Alfie said...

Inigo was adorable ~ all of the pics are cute.