Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rumblemum is not so bright...

Way to have a secret Rumblemum, post it on MY blog and think I won't find out...

Rumblemum and Rumbledad went to see the kittens today and DIDN'T take me *harumph*

They say I have to be happy with photos for now. They still haven't 100% agreed which little one will be my new baby bro...

It's either gonna be:

Capt. Tinycat


Lance Corporal Minimew

(It's worth noting here that these are names Rumblemum made up for them. It's also worth noting that Rumbledad was not pleased with having the kitties be assigned a rank. Little does he know Rumblemum has no idea what the ranks mean, she just thinks it sounds cute)

More gratuitous cuteness:

You can see in the last photo they're consulting each other about the bear.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Do woo want me to khome sample 'em fur woo?


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Maybe you could handle two new baby brothers? It is hard to choose between the two.

Meow_Girls said...

We think Rumblemum and Rumbledad will have a problem choosing. They should take both. You could teach two brothers, couldn't you? Are you happy about getting a new brother?

The Island Cats said...


Your Daily Cute said...

There is clearly too much cute here. This will need to be resolved. Please ship one of those kitties to me so we can split the cute.


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Hard to believe you were once that tiny, Rumblebum! We know you will be a great big brudder to either little sweetums!

Cory said...

I have super sonic hearing and those adorable kittens were NOT consulting each other on the bear. They are plotting to BOTH be your new brothers! I heard it, I'm sure of it.

Bunny Jean Cook said...

be careful - if you get both, they will gang up on you and overwhelm you wif der cuteness!

Lorenza said...

Decisions.... decisions....
Sure it will not be easy to choose one of them!
What about... both of them??
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Sparkle said...

I get the sneaking suspicion that SOMEBODY is trying to figure out how to have them both...

Clooney said...

Theese is most excellent that you will soon have a protege to take under your tutelage. They'z may be small, but they'z sure big in the cute department...(PS: Captain Tinycat looks almost identical to our Neytiri when she was a little one.)

Pumpkinpuddy said...

I don't know how anyone can choose between them. Take both!

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

Oh, so cute! So tiny! Such overwhelming cuteness!

Yes, take both, by all means.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

So you found out! You would like to have both of them, wouldn't you? They are so, so cute. Take both, that would be twice the fun.

Julia Williams said...

They look like twins -- so they have to take both because it's bad luck to split up a matched pair! :-)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Someone is going to have to make a CHOICE????????

M Dawson said...

OMG Cutness overload squared!! Oh and you have to choose between them!! I mean - REALLY!!!!

Catio Tales said...

No way - you cannot make a choice. No human is capable of leaving one behind, surely.......

So, how do you feel about this, my Rumblepal ? Does it feel right to be getting a little minion who will adore you ?

Old Kitty said...

Oh my stars!! Me and Charlie choose ------ BOTH OF THEM!!!! :-)

Awwwww they are so adorable - they are so tiny and cute and lovely and we really don't envy Rumblemum and Rumbledad having to make a choice!!AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

You're going to have (a) beautiful little sibling(s) Rumbles - you lucky gorgeous kitty!! Take care

Angel Simba said...

Rumbles, get your naps in now, because those kittens are full of energy, I am sure - whether you get 1 or 2!

Teddy Westlife said...

I like the look of the Lance Corporal. No idea why.

Anonymous said...

Get both! Get both! You wouldn't want one to be left behind all lonely, would you? And I'm sure you could be a great general in charge of two minions, Rumbles!

Dora the Explorer and Kate

Princess Jasmine said...

We think you should get TWIN brothers :) xxxx

Pandafur said...

Ai ai sir! yes sir Lance Corporal Minimew, rite away sir! MOL Likes I wud obay anycat. Eshspeshlly a tinycat one! Hee they iz so adorabuls Rumbles an since they iz tiny you can skwish them! heehee But they iz so cutes you prolly won't be able to do anything xcept lick em.

Admiral Hestorb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh these babies are just so precious that mommy is almost having a squeeee attack!!!How adorable and sweet!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'm with everyone else - take both! They are just too adorable!

HH and The Boys said...

OMC... yes I vote for both... they are soooooooooooooo cute.

pawhugs, Max

Daisy said...

Oh my goodness, they are both totally adorable! This is sooooo exciting!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

These two cutie pies simply must NOT be separated! They must both be brought home for you!

=^..^= said...

They are both TOO CUTE! Take them both!!!

~Slash & Bronzy

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Who could EVER decide??? I agree...."TAKE THEM BOTH!!"

Mariodacat said...

Those are the cutest little kittens ever. How can you possibly decide which one? Take both!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

No way can your Rumblemum make a decision between the two - you just have to have two brothers. We think Inigo would highly approve.

They are just so adorable and we know you will welcome them both home very lovingly.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Katnip Lounge said...

Rumbles, lobby hard and long for BOTH of them. I LOVED being the Manny when Scouty and CC came in from the Outside...they were so much fun to watch and wash and play with!
Love, (in a Manly way) Johnny

Raymond and Busby said...

We think you need two brothers. Two is better than one. xoxo

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, it would be a shame to separate them when they could both learn so much from you!

Pup Fan said...

They're both so adorable... it seems like it would be impossible to choose! Any chance you'll be willing to have two little bros?

BeadedTail said...

We don't see how they can possibly decide between the two adorable kittens so you might just get two baby brofurs Rumbles!

Cat said...

Just totally adorable!!!!

Kat Wolfdancer said...

Yep, they both need to go wif you. You are RUMPLEPURR! You can do this wif STYLE! Twice the fun!

Lynx217 said...

ssssshhhhhhhhhh b careful or she'll come home with BOTH kittens!! Oh we all know TSB would if she could! haha!!!


We say go for both.
such total cuteness


"The Boys" and Karen said...

Awww, how adorable!

But how can you choose one and not the other?

"The Boys" and I vote for getting them both. You know you want to. You know we all want you to.


And then you won't have to choose one over the other.

Lin said...

Oh, this is wonderful news!! How nice to open your home to a new kitty friend! I can't wait to see how everyone adjusts to having a new kitty around. :)

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh my Ceiling Cat! How adorable are those two! We're glad you will soon have a new brother. We can't wait for the new pictures.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We think they should have taken you to help decide which one to have, but as they didn't, maybe they don't need to make a decision.They are both very cute.

Danielle said...

MOL! I agree with Sparkle. ;)

Gigi said...

Oh squee! (That was the Human, not me!) She thinks you need to have BOTH of them. You can boss them around all you want! And then when they're older, they'll always acknowledge you as TopCat. And, when they get really irritating, they can play with each other and stop bothering you, MOL.

P.S.: If they retain the ranks, you will have to be General Rumbles.

Ellen Whyte said...

Have both!

Thanks for your kind words about Au. We will make sure his last days are happy, and we won't let him suffer.

Jans Funny Farm said...

So small, so cute. We're sure you'll like either the Capt or the LC. Or both.

flicka47 said...

Oh,Rumbler! The Rumblemom is just going to have to take both,there's no other answer!

Because if she just takes one both Pimp and I want you to send the other one to us! See how that works? If she sent one to Pimp and one to me, there wouldn't be one left to be your brother!

So, the only answer is BOTH!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom keeps yelling "BOTH" ?

Happy Valentines Day to you!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Ooooooh! So much cute! They are adorable whatever their rank!!

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I agree with everyone. I would take both!

Happy Valentine's Day!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...



Hannah and Lucy said...

Where's the valentine that you promised us?????????????????
sob, sob, wail, wail Hannah & Lucy

Random Felines said...

OMC - those are some serious cute kittens!! Can't wait to hear about the decision.

Furry Bottoms said...

I want a kitten so bad! You could not go wrong with either of the two you showed here!!

The Crew said...

Take it from me, Rumbles. Training a kitten, or even 2, is quite a challenge, but it's worth it in the end. I personally trained Tipper, Max and Misty when they were each adopted into our home and now I have a great brother and 2 great sisters.

Feel free to come to me for any advice you may need.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Good grief can you possibly choose just one? They are both adorable!!!

Niles, Sam and Zorro said...

Awww, Rumble, how wonderful for you! Rumblemum is right, Inigo would definitely want you to have a playmate! We are sure your folks will pick the right brother for you.
Your very own leaving, breathing little (toy) brother! You'll be an excellent big brother & teacher. And you never know, feeding 3 cats is just as easy as feeding two, and as cheap...

Anonymous said...

Take two! You NEED both of them, yes, you do!

Gigi said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Rumble Family! Hope there's news soon :-)

Catsparella said...

Oh dear..extreme cuteness overload! I think you have to take them both ! :)

Clarissa said...

Mom's head just a-sploded from the kitten cuteness. Is there anyway you could have two new baby brothers? It would so hard to choose just one. And we love their names already!

Clarissa & Co.

Capt. Puff "Puffypants" McPufferson is always on the look out for new crew members.

Elyse K said...

Awww, Rumbles! Congratulations on your new baby brother to be! I love their names :)

Carolyon said...

Oooo! They are very cute! Maybe you could take both....
Now you must teach the little one all the proper ways to act around your house including when you are told off for walking on the bench you just quickly turn around and walk across the corner with a smile.

Unknown said...

Have Both!! They are so adorable I couldnt choose between them


CCL Wendy said...

OMCC! They are both so adorable, I don't know how you would choose. If it were me, I take them both.

HOOTe CAT blot said...

yah pals..
take both!
and the bear!

it's just one extra dish of GRUB a day.. and a few vet bills down the line..
for all that love!!!