Monday, April 18, 2011

Please purr for Rumbles - Rumblemum

I can't believe this is happening again.

Several days ago we thought that Rumbles had chewed thru and swallowed the string from his Da Bird toy.

I rang the after hours vet, their advice was to keep an eye on him, if he was off his food or throwing up then bring him in. He was doing fine up till a few days ago, so we ran him to the vet.

The vet took xrays and ran a test to make sure his insides were ok - he looked like he was doing fine till last nite. In the early morning hours he started throwing up like we've never seen before.

We took him into the vet, who was sufficiently concerned to want to do exploratory surgery.

They're still not sure what's wrong - there is no sign of the string, but he's got inflammation and the vets want to monitor him over nite.

Please purr for my boy, he's in the same cage as Inigo, and it just felt so sadly familiar. The vet he's at is  (in my opinion) the very best one in town, so he's in good hands. I just won't feel better till he's home with me.


Sparkle said...

Oh no!! I am purring very, very hard for Rumbles. Poor guy! I am glad to know, though, that he is in good hands. Please keep us posted.

Freya's Staff said...

Poor Rumblebum. We're purring for his bum to start rubling again!

Sending supporting purrs to you guys too, as the waiting can be horrible..

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Rumbles! Oh, no, we're so upset that you are sick. We are purraying so hard for you, and for your mom to get through this emotionally as well. Please get well fast. We are sending lots of love.

Catio Tales said...

Oh no, Rumbles. And Rumblemum and dad too - we are purring loud and non-stop. Please be okay Rumbletum. You've got a little bro who really loves you as well now too. We are glad you are in good hands. Paws are very tightly crossed - please keep us updated

Angela said...

Purring louder than ever before for my buddy Rumbles! Come on dude, you can do it!

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

Dear Rumblemum,

Zoey and I are sending all our purrs your way. Please tell Rumbles that we all love him and are holding him close in our hearts, and that he needs to fight with everything he's got to get over this!

Nosetaps and purrs,


Anonymous said...

Dear Rumblemum. All my purrrrs and prayers with Rumbles. Love...purrrrrs and hugs. Xoxoxo

I'm Mommy's Little Pooh ... Lainey said...

We are Praying for you Rumble XOXO we hope you are home VERY SOON! <3

Loves Lainey, Autumn and Chloe

Bad Andy said...

You've definately got my prayers for Rumbly to recover quickly! And for the VET too, so they may be inspired to figure out what is the trouble & get him home to you. Love and comfort ~Andy & mama

The Florida Furkids said...

We're turning up our purr machines for Rumblebum! We hope he just has a bit of tummy upset and is better soon.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Parker said...

Big Big purrs that he's gonna' be fine and home soon!

Old Kitty said...

Oh poor sweet Rumbles!! Oh no!!!

Oh me and Charlie are purring and praying very hard and very loudly for adorable Rumbles to get better. We are so sorry this is happening! We hope hope hope that Rumbles will be ok and will be home asap!!

Big hugs and take care

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Rumbles, Buddy! This is no fun at all! You must, must, MUST get better quickly!

Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs,
The Chans, Tommy, Vidock and #1

Mr Puddy said...

OH NO !!! Me and my mom are so so sorry. I do magic purrs so hard for you, Rumble !!!and my mom pray for you as well. I hope he will be safe and get better so soon.
We do love you Rumble
(((( Hug ))))

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are purring and purring and purring. We love you too Rumbles, be strong my friend!

Pandafur said...

noes, noes mai pal Rumbles can't be sick. Iz purring hard to make him betters to come home fast. *softpaw*

Nadbugs said...

Hang on, Rumbles. We're on vigil over here. Stay with us.

Princess Jasmine said...

Me and Simba are purring like mad for you Rumbles. Big hugs to your hoomans too xxxx

The Monkeys said...

Oh no! Big purrs coming your way, Rumbles! We hope that you get better soon and get home to Rumblemum soon!

marley said...

Big purrwoofs for you my pal. I do not gib you permisshun to get ill so hurry back to the rummblehouse pleez

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh poor Rumbly! I will send my best purrs for him to feel better real fast.

Elaine- said...

i'm sorry your Rumbly is sick, sending purrs straight up to Jesus from Audrey the kitty

Morris said...

Purring as loud as I can for my dear friend Rumblepurr and his Rumblefamily. Please get better soon!

*MegaMarmaladeMorrisHuggles* xxxxx

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh Dear God, I saw this on Facebook this morning and thought I was seeing things. I am praying for Rumbles....the poor baby, I am thinking of you and sending you many purrs and prayers!! (((((((hugs)))))))))))

The Daily Pip said...

My paws are crossed SO TIGHTLY for Rumbles! Please keep us posted.

Your best puppy pal, Pip

Link Bartholomew said...

We are purring very hard for you, floofy friend! Lots of love, Link and Lily

Fergus the Dog said...

Sending all the healing doggy licks Rory and I can muster and purrs from Arthur for my friend Rumbles. We have 12 paws crossed at our house for you buddy. xxx

pasikas said...

Sending Super strength Pasilove from Scotland xxxx

Pippen said...

Rumbles, dude... we've got our paws crossed for you and our kitteh brother is purring for you!

Get better!

Sam and Pippen

Josie said...

Purring for you and sending hugs to your mum!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! We are sending lots of purrs for Rumbles to feel better and get back home very soon.

Cory said...

Rumbles, we are sending you our loving and healing purrs. We won't stop until we know you are feeling better.

Kea said...

Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

Rumbles, we're sending you our loudest purrs, keeping you in our purrayers and sending as much universal healing Light as we can muster!

Please be better soon! (((Hugs))) to your mum!

-Fuzzy Tales

Nikita & Elvira said...


We are purring, & Purraying for you kiddo!

Elvira, especially, as she ate some string once herself, and knows what that's like.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Rumbles darling boy..PLEASE PLEASE get better. Your family and we friends are so worried about you. Sending love and purrs sweetest boy.

HH and The Boys said...

Oh no.... Rumbles I'm purring and purring for you, pal. Get better quick. I'm sending Rumblemum and Rumbledad all my good thoughts too.

I will be checking back..

pawhugs, Max

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh noes! Oh, Rumbles, we are purring very hard for you that they find out what the problem is. Please, please, please get well very soon. (((HUGS)))

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh no! My mom is leaky eyed again! Between Ginger Jasper, me, and now Rumbles, she said she just can't handle any more bad news.

Please, please get better soon. I'm purring for you and my mom is praying for your mom!

Lily said...

Please be OK Rumbles-we all love you so very much! Sending #HealingPurrrs to you and #SoothingPurrrs to RumbleMum. Will sit on #RumblesPorch til we hear you're all right. Purrrs Purrrs #pawcircle
<3 Lily

The Whiskeratti said...

No no no. We don't want this to happen again. We are sending purrayers over right away. Hugs to you all.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh dear, we are all purring and purring that it will not anything serious.
Purrs from all of us,

Clarissa said...

We are all purring hard for Rumbles and for you, too, Rumblemom. *PURRS*

Bear said...

We are all crossing our paws here that Rumbles will be just fine. We love him ...BearHUG! FUZZHUG! RosyPoodleKisses! MomHUG, thoughts and prayers.

Cat said...

OMG!!!! We are glad to hear he is in good hands but we unstand your worry. We are purring and praying hard for Rumbles and hoping he will be better soon.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Rumbles -

That is NOT a way to show your new brofur how to skhare your mum -

Paws khrossed woo are home soon!


meowmeowmans said...

Oh no, this is terrible! We are purring and praying for Rumbles, the vets and the whole Rumble Family. Be well.

Cheshire Kitten said...

Rumbles, we're purring with you buddy... and there's a LOT of us.

Cathy Keisha said...

Oh No! Not my Rumbles!! I'm coming over there to sit on #Rumblesporch and give him healing purrz. Awww, Rombles, please get better for stunning CK. Mwah!

Mariodacat said...

Oh noooooooo! I is covering my ears cuz I don't what to hear what M is reading. Rumbles just has to be okay! Rumbles buddy - I'm purring for you for all I'm worth. You just HAVE to be okay. M here - I will get lots of prayers going for Rumbles and for you RumbleMum and RumbleDAd. You have been through so much and were just beginning to look forward to new adventures with your new kitten. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and I won't stop until he's all well and back home with you. HUGS & LOVE.

Honeybell said...

'Honeybell Hugs' and mighty purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs my dear RUMBLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Coming over to get that damn string out of you and break you outta there! will bring a big toooona too! On my way! xo

BeadedTail said...

Oh noes Rumbles! We're purring very, very hard that you get better soon! We're glad you are in good hands and hope you recover quickly. Our mommy's heart goes out to Rumblemum and we're sending her lots of hugs too.

Katnip Lounge said...

We are purring our hearts out for you Rumbles and Rumblemum...we have everything crossed that we can that he'll be home safe, soon.
{{hugs}} from Mommy, too.

Meow_Girls said...

Oh, no Rumble Family. We are so sorry Rumbles is not feeling well. Know our humans and we are praying and purring for him. He is the sweetest boy. Hope you hear good things soon, Rumblemum. Sending you human and Meow_Girls hugs.
Penny and Tippy
Human Kathy

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Purraying like crazy for my sweet Rumbles. My love to all of you. Hang in there! He just has to be ok. He HAS to.

Anonymous said...

You have all our prayers and healing purrs - Phoebe and Sadie. xxoo

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh noes Rumbles! We are pulling out our bestest purrs for you! We are purring for an easy exploratory surgery and a quick easy fix to the problem!!!!!

Pup Fan said...

Oh no! Thinking of you and sending lots of healing vibes your way!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All paws crossed here for Rumbles - he just has to be OK. Hugs to you.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh no! We are distraught. We are sending HUGE healing purrs to Rumbles and (((((hugs))))) to the mommy ~ 'cos we know how worried you must feel.

Eleanor said...

We're all thinking of you Rumbles. Get well, hansome mancat. xxx

Angel Simba said...

Rumbles, I am going to purr as hard as I can till I know you are home again and well.

Corbin said...

My paws are crossed for him! I hope they figure out what's wrong and get him all fixed up so he can go home!

Furries said...

We're keeping our paws crossed for you. Raven ate a 15-inch piece of yarn a few months ago, but luckily she passed it. The vet said we were very lucky. We hope the vet finds the problem and you recover dry quickly. Healing purrs.

Random Felines said...

oh nos....we is purring really hard!!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We send lots of purrs and tail wags for him to get well and come home quickly!

CCL Wendy said...

Oh no! I can't believe it! Not again! Hopefully, this situation will come to a much happier resolution, but it's so worrisome in the meantime.

It must be related to what he ate -- otherwise it's just too much of a coincidence.

We're purring very hard for you Rumbles. You've got so much left to do, including teaching your new little brother what's right and what's wrong.

Get better soon, sweetie!

Everycat said...

Big rumbly purrs to you Rumbles! We hope the vets can help you and you feel better soon fella

& Gerry

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are purrrring our very hardest!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z purring hard fur yoo Rumble and sending calming thawts to Rumblemom, dis is not da way to get attenchun!

Catsparella said...

Oh, no!! I am so shocked and sad to hear this!! Sending out lots of love and purrs to you and Rumbles..I hope they can find out what's wrong as soon as possible so he can start getting better! :( *hugs*

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Rumbles, we are purring really loud for you. Get better very quick.
(((hughughugs)))) to your mum

Unknown said...

Ma and I will say our bestest prayers for Rumbles! Oh, I do hope he is all right. *paces nervously* Please keep us all posted on his condition!
Cairn cuddles to all,
Oz the Terrier

The Island Cats said...

Oh no! We just heard this news!! We are purring so very hard for Rumbles and hope he will be better soon!!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh my poor dear friend. I only just saw this. I am sending my loudest rumbliest purrs that you are ok, Please get well. Mum sends lots of love to your mum and we are thinking of you. Hugs GJ xx

MizzBassie said...

Oh no, I am so sorry Rumbles is ill. We are crossing our thumbs and claws for him. Healing purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.

M Dawson said...


Busy Buttons said...

Oh, my goodness! Mom & I will keep you all in our prayers. Please update us all soon...

Ikaika said...

Oh dear ... we are purring big healing purrs for Rumbles.

Marg said...

Oh No, that is just awful. Darn it all. We are sending tons and tons of purrs and many prayers. We just heard the news on the Catblogosphere. Come on Rumbles,you just have to get better. We sure will keep checking in on you. We are sending big hugs to Mom. She must be so upset.Hopefully he just ate something he shouldn't have. We are all crossing our paws for you Rumbles.

Sagira said...

Oh no...I'm so sorry to hear this. I sure hope he will be okay. Please keep us updated.

JustAnotherTrnd said...

DUSTY: We are sending Therapy Dog love and hugs to dear Rumbles.
HURLEY: Scribe is saying prayers. Blessings to you, dear Rumbles.

Daisy said...

Oh no! I am so sad and worried to hear this. Harley and I will link paws and purr our very best for sweet Rumbles.


We will put our purrs into super drive and purr our hardest for Rumbles.
Oh Rumbles please get better soon!


CagneyTheCat said...

We are praying and purring as hard as we can for you Rumbles! We love you so muches!

@CagneytheCat and her mom

George The Duck and the HotMBC Kittehs said...

Oh no. I am so sad to hear this Rumbles. I will quack hard and cross my wings that you feel all the way better soon.
*ducky hugs*

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Oh noes!Georgey tolded us yoo was not feelin good Rumbles. We will purr and purr and purr for yoo to feel all way better fast.
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

Kari said...

Oh sweet one! We are so sorry to hear of this horrible problem. We are praying and purring for you and sending our love your way.

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, noes!!! rumblepurr!! you MUST not be ill. you must get better immediately! we are purrrrrrrrrrrring extra-hard for you, darlin! an' even the dbd is grrrrrrin' softly--yield yerself to the power of the purr an' GET WELL!!

Jacqueline said...

We are so upset to hear this and will purr and pray for you, sweet Rumbles...We are sending you lots of smoochies and big hugs to your wonderful parents...Best of luck, precious friend...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Karen C. said...

Purrrrrs and love from all of us - be well! <3

Anonymous said...

That was us - Grr, Midnight, Cocoa, Rascal, Riley & Max - above. We didn't know our mom (Karen) was logged in. Though she says she's gonna purr for you too, in her human way.

Niles, Sam and Zorro said...

A million million purrs to you and your folks, Rumbles. All toes crossed.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

No, no, no, Rumbles, my friend! :( You have all my purrs and prayers and I'll keep saying them until you get better!! ((Hugs)) to you and your family!


Your Daily Cute said...

Oh no! I hope it's something the vet can find. How strange that it happened so suddenly. If it was the string, they would be able to see it in xrays, right?

Please get better soon, Rumbles! Pimp and Moo are purring, and I'll be thinking about you all the time.

Rumblemum, keep us updated, but make sure you take care of Rumbles first. We'll be here regardless.

{{hugs}} to all of you!

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor Rumbles! We're purring as loud as we can.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

So very sorry to hear this :( We will all send PURRS that he is OK... Hope that good vetdokter makes him all better! XO

Quill and Greyson said...

We ran right over! Purrrrrrrrrrrr deep breath and puuuuuurrrrrrr

Big hugs to you too Rumblemom!!!

momsbusy said...

adding you to our purrayer list. sending healing purrs your way.

kazoku neko

Gigi said...

Purrs x 1000s! We are keeping all good thoughts for Rumbles and his family! He is in good hands.

Carolyn said...

Oh sweets. My dear Abby threw up constantly for a year. X-rays, check-ups, nothing showed. Finally my vet (a cats only vet!) did exploratory surgery and found that her stomach was full of tumors. So many that she could not keep even water down. No choice but to put her to sleep. I miss her every day. I surely hope that this isn't your diagnosis!

Unknown said...

Dear Rumbles we has all our paws crossed you gonna be ok. And we purring up a storm just for you. Me n @Teikido and CiCi sending you special hug hug hugs sweet kitteh.

Sunny said...

poor baby...hope he feels better very very soon....purrrrrrrrr

Mama Gerbil said...

Hope you get better soon.

Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger said...

Sending purrs and prayers to you Rumbles

Lorenza said...

Paws crossed here for Rumbles!
I hope he gets better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Clooney said...

Dear Rumbles,

Please get better pronto! We are sending our biggest purrs and prayers your way and our very best thoughts to Rumblemum and Dad.

Luv Clooney & Neytiri

Forty Paws said...

We are sending tons of purrs and purrayers to Rumbles! Get better really quick, ok?

Luf, Us

AngelSmokey, Butterfly, Peekaboo! said...

RUMBLES! We have been praying for you. Worrying all day and night. Big hugs for you Buddy. Your pal, Smokey8

The Goforth Cats + Staff said...

We're purring for you Rumbles! Our assistant hopes you make a swift recovery.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Vice Purresident,

Please get wel soon. We luv u.

Shiva & Jaya

#NipClub said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TinyPearlCat said...

Pleeeeeze get better sooon! *pawhuggs n smooch* ~sending nip tea~

Hannah and Lucy said...

Rumbles please please get better - we are so worried about you. We hope your vet finds what is wrong quickly and you get home to your worried family.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Raven, Thor and Rio said...

Oh Rumbles Puhleeeeeze get better soon! We love you and this is no way to try and get the attention from that new brofur of yours :) However, it is working. You will always be #1 in our hearts and if you get tired of that brofur, come on over to Arizona and we'll keep you busy.

Love and purrsss....


Raven, Thor and Rio and Mama Lisa

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Healing purrs Rumble, hope you get to come home soon.

Mr Puddy said...

Rumble, I hope you are O.K.
I just come to check you
Purrs from me is still continue

Alessi said...

Lots of love and purrs for Rumbles. My kitty Lilith swallowed a ribbon a few months ago and had an operation to remove it. She is absolutely fine now - no doubt Rumbles will be the same.

Poppy Q said...

Big purrs to you Rumble dude. Get better soon and we send you lots of hugs to you and Diego and mum and dad.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Oh, NO!!!!!!!!! We are purraying nonstop for Rumbles this morning....and will continue to purray for him.

We send our love to him and to the 'rents at this unsettling time. We know you will keep us posted.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Oh dear - we are sending lots of purrs and prayers that Ruble is OK!

ZOOLATRY said...

Rumbles ~ we are sending as many purrs and as many prayers as we can gather up and they are all for you! Get better, purr-please, sweet one.

Flo said...

Sending purrs your way Rumbles! Get well my friend.

Boris Kitty said...

O my I did only just now finds out about dis and I iz beary worried fur ma pal. (and he fambly of course)

I will purr so hard fur he dat it be herd round da werld.

Plz gettin better Rumbles. PLEEZ!

Catmama said...

Rumbles - so sorry to hear about your tummy trouble. I was glad to see the FB post that you have come through the surgery okay. Many many purrs and prayers for a speedy recovery. And purrs and prayers for your humans who I am sure are very worried about you.

Kat's Kats said...

We are purring & praying as hard as we can!!

Much love,
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde & their Feeders

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Still purring for Rumbles!!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh no we just saw the post at the CB about Rumbles - oh we are so sending tons of purrs and prayers for him to be ok! Kirzon has swallowed something he shouldn't before and it took days for him to get better - we are so praying that is just the case with Rumbles and that he will be ok very soon! We are sending you comforting purrs and hugs too because this has to be extra hard for you with Inigo leaving so recently - but we won't think anyting negative beacuse we are sure Rumbles will be ok and home with you soon. We know Inigo is watching over him to make sure he will be ok.

Oskar said...

We will be saying pawerful prayers for Rumble!

Nubbin wiggles,

flicka47 said...

Oh Rumbler!! I just heard you weren't feeling well! BIG hugs for you and Rumblemom & Dad(& the LC too, bet he's missing you!).

Get well, get home & stop hiding the toys by eating them! There are better ways to teach the LC to share!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Rumbles we are purring and prayer really hard for you over at the Stamps Kitties house.
I love Mainecoon kitties. My Babybella is a Mainecoon kitty. They are not like regular kitties. They are really a special Breed of cats.
We Love You please get better!!
Jude the Dude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Oh no, Rumblemum!!! RUMBLES The dude of the NZ---our prayers and lots of purrs are headed your way. Tommy says she wants to hug your Rumblemum. I'm glad that VET is a good, otherwise I'm comin' cross the big lake and bite him!

Psalms 50:15

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh, Rumbly! We just heard via the CB that you were sick and had to be explored! We know how worried your family must be and look at all your furriends who came with get well wishes! We hope you are feeling better soon and recover quickly. It is scary to not know why you started vomiting, but like your vet is doing, one step at a time. Do they think your new brudder could have made you sick? Or that your immune system was a little stressed with the new addition and made you not able to fight off a bug?

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of purrrs and healing prayers for Rumbles!!!
Your TX furiends,

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh nos!!!! We just heard the news and are purring and praying hard for Rumbles.


Ozark Mountain Cats said...

Oh no. We're sorry to see that you're not feeling well. We hope everything goes ok.

Many, many Purrz

Meowers from Missouri said...

dear fellow--we are still purrin' an' purrin' an' purrayin' an' purrayin' fur you!! PLEASE get wells!!

Tamago said...

Rumbles, we are praying and purring very hard...please get well soon!!

Daniela said...

I am new to your blog and purring very very hard. I hope you are well and at home with your mommy very soon.
