Rumblemum has been neglecting us for that 'work' thing. I reckon this 'work' must have lots of kitties at it, cause she's spending a lot of time there and she's super-tired when she finally gets home.
We've been making our own fun, 'specially with the new playground!
I see you seeing me!! |
Prepare for a THWOCK, little kitten! |
*thwock* |
And finally, friends again |
A lot of you have noticed that my little bro is getting bigger... it's cause he STEALS MY TREATS! *rumblegrumble*
And his official name is now: Diego 'Hamlet' Moonfur. Official nicknames: 'Kitten' or 'Lamlet'
Gosh, he is getting HUGE! Maybe you should add the suffix "Rumblemunch" to his name?
Work is annoying! As is humans who go off, which #1 is planning to do this week. GRUMBLE!
The Chans
Lamlet grow so fast !!!! I should eat a ton of treats a day, I wanna be the biggest cat on my street !
Thanks for the tip : )
You two are so cute we can hardly stand it.
*sigh* i cant leave you alone with the kitten for a second can i? THWOCK
Hang on, Hang on a minute!!! THAT great furry 'thing' isn't DIEGO is it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Itty Bitty Kitty Diego of about two weeks ago??!?!?!?
I mean..........
He's HUGE!!!!!
Rumble - don't even think of letting that ......erm .......'kitten' near your treats I may send DashKitten around with an emergency supply........
* sneaks on while Mum is away *
Rumble - maybe 'piglet' not Hamlet as he eats your treats
*wicked grin *
Hey what a cute new bro! You two look like you're having fun.
That does look like you two are having some fun games. I am amazed, like he others, at how quickly the Lamlet has grown. My goodness, he is going to outgrow YOU, Rumbles.
Aww, isn't Lamlet growing up to be a cutie - just like you. So glad you enjoying playing nicely with each other. I hope you enjoy snuggling up too. Nothing nicer than another kitty to snuggle up with :)xx
Wow, what an awesome play centre! It's great you're friends now and just look how big Diego is getting....What a terrific expression he has in that last photo! :-)
ha ha - you are too cute together Rumbles. Lamlet and you are adoorable. I knew you would become the best of buds.
OMC! Lamlet is getting so big! We are glad you two are having fun playing together.:)
I think the two of you have already become best buds!
Mom Paula
Ugh, I hate the mom work thing!!!! Your little bro is HUGE!
Your pal, Pip
He must be eating a lot of your treats - he's getting SO big! What a cutie!
The two of you together are so sweet. And Diego is definitely getting big.
Awwww beautiful and most adorable Rumbles and Lamlet!! LOL! Awwwwwwwwwwww! Me and Charlie are so happy - so so so so so happy to see you two being the bestest buddies ever!! Yay!! Take care
Wow, Diego/Lamlet really has grown a lot. Good to see you both are back. Hope Mom's work thing lets up soon.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It looks like you two are having lots of fun...and yes, I did notice that Diego is growing lots!
We like RumbleMunch as a nickname for the kit! MOL!
He is getting big. You make sure he knows his place before he gets big enough to start winning tussles!
Little Hamlet is growing up fast! We love seeing you two boys together. We know angel Inigo is happy that you have a playmate again Rumbles!
Look at how big! Even Ichiro didn't seem to grow that fast!
Sure glad that little one has an official name now. So Hi there Diego. You sure are getting bigger now. We are thrilled that you two are friends now. A little Thwock isn't too bad every now and then cause you know that Rumbles is in charge, don't you Diego?? Hope all of you have a terrific day.
He's getting bigger but you still steal my heart. I'll never trade you in for another. xoxo
In reading everyfur's comments,I agree that little kitty is getting quite big! So, let's make his new name Piglet Moonpie Rumblemunch!
Cairn cuddles, Oz
THWOCK! *snickers* Get him, Rumbles!
OMC! Hamlet is getting so bigs already! Glad to sees you are having fun handsome Rumbles with your kitteh brofur.
He is growing very fast and it is so good to see you getting along so well. dont worrk too hard mum.. Hugs GJ xx
Why is it that Mums have to work? We just don't get it.
Rumbles, if your paw THWOCKS, does Hamlet's go thwick? Just curious, ha ha ha! You two look like you are getting on splendidly.
Awww, Rumbles and Diego! I'm glad you are friends again -- whew! You two are sure beautiful!
You guys look like you are having lots of fun!
Wow, he is getting big! Your playground looks like so much fun!
He's growing like a weed, as the saying goes.
Diego is growing soooo fast!
Glad you two have fun together!
Kisses and hugs
Aw... you two are so cute together!
That is very sweet that you two play together. My cats don't do that. There is a lot of spitting and running in our house. :(
it is wonderful to see you both getting along so well!!! It made me have a HUGE smile! (((hugs)))
Rumbles, You gotta be quicker to get your treats. Little Lamlet (excuse me, PIGlet) is growing entirely too fast. At this rate he'll be bigger than you by next Thursday.
I will khall him Snakhk!
Rumbles, they gets really big! Kozmo is bigger than me! Me loves your cat tree! Its like mine!
Just wait. He'll be bigger than you one day.
Oh my Cod that kitten is growing like it's nobody's business!
What is your mom feeding your brother on cos he will soon be bigger than you Rumbles if he carries on growing at this rate!!
You could end up being the baby again!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Rumbles, you got your paws full with this little fella. Just remember you are the boss. Miles is bigger than me and I have to remind him every day... most of the time I start by pooping in his favorite litterbox bonkbonk
have fun today
Makes me so happy to see you enjoying your playground!
Hahahaha. Hamlet...we love it!!
Gosh Diego, we haven't stopped by in a while and look how big you are now!
Hey guys, Pisi & Squeak have tagged you in a game called Meow Meow Me Me.
Please go to our blog ( for details. Hope you'll play along!
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