Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I've got my eyes on you kid!

I know you're plotting SOMETHING little one, you will not get away with it!!


Darwin said...

That's right, you tell em Rumbles! Wow Diego has grown up so quickly!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We thinks your little brother is ignoring your warnings Rumbles!

Princess Jasmine said...

We think there may be some fun about to start :)xx

Squiggy said...

Watch this one carefully Rumbles, although tag team chaos can be quite rewarding.

Sparkle said...

Kittens never pay attention, Rumbles, do they?

flicka47 said... thinks little Sandy Eggo is the one with something to worry about!

And just what are you up to here Rumbler?? Just keeping a close eye on your little brother so he doesn't come to harm?...snicker...

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

You iz a good brofur, Rumbles, babysittin' fur Diego like dat! (snicker, giggle, MOL)

Mr Puddy said...

May be his plot is about eating your tuna !!! : )
Watch Out !

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Diego is getting to be really BIG!

The Chans

Mariodacat said...

It's good you keep a close eye on him pal cuz I can see he's thinking "TROUBLE!"

The Monkeys said...

Rumbles, you and Sweet Pea are the same with your new little brothers. She keeps an eye on everything he does!

Cat said...

It's important you keep an eye on things Rumbles!!!

Angel Simba said...

Does your Dad LET him sit on the speakers? At least you are higher than he is, by sitting on the CD stand!

The Whiskeratti said...

Wow. Does Diego even know you're back there? :)

Fuzzy Tales said...

Diego is not so little anymore, Rumbles.

You know what they say...If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

It's good you're watching that little squirt. Baby is very impressed by your powers of observation.

Random Felines said...

Keep an eye on him - those little brothers can be trouble. (and we agree - he is getting big!!)

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Rumbles!!! Little Diego is so lucky to have you as his mentor and big brofur!! Yay! Take care

Marg said...

Diego, you really are growing like a weed. Good job Rumbles keeping your eye on your younger brother. They need to be watched constantly. You have a huge job doing that. We hope you get some rest every once in a while. Take care.

Unknown said...

Keep a your eyes on him Rumbles and makes sure yous lets him know who is Top Cat! Even though Kozmo is bigger than me now, he still backs down, but me is the Cat From Hell
Kisses sweet friend

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

There is no sleep when a crazy kitten is in the house!

marley said...

I see you is no longer top cat....who is the mysterious kitty on the top level of the podium?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Youngsters--Gotta Keep an eye on them all the time.

Hansel said...

look how big that kitten is getting! Rumbles, you better keep a close eye on him!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We know exactly what you mean, Rumbles. The little one here is always planning something too.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Elyse K said...

Awww, cute!

HH and The Boys said...

Yep... you need to provide guidance to that little one. They are always looking for something to get into.

Pawhugs, Max

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Who knows what goes thru the mind of a kitten? You can nefur outguess them and they are very daring!!! Good luck!

BeadedTail said...

Just as long as you don't get blamed for whatever Diego does!

M Dawson said...

THAT is DIego?????????

I mean that HUGE KITTEN is little Diego???

Tell Mum to get well soon and that YOU are boss cat :-)

Backcountry Brodie said...

Did you efur consider that you could take advantage of this and blame all your noggtinesses on the little one?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Never a dull moment huh Rumbles!

Luxington said...

You two look so good together! And my oh my is Diego growin up or what!

Athena said...

He definitely looks like he's up to something!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

it's always good to have a big brother watching out for you, or to tattle on you!!!


The Island Cats said...

Those little ones are sneaky, Rumbles! Keep a close eye on him.

Lin said...

WOW! He is certainly growing up quickly!! Look how big he is!!

The Daily Pip said...

Uh Rumbles, he is not so little anymore!

Your pal, Pip

Lorenza said...

Diego is growing very fast!
Hmmm.... keep an eye on him!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Sweet Purrfections said...

I've got my eyes on both of you handsome devils!

Mom Paula is back. There is a new website for the future kittens that I'd love for you to see!

Mom Paula

Gigi said...

OMC! Rumbles, what the heck is goin' on over there--what are your pawrents FEEDING him?? You're not gonna be able to knock him around too much longer, MOL!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoo tell 'im Rumbles. Yoo're the BOSS!

Meow_Girls said...

That's right, Rumbles. You the top cat plus you have to watch over Diego and make sure he doesn't get hurt.
You are still the Handsomest ManCat.
Tippy & Penny

Sagira said...

Good thing you are there to keep a close eye. :)

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, Diego is getting big! Rumbles, it's a good thing you're there to keep an eye on him!

Ellen Whyte said...

Yup, Diego is HUGE. You good friends now, Rumbles?

We've got a new kitten. Come and take a look?

Makropoulos said...

You guys are both so cute together! (from Pisi and Squeak)

Pup Fan said...

Good thing you're there to keep an eye on him!

Fluffy and Heather said...

I predict toppled desks and smashed CDs as the inevitable end to this scene! :) Love your blog - found it through the pet blog hop Fluffy and I just joined.