Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rumblemum here...

Hi all,

I was giving little Diego a combing today, because I've noticed he's been shedding. While I was combing his ruff I noticed a large, red bald patch.

My first instinct was that he's been over grooming - but the location of the patch isn't somewhere he could easily wash or bite. He has been scratching a bit in that area over the last few weeks, so it might be that?

He and Rumbles have also been play fighting - but I don't think it's something Rumbles would have done - he's such a gentle boy.

Unfortunately I noticed the patch after the vet had closed, and I don't want to take him to emergency, I'll take him in tomorrow. I've plugged in the Feliway in case it is stress or over-grooming.

Has anyone had a similar experience?


Sparkle said...

I am sending purrs Diego's way - I hope the vet can figure it out and get him sorted out! It could be any number of things from what you describe and I figure why even conjecture when the vet will have a much better idea than me. Whatever it is, I hope it is easily treatable!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We agree with Sparkle. There could be lots of different explanations and sometimes, these things remain a mystery. The important thing is to treat them so they go away! Be brave, Diego!

The Chans

Mariodacat said...

Mario's mom her - the first to come to mind are allergies and stress. Yes, just get him seen. My daughter's cat goes thru this every year about this time and they never could pinpoint what her problems is/was. Just have him seen by a vet and treated.

catageek said...

Hi - is the sore anywhere near where he's been flea treated lately? Monty has that exact reaction to almost every sort of flea treatment - which is why I only flea him when he needs it.

He also gets a sore just above his shoulder blades every year around Jan/Feb which the vet is sure is a pollen allergy. Tho that seems less likely at this time of year with little Ham

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Thanks guys. It could be pollen - I know several people at work are suffering with pollen, so maybe that's what Hammy has.

We haven't been flea treating the boys because they're indoor only (unless they're on the deck in their Kritter Kondo) Thinking about it I don't think I've ever flea treated Hammy - we used to with Inigo and Rumbles when he was younger.

Thanks for all the responses so far :)

HH and The Boys said...

Yes, I agree with the others... the best answer is to have the vet see him. Sending purrs for an easy answer. I know you'll be glad to just know the reason.

pawhugs, Max

Random Felines said...

hope the vet can help (never fails you find this stuff after they close - MOL). our angel Butterscotch would get similar spots - in his case it was flea allergy.

Fall Into Books said...

Hey, it's Joey's Mom. I doubt it's anything serious, but it's probably annoying for Diego and could become serious if it gets infected. It could be a hot spot (an irritated skin patch basically), a place where he got his fur caught and pulled out a tuft accidentally, or as Mario's mom said, allergies or stress. I hope it's something that's easily fixed!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all sending purrs to Diego! Yep, probably allergies or stress fur sure!

Marg said...

Sending Diego tons of purrs. I am taking a cat to the vet today for the very same thing except she has spots and bald spots all over her body. Hope you are all right Diego. Take care.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Milo gets this ~ so I took him for a check at the vets. I was told it was stress that had caused Milo to overgroom ~ and it would heal in it's own time. I think it's best to check with a vet though as there can be other causes.
Sending love and purrs. xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

Allergies? Reaction to something else? Stress? We hope it's nothing to be concerned about, are sending purrs!

Cat said...

Poor Diego, we hope he will be okay!!!

The Whiskeratti said...

Sounds very uncomfy, but prolly not serious. Please let us know what the Stabby Place hoomins say.

Angel Simba said...

It sounds like you have lots of good suggestions and so long as it does not seem like an abscess is there, you can be more relaxed about it in terms of getting him to the vet. Be a good boy, Hammy!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww hugs and healing purrs to sweet Diego! Yes, I agree with what's been suggested so far - could be an allergic reaction to something external (plant, fabric, litter?), skin condition reaction to fleas maybe? Oh dear!! We say so long as he continues to be bright and cheerful and eating and using the litter ok, then hopefully it's a temp thing and will go away asap! Hugs, hugs, hugs! take care

marley said...

Hey, Rubmles, I ope this is not THWOCK scars or you be in trubble wiv me....

Katnip Lounge said...

Miss May Ling had something similiar and it turned out to be a bite that was healing. It took a long time to refur.

Cathy Keisha said...

Poor Hammy! I agree with all the other commenters but the vet will know for sure.

Jacqueline said...

Sending healing purrs to precious Diego; we hope it is nothing serious and you feel better soon, sweetie...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We don't have any good info for you, but we hope it gets figured out.

Meowm has had trouble with Orion pulling out his furs from time to time. The v-e-t thought it was allergic reaction to his foods, but Meowm doesn't think so. She has tried different foods at different times. Sometimes he stops, sometimes he keeps going. It's a mystery.

Good luck Hammy!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, poor Diego! Moosey does that when he gets stressed out. Sometimes, even the landscaping crew outside, or a loud motorcycle going by will scare him. :(

Lorenza said...

I have no idea what could be but sure I hope the Vet will give Diego the right treatment so he will be better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

The Island Cats said...

I agree with what the others have told you. It may be allergies, pollen, stress. If he's been scratching a lot in that area, it makes me think more allergy related. It's best to have the vet check it out. Let us know what the vet says!

Island Cats' mom

Catio Tales said...

Paws are crossed for little Hamlet. Let us know what the vet says please. Purrs x

Unknown said...

Oh dears! That is awful! Me is purraying for Hamlet.

A Tonk's Tail said...

Mowzers! Purrs to the Hammy boy! Hopefully the V-E-T will figure it out fast and have many good recommendations for fast healing!

Anonymous said...

If it was self inflicted over grooming and the skin is intact and the V-E-T rules out a medical issue you might want to try bitter apple spray on the fur around the bare spot. It was created to stop poodles from chewing fur groomed for the show ring. [beats wearing the cone of shame] Stopped my Siamese from sucking the end of his tail.