Friday, September 28, 2012

Bye bye Kiwi sweetie pie - Rumblepurr

And so I bid farewell to Mister Kiwi. He's a VERY lucky fella, going to live with the BOOTIFUL Miss Fiona and her devoted Staffperson.

Please give this smoochie to Miss Fiona from me!


Catio Tales said...

Oh no, we wanted Äiti to bid again on that little kiwi, but we know it raised loads of money and is off to a fantastic home. And it comes with free Rumbledrool and Hammydribble. Yum!

marley said...

You is smoochin birds now? Huh? mebbe you likes a smooch on dis instead....*THWOCK*....

HH and The Boys said...

What is goin' on here? You smoochin' in front of the whole world? You are a very secure mancat indeed.....

Have a great day...

hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

Sparkle said...

How cool for Miss Fiona!

The Florida Furkids said...

We know Mr Kiwi will have a great life with Miss Fiona!!!

The Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Kiwi will be very happy with Ms. Fiona...and vice versa!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We want to know where our smooches are Rumbles.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cathy Keisha said...

Fiona Kitty is a very lucky kitty to have Staffpurrson AND a kiwi that Rumbles put the loving on.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Have a safe trip Kiwi!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

rumble; trooly, if we wuz sayin good bye ta a burd, we wood bee havin a cell a brayshun like de best ever !!!! quite frank lee.... we wood never says hello ta a burd frum de start...but then we haza "thing" bout burds ya noe...hay, enjoy yur week oh end !!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I think you will have left lovely smells on Mr Kiwi for its new owner.. Hugs GJ xx

meowmeowmans said...

That's sure a nice sendoff, Rumbles. Have fun with Fiona, Kiwi!

Angel Simba said...

We hope that Fiona posts a picture of the Kiwi birdie when it arrives! Safe travels.

BeadedTail said...

Oh how we wish is was us you were smoochin!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww! Bye bye Mr Kiwi!!!! It's going to a great home gorgeous Rumbles and lovely Diego! Take care

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, how sweet! I'm sure it's new owner will love it, and love the kiss it came with!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Kiwi will be in a great family!

GLOGIRLY said...

he's a lucky little kiwi!
: ) Katie

Sweet Purrfections said...

We're glad Miss Kiwi could help out with the auction.

Ellen Whyte said...

Well that's a relief! For a moment we thought someone had died!

A Tonk's Tail said...

MOWZERS! Staffpurrson's the bestest! Kiwi will have a nice home over the water in the US.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Safe journey Mr Kiwi.

Unknown said...

Congrats to Miss Fiona !
I hope you're not too sad...

Unknown said...

Congrats to Miss Fiona !
I hope you're not too sad...

Daisy said...

Oh dear! I hope you do not miss your Kiwi friend too much.

Marg said...

Oh Rumbles, that must have been sad to part with the Kiwi bird. Glad you put lots of drool on him. That is one cute bird for sure. That sure was nice of you to put that on the auction. Take care.

Gigi said...

Maybe some nice Rumblemum will find you a Kiwi bird of your furry own so you won't miss him too much???

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

I hopes Mister Kiwi has a safe journey. His poor little wings are going to be so tired by the time he gets to his new home. I'm sure he'll be quite happy with Miss Fiona and her Staffperson though. *Head-bonks*