*sniffle* My army of ducks has flown the coop! Well, except for my beloved cat-ducks - they remain MINE.
APPARENTLY the ducks were bought for Rumblemum's work. Further proof that this 'work' she's always going to is, in fact, FUN. I think they need a Rumblepurr there, to oversee any and all duckies...
To make it up to me, she put my cat-ducks to water!
I think you guys are a bit confused about this whole 'swimming' thing |
Ok, Grey Duck seems to have figured it out |
Yup, by jove he's got it!!
I didn't really play with the duckies in the water, I thought I'd let the little guys have their fun and I'd just watch. When Rumblemummy took the ducks out of the water I decided it was time to address the troops.
Ok little Black-and-white Duck. I hardly saw you out there Quite frankly, you remind me a bit of Hammy |
Maybe you need a bit of a push... you know, to motivate you! |
No? You don't like water? You want me to protect you? |
Ok, down you go! We'll discuss your performance in a bit more detail later. I warn you, there may be noming |
Now. Orange Duck. About that sideways swimming. Not cool, Duck. Not cool |
(For everyone that was asking where we got the cat-ducks... they were a wonderful gift from one of our friends, the wonderful Miss Peggy! We love the cat-ducks and Rumblemummy is NOT allowed to take them anywhere near her work.)
Rumbles, you should get into the sink and SHOW those ducks how to swim!
Just an idea....
Just as well, Mum wants them MOL!!!!
We love these duckies too - but maybe not so close to water.
I'm not much into duckies, cat or otherwise - mainly because I am not into water either!
I would LOVED to play with cat-ducks in the sink :)
Those duckies look like they'll like some bobbing about in the water!
Wow, you're a strict Sargent to your cat duck troops!
Oh too funny Rumbles. Our silly duckies swim sidewards also. Those darn kitty duckies are a little on the lazy side. Glad you addressed the troups. Maybe you can get them straightened out. We may have to send our duckies of to you so you can train them. That could be your new project.
Thank cod Rumblemum didn't take YOUR cat rubber duckies to her work! With as many of them that Mom Peggy has donated to auctions, you'd think she'd let us have our very own! Boohoohoo!
Are you the Commander in Chief of the Duck patrol Rumbers?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
we love seeing those cat ducks... mom said one of the rescues used them for a drawing and those guys couldn't swim either MOL
That has got to be the cutest thing ever! I never thought to have floating duckies for my cats before. I'll have to remember that for the future!
Hmmm....we need to find out if our cat ducks can swim. We might have to give them lessons if they can't!
The Florida Furkids
dood...pleez knot ta bee sads...de over lee large rood noizee stoooooooopid burdz iz gone, this bee a time for sell a bratin...tell yur mom ta pleez ree mind her self neer ever ever ever ta bring burds home....ever again...thanx !~~~
Moosey loves water. He wants to know if he can come over and help you get those ducks in order. :)
Those are so cool Rumbles! Hey, stop by Friday and see mine!
Those cat ducks are awesome!
The Chans
What cool duckies you have! Don't tell Mum I told you but she's got a rubber duckie in her tub too...the big quack!
Rumblemummy must have a cool job to be involved with your army of duckies! Rumbles, you are a great coach, we loved your advice to theese cat duckies of yours and we loved the post, it is awesome!
Hey Rumble, we have a couple of those cute cat ducks, but our mom doesn't let us play with them. You are very right to protect your kitty duckies and not let your mom remove them from the premises. Have fun! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
oh Rumbles you totally laying down the paw to those ducks for sure. And we just BET there will be nomming too! Sideways swimming indeed! HARUMPF!
Your cat ducks look like a lot of fun, Rumbles! But they might need swimming lessons.
OMC! That looks so fun. We want some of those :) Rumbles, you did a good job telling those duckies what to do.
We wouldn't let your mommy take the cat-ducks anywhere, either!
For a minute we thought your mom took your kitty duckies to work and we were going to come down there and give her a piece of our mind. We need to get some of those ducks!
We are on our way to help train the duck patrol!
Handsome Rumbles, show your duckies who's boss!!MOL...Happy weekend, precious friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat
You should go over to Brian's and check out their duck!
Yes Rumblemummy, hands off those catducks are for Rumbles :-)
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