Friday, September 25, 2009

Flashback Friday : Laughing at Rumbles!! - Inigo

Heh heh heh... these are the very first photos of Rumbles when he arrived at our house. Mummy and daddy tried to have us in separate rooms 'cause they were worried we might not get along, but all I wanted to do was meet my little brother!!

I complained till they let him out, then we had fun times with the tunnel... mummy and daddy were so impressed at how well we got along.

(this was BEFORE Rumbles started stealing my food and my mummy cuddles mind you!!)

I kinda laughed a little bit at how big his ears were, but he's sure grown into them.


Teddy Westlife said...

RumbleyBoy, I do not think you looked funny at all. I think you looked very cute!

Huffle Mawson

flicka47 said...

You need a reaction column for "sweet". You were a very cute baby Rumbler!

Misha said...

Those are some supa dupa ears!

Forever Foster said...

The kyoot! It's too much! What precious big ears:)

Cat with a Garden said...

Great frootbat ears. We're impressed you got along from the start. When Chilli moved in last November is was a week full of growls and hisses until we finally settled.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

The Whiskeratti said...

How cute!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

What cute ears. He was a real little frootbat. Earlier when we saw your post in our reader we got the message that it was by invitation only. It's okay again now though.

The Island Cats said...

Aw, how cute! Hey, sometimes you get along real quick and sometimes you don''s great that you two were the real quick kind....

Cats in trees said...

Wow, the little Rumbler took cuteness to a whole new level.

Unknown said...

Aww.. how cuute! It is GREAT that you both got along so well!

We are still trying to have Tigger and Jigsaw get along....and we've now had Jigsaw ... ... it will be 2 years come Feb.

It is mostly Tigger's fault, I think... I is a big wuss...Jiggy only wants to play and be friends, but Tigger either hisses and bats at him (rare) or runs and hides. :::sigh:::

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We loves those ears! Your brothers ears are real cute... now and then!!

SeaThreePeeO said...

YAY! We can read your blog again!

Aww how cute was Rumbles with his huge bat ears!

The Monkeys said...

What a cutie you were (and is)! Those ears are just adorable

Quill and Greyson said...

SQUEEEAAAALLLLLL! Mom keep it down!

Daisy said...

Oh gosh, I can see your blog again! I got a message that only invited users could see your blog and I was scairted that I had been uninvited.

Those big kitten-y ears are adorable.

Anonymous said...

We is so happy that you loved your little brofur right from the furry beginnings but some kitties can be a little, shall we say, "catty" about the exPURRience.

Please come to our blog today to support a furry imPAWtant cause fur us companion animals.

The Kitty Krew said...

Look at those frootbat ears! MOL We're glad you growed into them, Rumbles. You sure was a cute little kitten, and now you're a handsome mancat.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Danielle said...

Nice ears, dude! My bean is suffering from an overdose of your cuteness. :)

Milo and Alfie said...

Oh very cute!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, he was such a cute little! We tried to visit you on Friday, but it said we were "denied Permission". We're guessing there was a glitch in the Matrix.

Morris said...

Grrrrr. Mummy says she wants to steal Rumbles and cuddle him cos he was so cute! BAD MUMMY!

Lynx217 said...

That reminds me of Curzon at that age - grew ears first, spent the rest of his life growing into them! What an adorable kitten he was!