Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm going on a trip! - Rumblepurr

Check out my adventure, I'm gonna go to San Fransisco! 


soxycat said...

lucky kitty!

Misha said...

Did you know my former Ragdoll neighbours live in San Fran now? You should pop in to say Meow!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You have a safe journey!! Be careful not to set off any earthquake tremors!!

Winston said...

How exciting!

Sparkle said...

That's right - NO EARTHQUAKE TREMORS! I live in southern California, so I know all about those.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Better hold on tight then!

Angel Simba said...

Come a little further and visit me!!

Kate said...

"Leaaaaving on a big train, don't know when you'll be back again"

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, fun! Keep us posted.

Kea said...

Oh, that's very exciting! We can't wait to read all about your adventures there!

Anya said...

Have a safe trip....
Enjoy !!

Hugs from Kareltje =^.^=

The Monkeys said...

Our Mommy's friend just visited San Francisco and she said it was beautiful! She brought us a mug...

Cindy said...

What a fun trip you will have!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Don't forget to check out the seafood down at the pier!

Keiko said...

Hold on tight! That looks like a nice ride.
Have a nice trip!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

WELL, if woo are gonna travel all that way, what's a few thousand more miles -

Head to Pawsylvania and see ME!


Raymond and Busby said...

Our house is just 90 minutes south of San Francisco! Let us know when you are coming. xoxo

Jacqueline said...

Safe trip Rumbles; we're sure you'll have a great time and look forward to hearing all about your adventures...Where's Inigo?...kisses gorgeous...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

BeadedTail said...

A trip to San Francisco? We live a few hours north of San Francisco so be sure to stop by and see us too!

Anonymous said...

Have lots of fun! be sure to eat some Rice~A~Roni, it IS THE San Fransisco treat, ya know.

Anonymous said...


Mariodacat said...

Oh My GOSH - that is so exciting. Well, since you are half way to WI, just come a little farther and visit us.

Anonymous said...

Yup, you'd better keep that purr down to a dull rumble!

Pirulo Furry said...

Great! Is Iñigo going, too? Have a safe trip!

Busy Buttons said...

AUGH! Be careful! Please don't fall off and get hurted.

George The Duck and the HotMBC Kittehs said...

That looks like a fun trip Rumbles! Since you'll be on this continent, stop by the House of the Mostly Black Cats too. We have temptations and all sorts of other treats.
*ducky hugs* George

Katnip Lounge said...

Take a detour to Vegas and come visit us on the Catio!


* woo hoo *

That sounds like a LOT of fun!
We cant wait to hear all about it.


Pumpkinpuddy said...

Hi handsome. When are you coming to Colorado?

The Island Cats said...

How fun! Mom says San Francisco is one of her favorite cities!

Gigi said...

Oh boy! Oh boy! You can come visit me!

Sweet Purrfections said...

California, here I come!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Our mom loves San Francisco. She used to live there. She thinks you are very lucky.

marley said...

Trip to the vets. What for? Your black eye. Which black eye? Dis one *THWOCK*

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a wonderful adventure you are going to have!!!!!! Oh, yes, The Fisherman's Wharf!!!!!!

Noll's Nip said...

What a treat!

Anonymous said...

You're so lucky. We have missed visiting you. Thanks for stopping by!

Big hugs,


CCL Wendy said...

Wow! That's a great place, Rumbles! I've been there a couple of times. You'll really like it, there's lots to see and do.

Whatcha doing there anyway?

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

That is one cute photo--with your tail draped so purrty!