Sunday, August 15, 2010

What do you do with a box of Rumbles?

Photograph it of course!!

How YOU doin'?

What's that you say? Tuna sale?

That's actually not as funny as you think it is.

Top o'the world ma!!
Zombie cat finds hunt for brains futile in this house...

For those that were wondering, Rumbledad got a Cannon EOS 500 D camera. And yes he is enjoying using it very much.

When Rumblemum pointed out that it would have been smarter to maybe get the camera BEFORE the model contest started rather than AFTER, Rumbledad mumbled something and walked away.... heh heh heh


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The khorrekht answer is tape it up and ship it to KHYRA


Boris Kitty said...

I wants a box of Rumbles! sends it to me!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Awww poor Dad!!

Love the captions with the expressions!

Love that kitty!!

Cat Chat

BeadedTail said...

We'll take a box of Rumbles and Inigo too!

We're just glad your dad is going to be taking more photos of you two handsome boys!

Angel Simba said...

Lovely photos, Rumbledad. Enjoy your camera.

Busy Buttons said...

I totally want a box of Rumbles. Seriously. I'm going to put that on my "wish list" for Mom for my birthday...

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Baby would love to jump in that box with you!

Katie Cat said...

My little kitty heart is going pitter-pat at the sight of all of these handsome pictures! I might swoon. ::THUD::

Shiva & Jaya said...


If you want stamps, u just print! They free of charge!

Make sure that when u get a box full of tunas it has our stamps on it!

Shiva & Jaya

SeaThreePeeO said...

Dad can be so daft sometimes!

Sparkle said...

That's a very nice camera! My human almost got one of those. And um, yeah, hate to say it, but your male human should have gotten it before the contest. It takes a great picture.

Teddy Westlife said...

You are looking mighty handsome there Rumbly!

Marg said...

We definitely want a box of Rumbles. The ladies here would be so excited if he arrived in a wonderful box. Actually they would be excited just to have a visit from that handsome dude.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

We would like a large box of Rumbles please. . . . . .

Old Kitty said...

Awwww GORGEOUS Rumbles!! You are a cheeky little kitty!! LOL!! You are so adorable and so clever too!

Yay that you got a lovely prize!!! You are a STAR!!

What would me and Charlie do with a box of Rumbles?? SWOON at your gorgeousness!

Take care

Mishkat said...

We love these photos - and the captions are PURRFECT (we laughed at the last one - sometimes we act that way too!)

Many purrs, Rumbles!

The Island Cats said...

Where can we get a box of Rumbles??

Hannah and Lucy said...

We'd like a box of Rumbles too. - Do we have to pay customs duty on a Rumble Box?

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Where do I send my address? You can send the box *thunk*. \Pumpkin? Oh, not again. This happens every time you visit this site. Get up.\ What? Oh, hi Mom. Anyway. Send that box of Rumbles to me. I have lots of nip and lovely shrimps to share.

missbreezysbox said...

Great camera. I got a new one recently. Love the photos and captions. Hope the NZ contest is going great.

Hansel said...

Give it love and squeeeeeeeze it?! That's what mom bean would do.

Katnip Lounge said...

A Box o'Rumbles? Sign us up!

Hee hee...Mommy is laughing about the search for brains...

Pup Fan said...

Cute! Everyone should be so lucky as to have a box of Rumbles. :)

Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

These are great photos and captions!!! My humans love to take pictures of their "box of fur" and, hey, I don't mind posing for that!! ***Purrrs***Dorian

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Mom said the correct answer is smoochie Rumbles!

The Daily Pip said...

Hi Rumbles, you are looking good as always. The camera sounds fun AND that box well, that looks very cool!

Your rebel pal, Pip

Brian's Home Blog said...

The answer to that question is easy...SHARE!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I will take a box of Rumbles please.. Love the pictures.. Hugs GJ xx

Cat said...

We'd like a box of Rumbles over in Canada...please send him along :-)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Mum said can you put her down for a box of Rumbles too. She will pay the postage.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Looks like you will get plenty of use out of your new camera. You certainly have the purrrfect model! Great photos!

Ellen Whyte said...

But you're getting some great shots!

Sweet Purrfections said...

That camera is taking excellent pictures, but look at the subject.

My mom has a Canon EOS Rebel that is about 6 years old, but it still takes the best pictures of me.

Kate said...

I'll accept a box of Rumbles... if its quiet at naptime...

Happy Monday!

What a bright camera happy Dad you have!

Jacqueline said...

Great, fun photos!...Happy week handsome friends...kisses and more kisses :)...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Sagira said...

Congrats on the new camera! My dad just got a new one as well a Nikon D300S I think it what he calls it.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Mommy would LOVE a box of Rumbles. She would pet,hug, snorgle and love!!!

Moxie Paws said...

Rumbles seems like a natural runway model to me...! Hope you had a great weekend!

ZackRabbit said...

you can ship yourself here, Rumblepurrs! and den we play lots videogames together & haf lots nommies :) oh ok, u can bring mom & dad too! heehee! nice camera!

Cory Clark said...

Our Mom says "hindsight is always 20/20" - we're not sure what that means, but we think those are great pics of you, Rumbles!!

You're top model in our book!!

Have a happy day!!

~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

Gigi said...

The Human and I are that last picture! If you'd had that one during the contest, you definitely woulda won!

Anonymous said...

I be Rosie "da boss" Cat - Mr. Pip's feline sister. I just popping by to introduce myself. I don't have my own blog YET, but Mr. Pip be my social secretary. If you ever in Chicago, you give me a call.

Yours truly, Rosie "da boss" Cat

Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

@RosieDaBossCat -- Nice to see a fellow Chicago feline on here too!! Stop by and let us know when you have your blog up and runnin! ***Purrs***-Dorian

Vicki said...

You are having fun with that box! I love them too!

Raven, Thor and Rio said...

1 box of Rumbles please but hold the Zombie kitty - we trying to keep our brains