Wednesday, September 29, 2010

From the Rumblemum

We went to see Inigo at the vet today. He was so bright and happy yesterday, and he'd been eating so well... today he was not so bright.

He purred at us, and was trying so hard to be himself, but I can tell he's not well.

There is a very real possibility that he's got more fluid in his chest. We'll know more tomorrow as the vet will x-ray him in the morning. If it is more fluid... well we're running out of options.

I know I've asked a lot of you all, but please...please... purr or think good thoughts for my gentle boy. I'm hoping against hope that he was just not hungry when we came by, and that there is no more fluid in his chest. He's such a good boy, loves to be loved, and always there with a cuddle if we were feeling down.

Rumbles is not himself either, he keeps looking for his big brother.

Please keep him in your thoughts for tomorrow.


Sparkle said...

You know that I am absolutely purring overtime for Inigo!! I am very concerned about him too.

Honestly, it really sucks that he has to go through all this. :-(

Angela said...

Even bigger purrs and positive thoughts for Mr Flufflebum.

All the best for tomorrow. Paws and hooman fingers and toes crossed.

Puss said...

Will be purring all day for Inigo.


Anonymous said...

We are purring big time for Inigo, maybe he just not happy to be there and wanted to come home with lil bro, mum and dad.

Paws and fingers crossed to.


Isagold said...

Dear Inigo, pleaz get bettr soon... we want u & Rumbles to be happy & da rumbleparents not be worryin... me, #BettyBlue and @WallasEKatt all purrin fur ya neow, love @Isagold xox

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Cody and I are praying for Inigo...has the vet tried Lasix?
When my Bobo had the same condition the doctor was able to manage the fluid by his heart quite well for a few years with Lasix...if it is available there and you haven't tried it, it is worth a try.
You are in our thoughts and prayers and our hearts

Anonymous said...

We're purring our best for him!

Teddy Westlife said...

We are all very worried about Inigo here. I am sending my best purrs.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're hoping that Inigo will be better soon. It's always scary when a furkid is sick.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mom and I are praying and purring for Inigo.

Mishkat said...

We're sending many many purrs to Inigo - and also to the whole Rumble family. Really hope he will be OK!

Love and purrs from Franklin, Dobby, Tasha, and Mom Katie

P.S. from Katie - one of our senior cats, Henry, had congestive heart failure with fluid build-up, and, like Inigo, his was also episodic. But Henry was 13 and also had chronic renal failure as well as some other health issues so treatment was quite difficult. Very much hoping that Inigo's youth and strength will help him get through this!

Kruse Kats said...

We wish the best for Inigo whatever the outsome. Poor rumbles! So lost without his buddy. Leaky eyes from Mom, purrs and head licks from us guys. Maggie says she can ship her little brother to keep rumbles company. Mom doesn't think too much of that! MOL

Anonymous said...

Rumbles I thinking only good thoughts and purrs for you brother Inigo, for you and your humans. lots of love and hugs. xo

Admiral Hestorb said...

I love that sweet baby and I am purring for him. Mom has leaking eyes and we both want Inigo to rally.
Purrs and kitty kisses on the nose.

Kea said...

We are sending out all the purrs and prayers and Light we can. Paws crossed tightly for sweet Inigo.

Bella and Ollie said...

We are so sorry to hear he feels unwell. We are praying for you.

Love, Bella & Ollie.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are all trying to stay hopeful for you and Inigo. We sure hope today is a better day. Please give Rumbles some extra snugglies from us.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Marg said...

Inigo, we are sending tons of purrs, 2 woofs, 2 Hee haws, and a Baa. We sure hope you get a hold of a miracle and get all better. Poor Rumble is so lonely. Lots of hugs to Mom and all the rest of you. Take care

Old Kitty said...

Oh sweet and lovely Inigo!!! We hope and purr and pray that the vet's visit will be a positive one and that you don't have anymore fluids in your chest!! We are so so so so hoping that you'll be ok! Please be ok!!

And hugs to Rumblemum, dad and Rumbles.

Take care

The Whiskeratti said...

Inigo, please get better so you can come home soon! Everyone needs you. :nosetaps.

Clarissa said...

Still purring for Inigo. Yoo has to get better buddy. Your brofur and your purrents need you!


Cat said...

I am praying for Inigo and my boys are purring their hardest! I am so sad that he is not well and that Rumbles is upset too! Fingers and paws crossed that the xray will provide some good news for all of you!

PS - Does the vet know what is caused the fluid build up int he first place?

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We feel your pain and your worry so very much. Just love him every minute and fate will decide the rest. We are all purring for you, and sending little woofs and a big hug.

The Chans, Tommy and #1

SeaThreePeeO said...

We purring extra specially hard xxxx

Angel Simba said...

Mom is praying and I am purring for your sweet boy. Oh, please, vet specialist person, work out the right medicine to stop the fluid accumulating.

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom to Rumblemom: big hugs to you! I hope everything is better today!!

Anonymous said...

We are sending HUGE purrs and purrayers to Inigo!!! We will be sure to have effuryone stop by!

Pandafur said...

We iz all purring an we won't stop til Inigo iz better an homes again *softpaw*

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Sweet Inigo has been in our purrs and purrayers and will stay there.....we just want him to get well. Love to all of you.

Raymond and Busby said...

We are purring and our humans are praying that Inigo gets through this and the Vet can figure out how to control his condition. It makes us sad that he is uncomfortable, and we are sure Rumbles misses him and feels your stress too. xoxo

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are purring and purring for dear Inigo - we hope you will be feeling a little better today.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Inigo, sweetie, we are purring healing purrs so hard for you right now! (((HUGS)))

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm so floofing my tail fur Inigo

AND the rest of woo too


Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters Sascha, Gracie, Zoe, Dolly and I are purring and purring for the sweetest Inigo. We all love you Inigo.

Bunny Jean Cook said...

i am purring spechul bunny purrs fur Inigo, and all mai kitteh sibs are purring too! get betters so u can go home wif ur family. i nose da dey miss u! xoxo BJC

Cat Mandu said...

Get well, Inigo! Hope you are feeling better soon!

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Get better my sweet Inigo. Mom & I are purring for you and Rumbles and the Rumblemum and Dad. We love you!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We love sweet Inigo ~ and no amount of purring is too much trubble. Please get well sweet boy. We love yoo lots.

Mariodacat said...

I'm purring so hard here dat I'm surprise you don't hear the rumbling way over in NZ. M is sending you big HUGS cuz she understands very well what you are going through. It's so hard when our furbabies are so very ill. HUGS & more purrs.

Cathy Keisha said...

Please get better my poor sweet sick Inigo. We have leaky eyes and are purraying as hard as we can. I'm even purring loud for your speedy recovery. I hate to see you suffer. Also sending smooches to my Rumbles.

BeadedTail said...

We love Inigo furry much and are purring really hard that he gets better soon! He's always in our thoughts and we'll continue to send lots and lots of purrayers.

Hugs to Rumbles and Rumblemum too.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

All 6 of us would like to send tons of healing purrs and hugs over to Inigo. Please get well!
--JB, Chester, CB, Armani, Gaia and Charli

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh, Rumbles...may your heart work better on your meds and that you will soon get to come home...we haven't visited in a while and will read back and catch up...

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are all purring and praying so much for Inigo, and we are keeping our fingers and paws crossed that he was just not hungry right then. And we are also sending comforting purrs and prayers to all of you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are purring and purring for Inigo. We love you Inigo, you have to get better.

Oskar said...

My name is Oskar & my mom person & I are sending pawerful prayers that everything will be ok.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,

The Daily Pip said...

We are sending all our purrs and prayers to Inigo. Please keep us posted.

Your pals, Pip and Rosie

CCL Wendy said...

Inigo is in our thoughts and prayers and we are sending him powerful pawsitive healing vibes.

We sure hope it's not more fluid, too.

Hopefully, all the combined purring from around the world will protect Inigo and bring him home.

Sasha said...

I am purrrring for Inigo too.

Catline Crew said...

We are sorry to hear Indigo is at the Vet. We are all sending him all our best purrs.

Niles, Sammy and Zorro said...

We, too are purring as hard as we can. And we are asking the cat gods to step in and give Inigo more time with you all. Rumbles is not himself 'cos he knows where his brother is, what it could mean and how the rumble parents are stressed by it all. A thousand thousand blessings to yu all.Paws crossed!

The Island Cats said...

We have our purr motors revved on high and we are purring so very hard for Inigo!! We hope he will be okay!!

Gigi said...

I am purring full-out for your lovely Boy and the Human is thinking all her best thoughts for you.

She also wants to say that whatever happens, Inigo could not have a better Rumblemum & Rumbledad on his side, doing everything to make him happy and feel loved.

Jans Funny Farm said...

It's almost tomorrow. We hope he is doing better. It's so hard when they're sick.

The Chair Speaks said...

Oh dear, if there are fluid in the lungs, it had to be drained off.
Tortie's (just diagnosed with chronic kidney disease) late brother 4head (whom I have not blogged about yet) had this problem due cardiomyopathy (heart problems). He was put on oxygen to help him breath that time.

Purrs and hope Inigo will feel comfortable.

Unknown said...

Sending love, light and good energy. ♡♡♡

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Of course Inigo is in our thoughts and purrayers. Please, sweet Inigo, get well.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Purrs and prayers for Inigo!
~ Napoleon and The Bunch