Sunday, September 19, 2010

Help? - Rumblemum

Hi all,

Rumbles has been freaked out since Inigo got back... we assumed it was because he smelled like vet. We tried the towel trick and got some Feilaway and figured it would fix itself in a couple of days.

Well, we're on day three and now Rumbles is hissing at Inigo. He still seems more afraid than anything, but this is so out of character for Rumbles. He's usually SO easygoing, and he loves his big brother.

Rumbles slept next to me almost all night (and this is also a bit out of character, he usually sleeps on me or on the other side of me) and Rumbledad slept on the sofa so he could keep an eye on Inigo (who slept on his fave chair)

Has anyone got any experience with this or any advice?

I'm sorry to be hogging the blog ;) and I'm sorry I haven't been visiting... things will hopefully settle down soon.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wish we had some advice for you, but we don't know kitties at all. Mom thought you were on the right track with Inigo smelling like the vet. Sorry, but we do send you good thoughts and hope you find some help from another commenter.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lynx217 said...

I'm actually surprised it took Rumbles 3 days to hiss at Inigo, Jadzia did it from the get go. I wouldn't worry about it right now, not until at least you know what exactly Inigo's situation is. If it's so serious that they need to be separated, than a calming collar thingie might be due for Rumbles. If he's not as far-staged, once he's on the medicine, let him and Rumbles work it out. They're intelligent cats, for all we know, Rumbles might just be telling Inigo how upset he is for all the worry. Remember too that Coons are notorious gabbers, and hissing goes right along with that. Just be patient and see what happens - with both of them. It took Jadzia at least a month to subside from the hissing.
Remember, as always, my email is always open.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It is likely a pretty powerful vet smell, hopefully it will pass, Inigo doesn't need the hissy stress either. Purrs to you sweet Inigo.

Angel Simba said...

Just a thought - might some catnip/valerian root help out for Rumbles, and also maybe make Inigo smell of it by rubbing some on him? Or (don't laugh) get some tuna juice onto both of them, e.g. on their paws?

Poor kitties - the trauma of VET is so great that Rumbles remembers the smell.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I don't know nothin' 'bout no khytties ;=)

Paws khrossed fur the boys to just stop being soooo furry silly!

Please tell them to knokhk it off OR I'll be ovFUR to kikhk some khytty butt!


Deborah said...

Hi again, if this pops up twice, that is because the comment went into an error. But anyways, I figured my kitties do not know what a vet smells like, so that only means one thing...Rumbles is a genius!
Have a nice weekend!

Ellen Whyte said...

When our old cat Scoop was ill, we had a time like that. We figured it was the medicine smell coming from Scoop that drove Au nuts. We fixed it by brushing Au and then Scoop - with the same brush. To transfer smells, you know? Good luck!

Quill and Greyson said...

Fin used to freak out when our dog came back from the vet for a few days. It could be Inigo acting a bit out of character too, I imagine you and hubby are acting a bit different too. Don't worry I think things will settle down soon.

You take all the time you need to get things back on track. We're all here for you!!

Meg the Mom

Mishkat said...

I don't have much advice but just wanted to say that I sympathize! Tasha has started doing this to the boys in the past year or so. We think it was because she had a bad experience at the vet - she saw a new vet who was afraid of her instead of her favorite vet and did NOT like it. She has never done it for more than a day, though.

We've tried rubbing the cat that visited the vet with something that smells like us (dirty laundry) but it doesn't seem to help all that much. I think Ellen's idea about the cat brush is a good one.

Also, Rumbles might be a little freaked out if his routine has been upset (Inigo missing for a few days, Rumbledad sleeping on sofa, etc.)

The cats and I send purrs to all of you - we hope things settle down soon!

Katie and the Mishkat cats

The Whiskeratti said...

I agree with the others - I think it's just something that will pass, though obviously none of you need the stress right now.

The Island Cats said...

Island Cats' mom here: Wally did this to Ernie every time Ernie went to the vet. He would hiss and swatted at him even though I rubbed both with a towel and with my robe (thinking it would get both of them smelling the same). The first time, Wally hissed at Ernie for close to 2 weeks. The next time, it lasted about a week. Now I when I take Ernie to the vet, Wally goes too.

I don't know what to tell you to help your situation, but I hope it does get better soon. I've heard that maybe if you dab each cat on the head with some vanilla, it might help to make each cat smell the same. I haven't tried this so I can't say whether it will work or not.

BeadedTail said...

We don't have any advice for you since that hasn't happened to us yet but we sure hope you can find the solution so both Inigo and Rumbles don't have to go through that extra stress. We hope Inigo is doing well and think it's very nice of Rumbledad to watch over him at night too!

The Daily Pip said...

We have had similar issues in our house. I think cats are very sensitive (more so than dogs, sorry Pip) when it comes to stress around them. Rumbles may reacting to both the smell of the vet as well as the general stress of worrying about Inigo, knowing something is going on/different, but not sure what. I am sure it will pass soon!

Kristin (Pip and Rosie's mom)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

This kind of behavior is very common. In fact, at the cat hospital where I work, often people bring 2 buddy cats in 1 carrier and by the time we finished examing, weighing, vaccinating, drawing blood etc...they don't want to get back in the same carrier together! We keep spare carriers on hand just so we can sent the cats home in 2 separate carriers.

Sometimes you have to almost start over again, like you are just bringing the cat who was out of the house (Inigo) for the first time--separate them for a few days, switching out bedding, blankets they get to know each other again but not face to face. Then after a few days, switch rooms for short periods of an hour or so. Keep them separated when you are asleep or gone from the house. By the end of 7-10 days, they should be fine again.

Sparkle said...

I was hoping to see some answers, but I see a lot of other kitty families have had this problem - which also happens here, especially between me and Boodie. When Boodie has had a teeth cleaning (she has gingivitis, so her teeth tend to be problematic) - she really does not smell like herself, and I will go so far as to attack her! Next time Boodie has to go to the vet for anything, my human says she is bringing me with her, and fitting us with calming collars besides. I will be really interested to see if there are any other solutions that don't involve separating us for a couple of weeks, because I would hate that.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Baby doesn't attack Jack for vet smell, thank goodness as he goes much more frequently. When Baby has to go, I also coordinate with something Jack needs, so they go together in one big carrier, which keeps Baby from crying and Jack from attacking due to vet smell. Too bad Rumbles is having such an issue. That is stressful for the boys, and the whole household. Hopfully the situation will resolve itself soon.

The Monkeys said...

Monkeys' Mom here. I had a similar problem with Delilah hissing at Samson when he had been at the vet for a day. She also got angry when I gave him his medication recently (to the point that she picked a fight). It seemed to work when I praised them both when they were close and gave Deli a 'time out' in another room for a few hours when she was aggressive and within a few days, they were back to smooching. I'm sure Rumbles and Inigo will be back to being close brothers again soon!

Cat said...

Oh this must be so upsetting for you! It's hard enough with Inigo not being well, but to have Rumbles act up too is an extra worry :-(

Perhaps Rumbles senses that something is wrong and hissing is his frustration coming out? I hope the behaviour passes and and things return to normal!! How is Inigo doing?

Karen Jo said...

Sorry that I don't have any advice. Cat posted the one idea that I had. I hope that Inigo feels better soon and that you get good news about him on Monday.

Old Kitty said...

Oh no!! Oh dear! When I had my Ol girl and her brother and her brother was first to be very ill (trips to the vets/overnight stays/constant medicating) his sister would not want anything to do with him and would not so much hiss at him but hide from him. I can only think that he must not only smell of vet but of other animals too and I can only think that she sensed something wasn't right with her brother. I really don't know what to advise but I guess it's like I had to introduce a brand new kitty to her - a kitty who was very ill and not acting his usual self. She calmed down after a while but it was a while and their relationship wasn't the same as when they were both healthy. She was very cautious of him and he lost all sense of her. This is probably an extreme scenario so please please please don't read anything into this except that I'm very hopeful that Rumbles will understand that it's Inigo and not another kitty. Also maybe once Inigo acts more like himself maybe it'll help Rumbles.

I hope this is all making sense - I'm sorry if I'm rambling!

Me and Charlie are sending sweet Inigo, gorgeous Rumbles you and hubby all the healing purrs and hugs in the world! Take care

Kea said...

I really can't add anything, as I've not had this happen when any of the cats come back from the vet, even overnight. They sniff things out and that seems to be it. Mind you, it's always hissy in this house, anyway, with Annie....

Just know I'm sending tons of Light and (((hugs))) and hoping this all will work itself out on its own.

Big smooches to the boys, too!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Perhaps Rumbles can feel that all is not well with Inigo and it is freaking him out?

We have been giving Yuu-Chan something called Zylkene which is a supplement made from protein found in milk. It is supposed to reduce any kind of stress without any side effects. Not sure if it is available in NZ though.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We don't have any advice to offer but we do think brotherly love will come through in the end. Smoochies.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but we have no advice to offer either. So we'll have to just send purrs to both boys!

Teddy Westlife said...

I can't give you any good advice but I'm guessing the vet smell combined with the extra level of stress in the house is bothering Rumbly.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

is it possible that Rumbles is sensing the extra attention that Inigo might be getting due to the recent events?
Maybe Rumbles is jealous?
I never had 2 cats at one time so I am not sure what could be going on.
I am agreeing with what Tom above said.
I hope all is sorted out with Rumbles soon....hugs to all of you!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I do think its a combination of vet smell and stress. Just give lots of love and attention and I am sure all will get back to normal soon. Purring loudly that it does.. Hugs GJ xx

Parker said...

You have some good advice here, I just wanted you to know that we are purring for dear Inigo!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We went through the same thing when Eric was ill and had to keep going to the vet. Flynn would hiss and run away from him. It was sad to see poor Eric's face as he couldn't understand what was going on and looked so hurt. It took almost two weeks before things got back to normal. Now if Eric has to go we take a blanket of Flynn's and put it in the PTU after we come out of the vets. Flynn still hisses but only for a day or two at the most. If we take them together, Flynn still hisses but only for 2 or 3 hours. Strangely, if we just take Flynn to the vet, Flynn is still the one who does the hissing and running away. Hope everything soon settles down again.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We don't have any advice, but we are purring and purraying that Rumbles will settle down and realize it's his much loved Inigo. And, of course, we continue to purr and purray for sweet Inigo. xxxxxxxxxxx

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Julie: Since any time either of the two cats goes to the vet, they get reward treats afterwards, I haven't really had that problem, but some vets places have a really strong smell even for humans! You have some great advice from other friends. I just hope all this will soon be behind you and things get back to normal! Hugs to Inigo and wishes for happier days ahead for your whole family!

Sagira said...

My friend had this happen to her Siamese each time she would take just one to the vet. Always took several days even a week sometimes for them to calm down and get back into the groove.

Gigi said...

Well, I am an only kitty now, but my Human said that when she had Mr. Teeth and Clark (two big ole mancats), they would sometimes get upset when one or the other came back after a vet trip. They always worked it out; I don't think three days is unusual--as several others said, Rumbles probably senses the tension & upset. Maybe give Rumbles some extra love & treats? I hope they'll re-bond soon (the Human said Mr. Teeth & Clark always did).

Mariodacat said...

It looks like you have some good sound suggestions to work with. I've never had that experience. I do hope Rumbles gets over whatever is bothering him and I sure do hope Indigo can get well. Keeping my paws crossed, purring, etc.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope things settle down there soon. It's upsetting for all of you when one is sick. Don't worry. All your friends will be here for you.

Cathy Keisha said...

I think Rumbles is upset because Inigo has been getting all the attention and has been stealing his bloggy even. Give Rumbles his due and he'll prolly settle down. When you have to give Inigo meds, give Rumbles a treat. This would work with me.

Keiko said...

Oh no! We hope that Rumbles will stop hissing at Inigo soon. Our cats also hiss if any of them smell different and if one of them goes to the vet, the others are definitely on edge. I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you as I usually wash my cat if that happens, but that won't be good for poor Inigo.
Lots of hugs and purrs!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Since I have always been an only kitty, we don't have any advice for you. It looks like you are getting a lot of recommendations from the CB. Special purrs for the brothers.

Marg said...

Gosh we are so sorry we haven't visited. Glad to hear that Inigo at least got to come home. I am sure he just smells a lot like the vet and Rumbles cannot understand why you brought this stranger into the house. That long hair probably is going to keep that smell for a long time. We are still purring and praying for Inigo. Lots of hugs for Mom too for these difficult times.

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are so behind - hopefully things have calmed down by now. When the kittens went to get their spay/neuters it took at least a week for everyone to get used to them again. It seems like a long time but hopefully they are just going through the same thing we did at our house - this was the first time it took so long at our place, maybe you guys are just in that same situation. Like I said, I hope by now they have gotten used to each other, if not give it a little more time.