Saturday, January 1, 2011

A new year resolution suggestion for Rumblemum - Rumblepurr

Rumblemum thinks she's VERY clever and she makes up little songs and nicknames for me *shaking head*

Most of them are tolerable, I just block her out till the treats come... but her new nickname for me? Captain Squeaklebottom. Of the 54th Squeak Brigade. 

I get this when I'm politely asking for some dinner or play time, no idea why. My mew is very manly and fine - imagine Barry White, but in mew form. My bottom does NOT squeak, not even a little!!

I could retaliate, start calling her Princess Messy-hair or Prime Minister Mis-matched Socks, but I don't. 

Here's hoping she accepts my idea for a resolution... 

I'll make copies of myself, then we'll see who is the


Sparkle said...

OMC! What IS it with humans and their silly nicknames for us kitties? I suggest you figure out one for her - I bet she will never even know, since most humans only have a rudimentary comprehension of Cat.

Mariodacat said...

he he - I love the names you picked out for Rumblemum. They are much better den what she picked out for you. pfffft! Happy New Year dear friend.

flicka47 said...

Then she'd call you MultiCopyBottom....I don't know if that's much of an improvement...snicker...

Squiggy said...

every time my two legger coins a new nickname, I make her shoes pay the price. remember the more italian sounding the name, the dearer the price. Shoot for Gucci or Ferragamo for best effect.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hey Handsome!

I hope woo had a purry happy mew year!


Nikita Cat said...

Yappy Hoo Near Rumbles, my friend!

Thanks for stopping by my place tonite! ;-D

Angela said...

MOL mum hooman and I are cracking up at your brilliant nickname!

Spyder, Sissy, Bambi and Ninja said...

I think her is just jealous cos yer such a handsome Mancat! Tell her to get over herself!
Spyder Monkey Moonrose

Lorenza said...

Interesting nicknames!
Happy New Year!
Kisses and hugs

Scout and Freyja said...

Why, a Barry White meow would sound furry man-cat-ly indeed! Maybe your momma needs to have her ears checked for mites or maybe too much fur!

♫Happy New Year to one of the best cats with blogs on the internet♫

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That's funny! We have to put up with our Mom's nicknames for us, too, but she isn't as clever. For Jack: Biscuit, Jack-jack-jackaroo, for Baby: Kitten, Honeylamb. We're also fine as long as the good foods keep coming. Happy New Year!

Kate said...

Nicknames, sheesh they make me mad!!!!

Many Rumblebums...

I'm not sure if a rumbly bum or a squeaky bottom is better?

Happy New Year

Clooney said...

I don't knows, it sounds like you could be a firemans or somethin' with that nickname...that's not too bad. I gets all the B names, like Bombs, Bub-ba, Burbs, Burbalicious etc.etc...Hey Happy New Year to ya! Wishing you a 2011filled with Peace + Love + Health + Prosperity (all that mancatly stuff...)

Catio Tales said...

Äiti says if you do copy ypurself, send one here to Finland..... But we are also familiar with the petname syndrome. We will not embarrass ourselves by listing them, but they are close to Captain Squeaklebottom. Personally I think you should play on this and produce the worst bottom squeaks - or even squawks - just at the worst possible moments so she gets the message. After all, we are sure she does.......

Kea said...

LOL! Your mum is very creative!

We wish you a very happy new year, with an abundance of laughter, joy and Light!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Could you send one of the copies over here, Rumbles? Please?


The Chans

Christine and FAZ said...

Squeaklebottom? Happy New Year from us. FAZ & Birks

Teddy Westlife said...

My mum and dad call me all sorts of silly names but I am not putting them on the interwebs!

The Whiskeratti said...

It's just one of those hoomin quirks. They can't help it, really.

Old Kitty said...

Awww beautiful Rumbles!!!

Me and Charlie think you should just tell mum "talk to the paw" cos your handsome face ain't listening! LOL!!!

You are manly beyond manliness!!! Take care

Marg said...

Rumbles, your Mom is extremely silly to call you Squeaklebottom. That is even hard to spell and way too long. We like Rumbles the best. We are wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New year. We just know it is going to be a great year. We are so glad to have met you and made friends with you. Take care.

Daisy said...

Happy New Year, Rumbles! Do not worry, the sillier the nickname, the more love is behind it.

Angel Simba said...

Oh, I really like what Daisy said! 'Cause we knows how much the Rumblemum adores you! But some copies of you would be fun too!

have a wonderful 2011!

"The Boys" and Karen said...

Well, we think that last name, "Squeaklebottom" is really hard to say. Couldn't say it as fast as "pickle peppers" et al.

"The Boys" and I hope you and Rumblemum have a Happy New Year and hope you get the name thing figured out.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We SO synpathise! Mom calls Alfie "The Baby", and "Cute-bum" and stuff like that. And I get called "Boysie" and "mom's big preshus boy" and even "stinky" at times (I dont know why!)

Happy New Year to yoo all!

Love Milo xx

Deborah said...

Your Mom is very clever! Your names are cute! Squeaklebottom is a riot, do you know I know a real person with a last name Higginbotton!!! Kind of close in a weird way...LOL
Happy New Year!!!

Cat said...

Oh Rumbles, I love your nickname! My boys have tons of them too...nobody really gets called by their proper name around here :-)

I hope you and your mum and dad have a wonderful 2011 filled with health and happiness!!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Happy New Year Rumbles, to you and your mommy and daddy.

Thank you for being my friend and supporting me while I have been so sick. head bonks and purrs to all of you. ♥

The Island Cats said...

We agree with you,'s time for the humans to stop calling us silly nicknames!!

We wish you all a very Happy New Year!! oxoxo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You know what, Rumbles? Moms are the same everywhere - they always get these silly notions in their silly heads. We just do our best to ignore them.

Happy New Year - may 2011 be a wonderful year for all of you.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

HH and The Boys said...

Rumbles.... Happy, happy New Year to you. Hope it's full of wonderful things...

pawhugs, Max

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha! Mums get some weird nicknames for us sometimes. You wouldn't want to know some of the names we get called.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We're just delighted to call you friend! My sisters and I want to wish you a very Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

So...the name calling has begun already? It's barely a day into the New Year. BOL! Luv it!
xxx Oz

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh Rumbles - you poor dear boy - the thing is these mums don't have enough to occupy themselves with and so they do these silly things to amuse themselves - it's just a shame they don't amuse us.
Luv Hannah & Lucy xx xx

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL...we just gotta love our mums even if we can't figure out what planet they came from!!!!!!!

Thank you for your friendship in 2010, and we look forward to it continuing in 2011.


Cory Clark said...

MOL!!! Our Mom makes up names for us too!! My most frequent nickname is Pooky, JayJay's is Jay-ber & well... Simon's is um, stinky-butt! (he's got a bit of a tummy issue)

Why can't they just call us by our real names??!

Hoping you & your family a wonderful 2011!!

~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh how you made me laugh! My mom has names for me (and she did for Bobo as well)...with Bobo she used to sing "The Bobo Song"....she doesn't have a song for me yet! (probably cause I hate it so much lol)

She calls me Jelly Belly, Cody Body, Codalicious, see she isn't NEARLY as creative as you!

Love, Cody

Katnip Lounge said...

We want a copy!

Happy New Year!

Rumbles, I hope it's OK that I gave Miss Huffle a smooch...I just Love her sooooo much! ~~CC

We're visiting all our friends today..we must fly!

Luv, The Katnip Lounge Horde

Sagira said...

hehe....I think it is a cute name.

BeadedTail said...

We want to hear your cat version of Barry White manly mew! Sounds very intriguing!

Our sisfur Sadie's bottom squeaks. That's why she's called Stinky. MOL!


Your Mom is very clever Rumbles!

Happy Mew Year.


Fr. Tom Fish said...

Rumbles, we kept adding to the name of a cat we once had. Pretty soon, she had about seven names when she passed on...Maddie Marie Louise Nadine Delilah...
can't even remember them all now. Humans, what will they think of next--?

I know what I want to say: Happy New Year,dear Rumbles!

Take care,
Tom & Julie

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You are very smart Rumbles. I get multitudes of humiliating nicknames too that I do not care to repeat.

Backcountry Brodie said...

You knows, they gib us all these different names then they wonner why we duss not come when they call us - we is confuzzled, doggonit! Happy New Year!

The Creek Cats said...

Happy New Year

The Creek Cats and Maggie May

Gigi said...

Oh good Lord, Rumbles. You poor dear! What will she think of next? It's almost too much for a manly mancat to bear, MOL.

Happy Mew Ear!

meowmeowmans said...

Our mom and dad give us all sorts of crazy nicknames, too! As long as they keep feeding us, we just go along with it to humor them...

Happy New Year, Rumblefamily!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Moms are really bad about making up names for calling us.

Happy New Year!

OKcats said...

Oh Mr. Rumbles, our mom does the same thing. Mostly 'Zoe' songs, like Zippity Zo Dah, or Zippy Zippy Zo Zippy Zo Zo Zo Zo. sheesh. Happy New Year, friend - we hope you and your mom have a lovely year!

Black Cat said...

Your Mum is very inventive Rumbles! We kittiemums give you nicknames coz we love you. Happy New Year to you and all the Rumblefambly from me, Penny (aka Black Cat), Alfie (aka Furry Snowball) and Simba (aka Mummy's Handsome Prince)! :)xxx

Lily Sassymeow said...

Aww, you look so cute on the last photo!!!

Lily Sassymeow said...

I correct myself. You look so cute in the *only* photo :-)

Angie, Catladyland said...

Love it!!! My cats all have nicknames too. We humans must find a way to amuse ourselves...

Your Daily Cute said...

Aye aye, Captain. ;)

Cory said...

I'd love to hear your manly meow!

Did you know my sister Ginger squeaks? Yeah, 15 pounds of kitty and she squeaks! Don't tell her I told you. ::shhhh::

Happy New Year!

Makropoulos said...

Well, Rumbles, me and my cats Pişi and Squeak (yeah, that's right, Squeak!) are very happy to meet you, if only because you give us further evidence that my dear Squeak, who was adopted from the local SPCA, probably has a heck of a lot of Maine Coon in her! Her face looks a lot like yours, and yeah, she squeaks.

Wishing you a very happy 2011!

Pup Fan said...

Rumble-copies sound fun!

Lin said...

Just humor her, pally. Humans think they are very funny most of the time. I know I do. :) You'll just get more treats if you tolerate the silliness.

Admiral Hestorb said...

I know what you mean, Mate. My mommy named me 13 years ago but there are 3 nicknames for me..the last of which is The Admiral. That stuck to where even my family calls me the Admiral. I never hear my real name any more, MOL.


Misha said...

Squeaklebottom! *sniggers*

I have it on good authority from Mishamummy that that is a very appropriate nickname!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Ha! Your mom just loves you lots and lots! I haves some silly nicknames!

Happy New Years to you!

Carolyon said...

Oh my! Squeaklebottom! Has your mum fallen and hit her head!?