Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Rumbledad went to visit the USA for a month, I was NOT pleased. I don't recall anyone asking ME if it was ok for him to go.

When he got home I decided to show him who's boss.

See Rumbledad? I totally fit. You must take me in

Shame, Rumbledad. Looks like this case is MINE now
Rumblemum was pretty happy to have him come home. And he brought us both gifts, so that helps too.


Inky the Shop Monkey said...

Pixel and I say that he should bring both you and Rumblemum next time! We have a guest room! Get out here!
Or meet us in Hawaii!

Raymond and Busby said...

Your Dad was here for a whole month? We bet you and Rumblemum missed him a LOT. Glad he brought you both prezzies.

Sparkle said...

I want to know what he brought you! That is a LAW, by the way, that when a human goes out of town, they HAVE to bring back a gift for the cat.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Good thing Rumbledad brought presents back. We like to show Mom that we fit in the suitcase too.

Angela said...

Next time he gets the case out do a little wee inside it. This will slow him down and make him think very carefully about leaving you behind.

Angela said...

Next time he gets the case out do a little wee inside it. This will slow him down and make him think very carefully about leaving you behind.

Ellen Whyte said...

True, but show him the Tayul of Disapproval for a few days, just to make sure he doesn't do it again.

Old Kitty said...

Awww beautiful Rumbles!!!! Me and Charlie hope Rumbledad never leaves you and Rumblemum again!!! :-) We think if you stay on his luggage long enough he'll get the hint!!! We are glad he's back home safe and sound!

Take care

Jacqueline said...

We're so glad you stayed home with Mum to take care of her while your Dad was away; we're even more glad to hear he's home and brought gifts :)...Have a fun week and enjoy each other, sweet friend...kisses, handsome boy...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Angel Simba said...

That is a long time to be without the Rumblehusband and Dad. I am sure you and Mum are very glad he is back. You look so cute in and on the suitcase Rumbles. But next time, Rumbledad has to stop off and see all your blogging friends. Then I bet he would be gone THREE months!!

HH and The Boys said...

Next time. Get all the way in the bag and don't make a peep and you might get to go with Rumbledad.

Have a great day...

Pawhugs, Max

The Monkeys said...

We're glad your Rumbledad is home now! A month is a long time to go without manly mancat cuddletime.

Marg said...

Wow, that is a long time to be gone. Too bad you couldn't come Rumble. There are a lot of kitties around here that would love to meet you. Next time for sure. Take care.

The Island Cats said...

Wow, Rumbles, if you had gone with him, you coulda visited all of us kitties here!!

We're glad he's home now...that was a long time to be gone.

The Daily Pip said...

Gifts are always a good thing!

Your pal, Pip

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope the gifts were extra special - a month is a long time for your dad to make up to you and your mom. Remember to play hard to get - that's sure to make him worried.

Forever Foster said...

You got gifts?! Our dad never brings US gifts!!! Show him who the boss is, Rumbles.

By the way, how comfy are suitcases. I love mine -Lishy.

Kea said...

Whoa, a whole month away is a very long time! Hey, at least he brought presents. We hope you got something really good!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

He didn't khome to see me?!?



Backcountry Brodie said...

OMD, the Rumbledad woz ofur here by me? Did he dig a hole to get here? I is supposing if'n you dig in your yard you mite end up here instead of in China, no? I hasn't reached China yet but rumor has it that is wot be there if'n I dig farther.

Gigi said...

Was he here in San Francisco? Huh? Huh? Cause he didn't come to visit ME (which is okay because usually I just run and hidey under the bed till the introoder goes away!)

And Rumbles, if you went away with Rumbledad, poor Rumblemum would be too lonely!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree with the Island Cats, you could have came visiting!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

The next time, sneak in his suitcase and come visit us!

"The Boys" and Karen said...

Awww, Rumblepurr, we're sorry you didn't get to go to US with Rumbledad. Maybe we could have seen you!

But what a really cute case you get to sleep in. You just fit...almost!

"The Boys" and Karen said...

We had an oops moment.

We only put in half of our link so it shows us as not found. We know where we are so thought we'd let you know, too. (Sorry for the snafu.)

We're glad your Rumbledad got home safe and sound.

SeaThreePeeO said...

It should be law that he takes you with him!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mommy's Auckland friend came to stay here with us in the States two weeks and soon after he went back home to his wife and beans and doggy..he got two kitties,,babies, and he has declared a dog area and a kitty area until and if they can come together in peace.

We love put Kiwi friends furry much.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We agree ~ they HAFTA bring a present back if they've been away ~ it's the rools! We hope it was summat nice!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a bummer, Rumbles.......he should have taken you with him!!!!!!

Thank you for coming by today and wishing our Kboo a happy birthday.....she saw your comment before she went to school this morning and got the biggest smile on her face.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hello, we are so sorry that we haven't visited in so long. We are glad that your Dad had a safe trip and is home. You totoally fit in that case! Next time, hitch a ride and come and see uSSSSS!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Rumbledad was gone for a whole month? You must have missed him like crazy. So glad he is safely home and you have showed him who is boss.

Katnip Lounge said...

He better have brought you something good...like a carton of spiders and a dozen live mice!

BeadedTail said...

We bet Rumblemum is glad you stayed home with her but next time all of you can come to the US and visit all your furiends here starting with us!

OKcats said...

We agree with the Beaded Tail - you needed to stay home with Rumblemum so she didn't get too lonely. Plus, our mom has been on airplanes for much shorter of a time than it takes to get from Australia to the US, and she says that you would NOT have enjoyed yourself.

Abigail, Madison, Lisa said...

awwww I bet he missed you too while he was gone! Loving that suitcase now that it is home, aren't you? :<)

Lisa, Madison and Abigail

Unknown said...

Yous is lucky yous got to stay home! We all goes in the big box that moves when we goes anywhere and ME hates it! Me would much rather stay home.
Glad yous got presents!

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

OMC! That's not fair, to leaff you an Rumblemum behind! We say you should put your furz all offur his best work cloze!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

well at least he brought you presents and that makes up for a little.. Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

prezzies always soothe teh pain.

M Dawson said...

That's a long time you two. Eh? Glad he's home I hope you gave him cuddles too. Tell Mum I am getting my act together and will take her to lunch for her birthday soon!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We sure hope he brought you gifts - next time he needs to take you so you could pay a visit to OP and say hi to us. Bet you let him give you some nice cuddles when he arrived.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sagira said...

We at least he did the right thing and brought you some gifts! :)

Princess Jasmine said...

Mummy thinks only a man can go away for a month and take a case so small. Perhaps that was just the one that contained your presents though :) We look forward to seeing what he bought you xx


The gifts helped a lot, but a whole month...wow that was a long time.

♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I am sure Rumbledad missed you like crazy. When my beans go away even for an hour, they always come rushing home and we get covered in kisses -- so imagine the suffering your dad endured.
I hope next time he consults with you.
My dad always says I am in charge when he is gone!


Clooney said...

Wow, a month is a long time, huh? We'z glad he's back safe and sound...and I got's an idea...Neytiri says she will "bedazzle" Rumbledad's suitcase and make it all "girly" then he won't be able to go on his trip next time...And we looks forward to hearing about your pressies!

Cathy Keisha said...

I'll be mad too if he visited NYC and didn't bring you. I could've met you there and we could've gotten a room in the best hotel in the city. *smooch

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well at least you had gifts brought back. The last time our Beans went away they brought us back nothing!

Lin said...

Last year, my kitty showed me her displeasure by peeing in my suitcase before I left. Not such a great surprise when I opened to find stinky clothes I now had to wash. Ugh.

Lin said...

Oh--I forgot to tell you that I live in the USA and I did not see your daddeh. Next time we will look harder and welcome him.

Pup Fan said...

No one should be using any sort of suitcase without your permission! :)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so where did your Dad go? Where did he go?

Did he enjoy the U.S.? Was it is first time here?

Aren't I one nosy cuss? lol

Lorenza said...

Hmmm... maybe next time!
Glad he is back and enjoy your presents!
Kisses and hugs

Keiko said...

Awwww! That's what we try to tell our Mummy and Daddy! We have claimed their suitcases already... it's so nice and cozy! Mummy is away now so that's why she hasn't let us blog for a couple of weeks... hopeless!

Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

Catsparella said...

I hope he brought you some really good gifts!! Next time hop in his suitcase so you can come visit all the US anipals!!