HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOoO!!!!!! I finally get to blog again! Rumbles thinks I need to be bigger to blog, but I think I'm PERFECT size to blog!
Mummy thinks I'm a magician! If she puts out food for us, within minutes it disappears! She says she's never seen a kitty that loves to nom as much as I do, so I must be super-gifted!!
Pondering where my feet could be? |
Are they over there? |
I think Rumbles is a little cross with me, I maybe stomp on him a little bit when he tries to cuddle mummy at night. To make him happy I've hidden my feet. I hope he knows I think he's the BEST big brother and I wanna grow up to be just like him!
Hi, sweet Hamlet! I bet your feeties are in there under your body. Good to hear you are a good eater.
Well Hamlet, you certainly are a cute little brother. I'm sure Rumbles loves you very much (except for maybe when you step on him). You are such a cutie. You are getting to be a big boy too - pretty soon you will be as big as your brother or maybe even bigger.
Hamlet, you gots the sweet feets under there somewhere, to match the rest of your sweetness (look at that face!). We are certain Rumbles has a big soft spot for you. Just be careful about sharing Mom in the morning.
You are so sweet, Hamlet!
Kenji does that pose too and our Mummy calls him 'duck' mawhawhaw!
I think you eat fast cos you're a growing kitty!!! AND you get super yummy food, I bet!
Purrrrrs, KQ
I can eat pretty fast, too. Maybe we should have a contest to see who can eat the fastest!
Your pal, Pip
We bet your little feets are furry cute so why are you hiding them. Please show us your toesies.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Sometimes I lose my feets too. Lucky thing they come back when I stand up. And lucky thing for Rumbles that you're stomping on him when you're smallish--it'll be a lot worse when you're all grown up!
Hambone, you know that old Nancy Sinatra song? (reeeelly old song, Bean is embarrassed to reveal)? these feets were made for walkin these feets were made for walkin these feets were made for walkin and they'll walk-all o-ver yew dumdumdumdumdumdumdumdum. . . . get your Bean to play it for you and then hum a few bars at Rumbles next time. And then Walk Tall.
Awwww sweet little gorgeous and scrummy Diego!!! You are just lovely!! Me and Charlie know you will learn lots of wise and wonderful things from your big beautiful brofur Rumbles!! Yay! take care
Oh Hamlet... I hope you find your feet. They have to be where you left them last.
Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
I think your cute feetsies are under you. Eat up like you have been doing and you will be a big boy like Rumbles in no time.
Hamlet you are so lucky to have Rumbles to show you the ropes....I hope you find your feeties!
My mommy would kiss those little feets if she had a chance at them. better keep them under cover or she'll climb thru and nibble on them.
Diego, we laughed that you must be super-gifted. Of course you are! You're also a growing mancat-in-training, so no wonder the food disappears quickly. :-P
You stomp on Rumbles? LOL. Your mom has enough love for you both, no need to trample over Rumbles for attention. :-)
Happy weekend to all!
Of course you're gifted Diego, you're you! I agree, your big brother is the best!!!
Well, of course you're always nomming, Diego -- you're growing like a weed! And that's why you have so much energy, too.
You probably need bigger feet to actually stomp, but I'm sure it's annoying to Rumbles to be disturbed when he's having private time with Mom.
You sure are a cutie-pie. I hope he forgives you.
Also, please tell Rumbles that Domino has tagged him to do the meme "Meow Meow Me Me". You can find out about it on my 3-D Cats blog at: http://wendys3-dcats.blogspot.com.
You need to nom to get bigger!! And maybe to help you find your feets. MOL Just be careful when you stomp on Rumbles - his feets are bigger than yours and he might whap you with them....
Of course you are a master magician sweet Diego...you even make our hearts melt!
We have a lot of catching up to do, you are a little sweetie. Excuse our ignorance though but we don't know your name. We see some are calling you Hamlet and some Diego. We bet your big brother Rumbles knows how much you love and admire him.
You are so adorable! And we think you do have an excellent Big Brother. A good role model for a young mankitteh like you.
Diego, let me tell you, older siblings can be cranky. And they eat slow, too. But you'll get used to it. Rumbles already sounds way cooler than my cranky geezer sister!
Your friend, Zoe
Diego I'm sure Rumbles know you love him lots :-)
We call it "henning" when our cats sit like that because they look like hens on a nest....um, we may have been drinking wine when we came up with that - LOL!!!
Hi Diego-Hamlet,
We call it being a Budha, when we sit like that. Cute or wot?
Diego, you look just like a mini ham loaf...Mommy says she wants to eat you all up! We think you stompling on Rumbles is pretty funny, it'll be our little secret.
heh heh.
Our neighbour Diego is also totally obsessed with food!
Admiring your big brother is definitely the right approach, Hamlet!
The Chans
You know, being the little brother is intersting. Nellie hisses at me in bed too and Daddy can't figure out where all the food goes either. He says I have hollow legs.
Your Pal
You're growing up good, Hamlet...well, you're still little. Glad to know you and Rumbles are getting used to each other.
You are indeed the perfect size! What a cutie you are.
You're still a growing kitteh so of course you have to nom a lot Diego! You are such a cutie! And we agree, you do have a pawesome brofur!
I think you are the perfect size to blog too! And it's cool how you magically make food disappear -- my kitties are magicians as well.
Hi there Hamlet. Good job hiding those foots. Bet it won't be long before you find them. You are just plain cute and we love that you do the blog every now and then but we do still love that Rumbles. Please tell Rumbles for us that Mewmew was thrilled that Rumble noticed her. Take care.
I think Rumbles would be a very good role model for you! Of course, you will have to stop stomping on him...
Oh Diego you are such a cutie! We have stomped on our big brothers at our house too - not to be mean of course - so we understand.
Don't tell ur big brother but ur beginning to grow on me in a big way. I'd love to cuddle you. Shhhh!
Hamlet, what a sweet and cute boy you are. Rumbles is a great big brofur, and we know he will forgive you for sure.
Poof its gone!
Still as cute as ever. :)
Oh squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Mom just wants to pick you up and snuggle!
You are just so darn cute! I miss having a kitty around the house. I'm sure my kitties would love to have you visit!!
Hi Diego, or Hamlet, hey, what is your name anyway? We like to lie with one foot hidden, but you are very clever to hide both. Be nice to Rumbles, he still is bigger than you:) But you are both equally handsome and cute.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
you are the CUTEST thing!!!
I think you are "noming" a lot because you are gonna be a big boy!!!
I know your brother knows you love him, big brothers just don't show that they love you back all the time.
You are precious!
Dang, Diego! You are just too cute!!
Dang, Diego! You are just too cute!!
But we want to hear the pitter-patter of your kitty feet!
You know, Diego, I think you're big enough to blog. And keep on eating. That'll help you get really big. It helped me!!
Max S.
Hiding the feet is fun Diego and you are a growing kitten of course the food is going to disappear quicker.
That is a pawesome trick!
I know Rumbles loves you as much as you do!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Diego, you are just the very cutest! And you already know magic tricks? Now, that is very impressive. Wishing you and big brother a great weekend.
maybe you can use your magic skills to cast a brotherly love spell on him? SQUEE!
We think you're the purrfect size for Blogging. Mom says your the purrfect size for smooching!! Silly Mom!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Did you cast a spell on your mom?
I likes to eat too! Are you on purpose hiding your feet there?
Hmmmm, well Diego, that's a pretty shameless bit of flattery there. I'm not sure Rumbles is gonna fall for it. I think you need to work on subtlety, MOL!
Oh and your feet? Did you nibble them off in your sleep?
It's a ham-loaf!
What do you know, it's a Diego mini kitty-loaf! Could you possibly get any cuter, little one? I really don't see how. And I bet that even if you do stomp on big brother, you're still light! I bet mum has enough room to cuddle both of you :)
Your fan and Rumbles' too,
Awww...you could be a 'pound cake' in that pose!
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