Monday, October 24, 2011

Chillin' on a Sunday, but NOT cuddling - Rumbles and the Ham

You see we do get close, but NOT cuddle-close (at least not for photos!)


Why is there a straw on the floor you ask? Cause it's an AWESOME TOY!!

You are POWERLESS at our full faced cute!!


Princess Jasmine said...

Oooh yeah, straws are great toys huh? I bet you two love to snuggle just like me and Simba hee he. Yep, the mumster has gone all gooey looking at your beautiful faces :)xx

Catio Tales said...

Major squee from here. Äiti just loves your flooffiness and chilling routine. There's so much going on behind that picture, wethinks.

Mr Puddy said...

Awww !!! When you are together..That's super super cute !!! Mommy wanna do cuddle you both : )

and I..Really really wanna see you both play with da Giant Straw one day ; )

Have a fantastic day
Love you both lots

Sparkle said...

Yeah, we usually don't get too close either. Diego, you are becoming a BIG kitty!

Angel Simba said...

That's nice, britherly companionship. Rubles, we know you have always been on our handsome/cute list. Diego, you also are certainly growing into a very gorgeous kitty.

Old Kitty said...

Oh my stars!!! Oh wow!! Beautiful Rumbles and Adorable Diego! Me and Charlie are beyond swooning at such utter gorgeousness!! AWWWWWWWW!! We are completely dazzled by your beautiful faces!!!

Take care

=^..^= said...

That really was a superpower full-faced cute!!!

~Slash & Bronzy

Hannah and Lucy said...

What handsomeness - it's too much for us girls to take in one go - you should have put a warning sign up so we could sit down at least before we looked.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Daily Pip said...

I better go get my sister Rosie - she will go crazy over all this mancat handsomeness!

Your pal, Pip

The Monkeys said...

The two of you, full-faced, has knocked our Mom right out of her chair!

Forever Foster said...

That kind of cute should come with a warning!

Mariodacat said...

Hmm - that's pretty close to being a cuddlepile pal. I bet you has one when no one is looking.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I am completely swooning!

Random Felines said...

good nearly fainted from that last picture!!

Unknown said...

Both of yous guys is soooo cute (me is swooning here). BTW that Hamlet is getting big!
Watch out D'Artangan!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You get at least as close as Ichiro and I get!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You might find that this winter, the little menace makes a pretty good heater. -continue to stress the domination idea though. They need to know who is the boss.

I like to cuddle, but not with Miles.
BIG bonks to both of you. Rumblepants, yoo are still just as handsome and mancatly as always


Cat Street Boyz said...

We can see that Mommy is enjoying the super cuteness! =^Y^=

Cat said...


You boys are adorable!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

OK, we've had it. We demand a super top secret cuddle-cam be installed at your house...we just KNOW it's going on, sometime! Because we're not quite slain from the cute.

BeadedTail said...

Our Monday just got better seeing you two handsome boys almost cuddle-close!


We just got all weak in the knees...oh you are sooooo handsome.
Thank you for your sweet purrs while Momma has been recuperating from my bitey...

Poppy Q said...

What great photos of you two handsome mancats. We hope you snuggled up close and watched the rugby at the weekend.

Cathy Keisha said...

Straws are the best toys. They're always on our floors too. Love you both! xoxo

The Island Cats said...

Well, at least you don't have some cat squishing you out of your napping spot, Rumbles.


Hansel said...

What a great shot!! and WHAT A FACE! oh my goodness!!! :) love it!!!! And that's a lot closer than we ever get. Poor hansel tries to cuddle with everyone and they all move!!!

don't forget to check out our oh so cool halloween contest going on right now! deadline is october 31st at noon est! AND you don't even have to dress up to enter!!! There are tons of categories! Click here to check out the contest! Hope to see you there!!

Purrfect Haven said...

we love those shots - so beautiful! we ARE powerless before you both. Darcy and Bingley xx

Pup Fan said...

Double the cute! :)

Andy, Kiefer and Gus said...

Our Mom had a cat named, Terry, who loved straws. Mom had to train him to wait until she gave him the straw before he played with it. Something about an entire cup of spilled soda... He's sit and chatter at the straw until Mom gave it to him.

I play fetch with straws, but they don't have enough weight to them so I get bored with them quickly.


PS: Mom here - Rumbleman - you are getting soft on your conviction to hate your brudder Ham!

Luxington said...

Straws are the best toys! Especially when stolen straight from a humans drink! Extra points if you spill the drink while stealing the straw.

Sagira said...

You would like my kitty sister Mystic, she loves to steal straws.