Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day two update - Rumbles

My friends... I'm so excited to say... oh I can't even say it, let me show you!

Thanks to all my amazing friends out there, I'm in first place in the New Zealand Next Top Model contest!! There is still lots of time to vote, and I'm offering smoochies for every vote!

I really, from the bottom of my heart, appreciate everything that you guys have done to help  me.

In other news, I've found a way to keep my toesies warm...

I hope Rumblemum and Rumbledad don't want to eat this pizza, it's sure keeping me toasty!


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! But as for the, that may not make your parents happy.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Hey! We hopes that you win! That would be so cool!

You are just keeping the pizza warm and safe! Right?

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Concats! Let's keep you top cat, where you belong. Your parents may not appreciate a furry pizza by the way.

Angel Simba said...

This is getting really exciting! Concats for being in the lead.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh my we didn't realise that our new visitor was an important model.
We will go and vote for you when we leave your blog. It is very nice to meet you.
We notice you are sitting on the pizza box so hope Rumblemum and Rumbledad like bottom fur on their topping - we're sure it will add to their enjoyment.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all happy to see those results...we sure are cheering you're the best!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yayyy! That is great news.
Hahaha! That is a good way to keep your toes warm.

Old Kitty said...

Oh Rumbles!!! You are so so so so gonna win - me and Charlie have everything crossed for you!! We love how you're keeping your toesies warm - LOL!!! What flavour pizza is it anyway?? :-)


Take care

Your Daily Cute said...

Haha! You pizza box made me laugh. Good idea!

Pimp and Little Meow still have to vote from their email addresses... I'll make sure they do that today! :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

Keeping my paws crossed. There is some tough competition yet to come, I'm sure.

Deborah said...

We are keeping our paws crossed too!! I'm very excited for you!
Have a great day!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So it looks like you can only vote once per email address. We thought you might be able to vote once per day. But have no fear, we cast another vote with our other account. Good luck and well done so far.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sagira said...

Way to go!

The Daily Pip said...

I voted a couple of days ago, but I will bug my papa to vote today (he has a different email address). Oh, and can I have pizza in exchange for votes?

Your pal, Pip

Forever Foster said...

Yay Rumbles!

Raymond and Busby said...

Go Rumbles go!

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Did you see I put your button on my blog? Mom has 6 more email addresses she can vote from. She's gonna do that tomorrow. You'll win for sure! I wish we could vote more than once per email address.

If you had plans of eating that pizza, you can forget them now that you squashed the pizza. Sigh. Silly, handsome boy ruining a perfectly good pizza just for warm toes. We love you anyway.

One Cats Nip said...

uh oh i sense cheese stuck the the lid of the pizza box in its future...But we are all so glad your winning!!!

missbreezysbox said...

Good idea, not to eat the pizza. Letting your physique go won't win you votes. Good luck and Keep up the good work!

Katnip Lounge said...

We are so excited for you!

Mommy say bum fur adds a certain je ne se quois to the flavor of pizza...heh heh.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We've pawed fur woo twice -

We'll hit it with some more of our email addresses too!


Pup Fan said...

I love love love your cat's names... Rumblepurr has my vote!

little princess Luna~ said...



Jacqueline said...

YAY, we can't wait until you win, gorgeous boy!...We voted many times (got some of our family to vote for you)...We love fresh pizza boxes too=they're warm and they smell good (we love cheese!)...Have a fun weekend sweeties...kisses (we are expecting to collect extra smoochies since we have been solicting family votes for you!!MOL)...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Sparkle said...

Paws up! I saw that last night! Paws up on the warm pizza box too - your humans don't really need that pizza anyhow. It's bad for their skin. You are really doing them a favor.

Cory said...

Woo hoo! Since you are ahead with the votes, I think that pizza belongs to you!

caren gittleman said...

Holy Cat I thought I was already following your blog but just found out I wasn't!

I voted for you to win! I hope you do!

So glad I saw your blog on the Saturday Blog Hop!

Vicki said...

Congratulations - this is so cool to be at the top of the ladder!
What a great idea re the pizza - wish I had thought of that....

BeadedTail said...

Concatulations on being in first place Rumbles!

We think your mom and dad need to get their own pizza. Just sayin.

Gigi said...

Concatulations! And the Human figured out she could vote more times if she used different email addresses. She knew there was a good reason she had a few! Heh heh!

Marg said...

Hi Rumble, that pizza box is purrfect to get your toesies warm. We voted again with a different email address. We have a couple more we can use. We are so excited that you are in the lead. We are going to look for some more emails.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Yay! I have been rallying all my friends and family members to vote for you. All those who did agreed that you were the best looking out of all the contestants.

Claim the pizza. You are in the lead and what better to celebrate than having a pizza. Your parents can get another.

Good luck and please keep us updated!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We just voted again using dad's e-mail address this time! We want yoo to win!

Mariodacat said...

Rumbless, my friend. We are so proud of you and happy for you. Just happened to think - D has 2 email accounts too so we'll have him vote for you two. Good luck buddy - I has my paws crossed & M has all her digits crossed too. (You should see her hobbling around since everything is crossed - a sight for sore eyes!!)


We know you are gonna win!


Jans Funny Farm said...

We went by and voted for you. good luck!

Bella and Ollie said...

Good luck, I just voted for you !
Love from Bella, the Westie cat lover.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Go Rumbles!