Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My friends!! I know I was going to let Inigo have some blog time, but Rumblemum has the flu and hasn't been keeping up our blog as she should...

I wanted to let you all know that I've made it through to the final round of the Next Top Cat Model contest!!! I was the third highest fundraiser thanks to all of you! I hope that you guys know how much I appreciate every single penny donated. I know it's hard times out there, and for some of you to donate $5 was the same as to donate $500 - I hope you know how touched I was at every single donation.. From the bottom of my heart I say thank you to every single person that gave.

The next phase will begin later this week, and it'll be for votes. You'll only get to vote once, so if you please could save a vote for me.. and I'll set up my kissing booth again for all voters!! Man-cats, I can give smoochies to your mummy's!

I sleep beside Rumblemum to keep her warm. Very important
when you're not feeling well.

I've been keeping a watchful eye on the Rumblemum. She's doing better today, but you never know when she may fall over and drop some tuna or something. Not letting her out of my sight.

OH! And I got the most BRILLIANT gift today!! My friend Whskr has made the Rumblemum an amazing pendant of MEEEEEEE!! It is so pretty, and now Rumblemum can have me close to her heart all the time! This is Whskr's etsy page, she's got all kinds of cool stuff, and she can make stuff on order (like pendants of MEEEEEEE)


Busy Buttons said...

Kissing booth? Count me IN!!!

Sorry to hear Mum is sicky. *hugs*

The Island Cats said...

Congrats, Rumbles, on making it to the final round!! We'll be voting for you!!

And we sure hope Rumblemum feels better soon!

Angel Simba said...

That is terrific news about making it to the final round, Rumbles.

Rumblemum, we hope your flu is better soon. It is no fun to be sicky.

Backcountry Brodie said...

Does you smooch dogs? Pawleeze? I ♥ smooches! But be sure to gib one to Rumblemum too so she feels better fast. I do be saving my vote for you.

Katnip Lounge said...

Rumbles, Mommy can vote on four different URLs...is that fair and if it is can she have FOUR smooches? Otherwise she'll settle for one vote and one big old tummy snorgle!

You boys take good care of Rumblemum. We suppose it's flu season down there...ick.

Deborah said...

I hope Rumbles is feeling better soon. We hate to get the flu!
Good Luck with your big contest..making the final round is awesome!

Pip said...

Oh I wants a smooch too!
We is so glad you made it in the final Rumbles, you sure deserve it.
We hope Rumblemom is feeling better soon.
Love Squashies
PeeEss TK says you can smooch mommy for him.

Gigi said...

Poor Rumblemum. You look awful nice there next to her so I am sure she'll perk right up.

Concatulations on your advancing to the next round.

You can kiss my Human (and even me if you HAVE to).

BeadedTail said...

Concatulations on making it to the finals! We'll vote for you and even if we can only vote once, we both want a kiss!

We hope your Rumblemum feels better soon. We also home Inigo is doing well since we haven't seen him in so long!

Sparkle said...

Cool, you made it to the finals! PAWS UP!!! Although I get the sneaking suspicion that manning (catting?) a kissing booth isn't exactly HARD work for you!

I'll of course be giving you my vote. :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So, did woo get that puppy yet?


Inky the Shop Monkey said...

Pixel says he is sending medicine purrrrahs to Rumblemum.
Rumbles, you are getting our vote!
Lea & Pixel

Kate said...

We will definately save our vote fur you!

Mums looking forward to the Rumblesmooch!

Well done pal!

Pumpkinpuddy said...

You already know you got my vote. I aim to collect on that smooch.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You're such a good boy, Rumbles, looking after Rumblemem like that. Of course you will have our vote, and concats for making it into the finals (but we never doubted you would).

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations on getting into the next round gorgeous Rumbles!...We can't wait for your kissing booth=WOOOHOOO!!...We hope your Mum feels better soon; glad you are sticking close and cuddling with her...sending many kisses to both of you handsome boys...Calle, Halle, Sukki

SeaThreePeeO said...

Congratulations on making the final!

Sorry to hear you mum is feeling unwell. We're purring that she feels better soon!

Kea said...

Congratulations, Rumbles! Paws crossed for the next round. :-)

Our human is lining up for her kitty kisses...never mind Annie!

Lots of purrs and healing Light to your mum!

Old Kitty said...

Oh WELL Done for getting to the next round!!! Yay!!!! FANTASTIC NEWS!!!

Me and Charlie are sending your mum lots of healing purrs and hugs! Please get better and rest!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! You've done a pawsome job raising monies! And taking care of your Mom too. . . you're so multi talented. We're looking forward to the upcoming voting.

Raymond and Busby said...

Concats on making the finals! You are being a good caregiver to your Mum also. Yes, keep an eye on her in case some tuna falls to the floor!

The Monkeys said...

We will definitely vote for you, Rumbles! We will require 3 smoochies for each of our girlcats and one for our Mommy. We hope that's okay...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope Rumblemum is soon feeling better.
Concats on getting to the final. We will pass on getting a kiss from you but we will hold Rumblemum to our smooches. Can we both vote if we do it on different email addresses?

Forever Foster said...

Save me a spot in the kissing booth line!
Purrs to the Rumblemum. Give her a smooch from us.

The Whiskeratti said...

We're sorry Rumblemum is not feeling well. Shed lots all over her, that will help!! And concatulations on moving along!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY, Rumbles!!!!!!!! Kudos to you for getting into the next round.

We are also very happy to hear that you are taking good care of your mum.....we have been purring for her and hope she will soon be well.

Hi, Inigo.....


Anonymous said...

ummm can i gets on line for that kissing booth???

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Yay! #1 says she will round up the votes in prince Edward island!

One Cats Nip said...

Concatulations on your progress with to cat model so far!!!!! Oh and the necklace is lovely but I gotta admit...I think I would rather have me on mommy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh we hope that Rumblemum is feeling better soon - the flu stinks! But you are smart to follow her, because flu does lead to more dropping! We are sending her lots of get better purrs though!

And congrats on making it to the final round! We can't believe it is so close to that time already - we are all ready to vote! Especially the ladycats (and future ladycats) in the house!!

Ha - and our word verification word had to have been picked especially for you and your blog - it is "macho"!

The Florida Furkids said...

ConCatulations! We're so excited for you.

We sure hope the Rumblemum feels better soon. It would be terrible if she drops tuna or something impawtent!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Rosemary B❤️ said...

your poor mum. The flu is awfuls!
I hope she is better by tomorrow!

I am very proud of you for making it this far in the contest. Amazing and wonderful bonkbonk

Misha said...

I'm so glad you've made the finals! It has made my job for picking the other 5 finalists a little easier.

Smoochies to your Mummy. Hope she is feeling better soon.