Friday, July 2, 2010

Me and my fat duck - Rumbles

Ok, so maybe I'm hogging the blog a little... but I've had such cool adventures!!

And I've made a new friend!! He is sooooo soft and floofy, and he loves it when I bunny kick him. Inigo is not a fan of fat duck.

So now I need some names... any suggestions?

I got a secret for you duck..if we sit here looking
cute long enough, we'll get some treats!
Heyyyy what do duckies eat anyhow?

We better figure out your noms quick, I
see Inigo down there!!


Pandafur said...

O wow dat iz one big ducky. I thinks you better figure owt wat him noms fast or he mite start nommin on you Rumbulz!

Katnip Lounge said...

Well, he looks pretty about "Plucky Ducky"?

The Daily Pip said...

That is one fat duck! Does he bounce? How about Bubba

Your pal, Pip

The Florida Furkids said...

Your Ducky is ginormous! Are there Temptations for Duckys?

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Backcountry Brodie said...

I dussn't kwite know how to brake this to you but sitting next to a fat duck does not make the hoomans want to gib you treats! They mite think you be getting that fat. Sitting next to a rilly skinny duck mite werk. But since you has this one and you seem to lub him, you has to gib him a name. He do remind me of a Sumo ressler, so how bout Sumo the Ducky?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

How about Plumpy the Duck? We have a big fat frog that I do not think much about but Miles likes to attack it... it is bigger than Miles too.
I like your duck. He looks friendly and well, he likes to play!

bonks for a happy week-end

Angel Simba said...

Does your duck have nip inside him? That would take a lot of nip!

There have been some good name ideas already. Maybe you could call him Lemonade? I don't think that is as good an idea as Sumo or Plucky or Plumpy, though.

Old Kitty said...

Awww sweet Rumbles! You are so kind to think of your stuffie ducky friend!!

What a pair of cuties!!

Take care

Forever Foster said...

It's a Fluffleduck! Give it a good bunnykicking from me, dude! :)

marley said...

If you dont call him THWOCK i'm going to be very offended

Anonymous said...

YOWZA~!!! Now THAT'S a duck!!! We thinky ou should call him Georgie Porgie.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, what a cute duck. There's enough of him to really enjoy bitey and bunny kicking play.

The Monkeys said...

We really like The Kool Kittie Krew's suggestion of Georgie Porgie! We think ducks MUST eat cat treats (who wouldn't?).

P.S. We went to check Icanhazcheezburger and we can see why you thought that was Bella. It's not her, though.

Marg said...

That is such a cute duck even if he is a little heavy. I think his name should be Rumbleduck if he is going to be in your family.
Hope you have a super week end.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You and your new bud look just ducky!

Pumpkinpuddy said...

That's one monster duck. Maybe you should name him Godzilla! MOL!

Misha said...

I don't think your duck needs any more noms!

Deborah said...

How about Quackers or Mr. Fluffy!
Cute duck!

One Cats Nip said...

Whoa that is one big duck! I hope he doesnt eat the same noms or maybe he will eat all your noms! Oh no! I'm gonna put together two suggestions and say name him Porgie Rumbleduck

Amy & the house of cats said...

That is an awesome duck! We think that all the suggestiong for names we saw are good,and we would like to add the following:
Mr. Pudge (because he is big)
Joe (because we like people names)
Squishy McQuackerston III (because it is fun)

Oh, we saw your comment at Carm's blog about the RSS feed issues - a lot of the time if you add a subscription using the blogs URL it can find the feed if that helps. We have used that when there have been problems getting feeds and that seems to clear it up.

Mishkat said...

That duck looks like a super toy - and you look wonderful posing next to him! We're terrible at thinking of names - th only one we can think of is "Chubs" (because that is what our dad calls Tasha - ha ha!)

Kea said...

We like Fluffleduck and Porgie Rumbleduck. LOL.

He's a cutie, your duck, but of course can't hold a candle to your gorgeousness, Rumbles!

The Whiskeratti said...

How 'bout Winston? Or just Duckie?

Sagira said...

Wow, you were not kidding. That is a big ducky.

Bunny Jean Cook said...

how bout Duckzilla?

Pip said...

How in the heck do you bunny kick that thing? I'd like to see that. We requests a bideo!
My mommy is just sitting her saying how gorgous you are Rumbles, can you believe that? It's like she not even sees that big duck next to you!

Gigi said...

Say, that duck makes you look positively skinny!

I vote for Rumblequack

Sparkle said...

That duckie is probably bigger than I am! It is definitely rounder.

Your Daily Cute said...

Fat duck looks super cute. Why not just call him Fat Duck? It's funneh.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We see lots of suggestions for Plucky - we think that is a good one.

Ciara has a duck like that but hers is not as fat. Maybe we can send her over to help destuff yours.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

BeadedTail said...

That is one fat duck Rumbles! We don't think he needs any more treats for awhile but hope you got some!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

OH yes:



The Island Cats said...

We think he looks just ducky...and that should be his name!! Just Ducky!!!

little princess Luna~ said...

he reminds me and mum of a BIG buttered popcorn--how about "popcorn"? :P


Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is so cute! You and that big fat duck look like very good friends!

Pirulo Furry said...

I think you two look nice. Maybe you can call him Rumblefatty, Rumbleducky or Rumblequack. Mmmm, I like Rumblequack the most.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That fat duck is nearly your size! Jack loves to carry around his big, big bear and squeaky mallard duck too. His duck is named Quackers. Have fun playing!

M Dawson said...

Oh muy GOODness that's a DUCK???!!!!?!?!?!

I think stick with something simple like Ducky... definitely as he's HUGE

Tora Fuzzbucket said...

That is one BIG duck! I wonder what he's nommed to make him so big?

I think Rumblequack is a great name!

George The Duck and the HotMBC Kittehs said...

OMD! I am glad Baby Duck and he are just friends. He could squish her just holding wings!!!
Sanjee says he looks like a Sumo to her. I think she might be right.
*ducky hugs*
*blows smooch to Baby Duck*

Tinkerbell said...

Your duck is cute, but is nothing in comparison to you my friend!

Vicki said...

What a totally cool duck. I love snuggling up to stuffed toys like that....

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

Do you gets to play wif him, share your secrets and snuggle too? Den you should call him Henry. Cause brother, I wish that was me...