Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The final run up to the deciding vote!

My friends... I know I keep saying it, but I really do appreciate every single thing that you've all done to help me out, and I'm sorry to keep being such a pest about the contest. It's been an excellent fundraiser for the charities, with over $17,000 being raised so far.

I've been super lucky to get support from a brilliant local artist. She's taken her most beautiful piece out of her shop to offer it here to help me with my model dreams!

Featuring the cat Goddess, this is a truly stunning piece of jewelery.

I'm going to be running a draw to win this piece (you can see more of it here)

To enter the draw, just comment on this post that you've voted for me and that will earn you one entry into the draw. If you make a donation, you'll get ten entries into the draw. if you have voted or donated before of course you'll be entered in the draw for the pendant - just leave me a comment to remind me and I'll make sure you're entered. :)

Once again, 100% all donations are going to my charities - the SPCA and the Cats Protection League.

I'll be doing the draw on the 12 Aug, when the contest closes. To vote, please go here

(and now, we pause for a RUMBLE)


Anonymous said...

That's a really cool piece! We have to admit that we were torn between you and Mr. Sooty so we voted one vote for you and one vote for Sooty. Hmmmmm, I wonder if Momma can come up with one more e-mail address. . . . .

BTW - That is FANTASTIC how much monies has been raised!!

Diane said...

I voted for your fabulous Rumblepurr. What a beautiful piece of jewelry, I'd love to win it!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Hi Rumbles. Even though I just love the flat faced Sooty and Ewok, mom and I used all four of our email addresses to vote for you!!! Please enter me in the contest, I would love to win it for my mom. Good luck.

Angel Simba said...

Dear Rumbles, my Mom and I have both voted for you using several email addresses, as well as Daddy and my sister. We donated a while back. It is wonderful how much money has been raised to help animals in need, so though we do hope you win the real benefit has already been accomplished, hasn't it? I will do a post about you in a few more days, to try to help pull in a few more votes near the end.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I voted about a week or so ago...is it true that you can only vote once per email address?
If you can vote more please let me know! I hope you win!

The Island Cats said...

We voted for you with all the emails we got! We wish we had more!!

Teddy Westlife said...

Well of course I voted for you! I might see if mum will let me use some of her email addresses too.

The Daily Pip said...

I love Bastet! My mom and I have both voted. By popular demand, we are working on setting up an email for Rosie "da boss" cat. She is anxious to vote for you too!

Your pal, Pip

Bella and Ollie said...

What beautiful jewelery!
Good luck with the contest :)

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We voted for you using mum's email addies. We hope you win.

Marg said...

We have voted for you four times with different emails. We also donated a while ago. We would love to win that beautiful item. And we sure hope you win Rumbles.
Have a great day.

The Monkeys said...

We have voted with all our emails and we are going to ask some our Mom's friends to do the same. We think you're the most handsome, Rumbles!

Mariodacat said...

We've voted for you all we can. Mom even sent an email to all her friends & asked dem to vote for you too. Then last night, she talked to a new friend, sho ust got 2 new email addresses. Well, of course, M asked dat friend to vote for you too. So, last night you should have received 2 more votes. Love dat jewelry.

Cat said...

Hi Rumbles,

I created an email address especially for my blog, so I was able to cast a second vote for you. But I'm afraid that is all the addresses I have. You've done a great job helping to raise money for such a worthy cause! I hope you win :-)

SeaThreePeeO said...

We have voted for you Rumbles! xxx

Kea said...

We've voted 3 times for you and made a small donation ages ago...does that count?

Anyway, even if not, we've got our paws crossed for you!

That Bastet pendant is gorgeous!

HH and The Boys said...

You're such a beautiful kitty. Of course I voted for you. Hope you win!!

Old Kitty said...

Aww Rumbles - you are one pretty adorable floofy kitty!

Me and Charlie really hope you win!!!!

Take care

Mishkat said...

We voted for you! We think Marjorie's jewelry is beautiful, but especially love that piece.

Anonymous said...

We have gone to vote and we have put your button up on our bloggy. You are so furry PURRty, we are such that you will win. We will send over our doggy brofur an' sisfur to vote, too☺

Raymond and Busby said...

Rumbles, we voted for you (twice-two email addresses) and we hope you WIN!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I've voted from all we have akhcess to use but I've got a special plan in mind ;=)


Katnip Lounge said...

Hi Rumbles, we voted for you four times...we wish we could vote 400 times!

That is a lovely piece of jewelry, and it's fantastic how much money you have helped raise!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Well, we did donate a while back and voted for you and have a button up (though we also have one for Sooty because of the fairness thing). And that jewelry piece is gorgeous!

And hey, keep Misha in mind - he came in second and is doing great in the modeling biz - if for some reason you don't win (which we doubt will happen) you can still have a great career like he does!

Nico and The Bandit said...

Rumblepuur, you are lucky to have suck a kind, altruistic mommy!

Kat's Kats said...

Rumblepuur! How could anycat fail to vote for you!! I mean, really!!

Da Boys

Brian's Home Blog said...

We votes (lots) and dontated too! Hey, we need new totals, you still 17 short?

Jacqueline said...

We voted 9 times for you using family email addresses...We donated when you first started the contest, does that count?...We REALLY hope you win, gorgeous boy...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Heather W. said...

Hope you win!
Such a handsome fella!!


Morris said...

NJ, Mr L and I have 9 email addresses between us and we used them all to vote for you! Now NJ is going to ask her extended family to vote too :)


3 AM Art said...

Go Rumbles.. you're adorable!! May the purrrrrr be with ya! >^..^<

BeadedTail said...

We voted with all our email addresses and even some of mommy's work emails! We also donated way back when if that counts! We sure hope you win!

Lisa + current cat said...

That's a gorgeous pendant! And Rumbles, of course we donated and voted for you.

stephanie T said...

I voted! :-) Rumblepurr is a handsome guy. Love Bastet and all things Egyptian. ~stephanie~

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Mom & I voted lots cause she has several email accounts. I wish we could make another donation, but the wasp catching guy got all mom's spare green papers yesterday. :(
Smoochies for luck!

WendyWings said...

Voted good luck oh fluffy one. MrWings voted too,only he doesn't know it ;)

Anonymous said...

Good luck handsome - voted and donated *smoochies*

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are sure we left a comment earlier ... Well, we'll just leave another.

We voted for you, Rumblepurr. We hope you win.

Gigi said...

Congrats on all the money you've raised for such good causes. I hope you win! The Human used up all her email addresses :-)

Tora Fuzzbucket said...

M.H. has voted on all her email address and I voted on mine too *purrr*

Guizito said...

I voted twice. I have two emails ;)


Cláudia said...

This is how I voted for the second time :)


Cláudia said...

Here I am again. Will you send me an email to say if I won?


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful piece and what a nice furriend to donate it to you! We voted for you, 4x, as mom used every email she had!

Angel Simba said...

Mom and I just got you 3 more votes!

Radio Channeler said...

Hi Rumbles,

What a wonderful piece of jewelry to honor Bast, the Cat Goddess! I voted for you and Sooty too, and would LOVE to win that necklace!

Anita and Henry, the Feline Fiber Artist

Danielle said...

We voted for you with both of our email adresses! The necklace is very stunning and cool, please enter us!

PS We love your picture!

catageek said...

Found another email address Rumbles. You got all my votes :-)

kittyanydots said...

i voted for you to get you in the finals with my email & voted for you in the finals my mom's email :)

Teddy Bear said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE MR. RUMBLEPURR. I have voted for him as well as having friends and family do it as well. Good Luck to him. Already good luck for his charity.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Whut furry dashing names u gotted!

Ize in luvs...

Daisy May Daffodil

Pip said...

Oh we votes fur you! We all voted fur you! We LOVES you and hopes you wins your dreams Rumblepurr.

Prudence said...

voted for you from both accounts, you're so handsome!

Anonymous said...

I did vote for Rumblepurr because of course there is NO ONE else that could even come close to being top cat model. Rumbles is a very good friend of mine and i did votes for himz and you should too.
oh and of course the pwize is stunning too. I do hopes i can win this for my mama
Love petie the cat

Vintage Twist said...

Hey Hey,
I just voted for you....in this dog eat dog world I believe that cats do truly rule! My Gandalf cat is 20 this year and he makes a difference in our lives every single day....plus we are more nimble for avoiding his shenanigans whens he is hungry (always) for an old man cat he sure knows how to get under our feet and make himself known. Good luck!!!

auntees said...

Daisy sent us over to vote....we are from Maine so we have to vote for a Maine Conn cat....

Maria said...

Hey there Cute Stuff! I came over from Daisy and have to say, aside from being such a cute kitty, I LOVE your name!!
I voted for you and hope you win!!

Ann said...

Read about you over at Daisy's. I just wanted to let you know I voted for you :) Good luck

meowmanor said...

Rumbles, you certainly have my VOTE!!! You are one handsome kitteh!!!!! Can't wait to get the results.

Puglette said...

hello! we are friends of daisy and harley. they mentioned your entry into this tough competition. we have voted for you and really hope you win!! my sister had a maine coon cat and she was very special to the whole family. also, we have relatives by marriage living in NZ! good luck, you have all of our puggy votes!

Gail said...

I voted for you Rumbles. You are beautiful! Good luck!!

Donna said...

Hi kitteh, you have my vote! :)

Anonymous said...

You just got my vote, Rumbles, you are a great model!!!

Susan said...

I voted for you, Rumbles!

Noll said...

Hi sweetie...I voted for you DAYS ago ;) Noll just cast a vote for you today (Yes, Noll has his own email address: nollsnip@gmail.com) Best of luck!

Unknown said...

Hi Rumbles, I voted for you - you are a very pretty kitty - I hope you win!

TheFrogBag said...

I just voted for you! Good luck, you are one gorgeous kitty!

Anonymous said...

My name is Jan Kleyne - a friend of Whskr's I voted tonight for you.

Good Luck!


Orlff said...

I voted for you Rumbles, I hope you win.

M Dawson said...

Voted for your

Robyn McNeil

(Whskr has my contact details)