Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Inigo update - Rumblemum

We took Inigo to the kitty cardiologist yesterday, he has been seeing her at least once a week since this whole thing started. I was very worried that he wasn't eating, and his nose is very black and crusty so I rang over to have a quick chat.

The news was not good. Inigo has (in a very short time) lost over a kilo (over 2lbs) which is a lot. He's very thin. The vet was worried about that and the fact that he's not really eating. 

She's also said that his blood pressure is very, very low and his kidney function has declined.

I told her how loving and sweet he'd been over the long weekend, and how he was always running for cuddles and kisses - he was very much himself.

The vet felt that this was a very positive thing, and she commented over and over about what a sweet and special boy Inigo is. She said that his quality of life doesn't seem to be suffering, he was quite responsive to her as well... but we're really starting to move into dangerous territory.

She rang back a little while later, and she thinks it's possible that he has an infection that's causing the low BP and kidney issues - she's running some tests to see if that's maybe what the problem is.

I have to be honest - if it wasn't for the weight, I swear it's like the old Inigo is back. He's just so loving and he tried to make a break for it when I got home - he hasn't done that in so long! It's hard to believe he's sick when he's so fine.

We're trying everything we can to get him to eat. Rumbledad picked up some scallops for him, and we're trying to tempt him.

Thank you all for asking after him. I think I can't believe that he's anything less than well because of all the improvement. He's back at the cardiologist tomorrow, and we should know the results of his tests. 


Karen Jo said...

I am so glad that Inigo is acting like his old self again. I know just how worrying it is when a kitty isn't eating much and is losing weight. Here's hoping that the problem is an infection which can be cleared up quickly. Herman sends his best healing purrs.

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

OMC! Munchkin and all the rest of us are purring furry hard for Inigo to get well again.

We iz sending all kinds of purrrayers to the Ceiling Cat on Inigo's behaff.

Mr Puddy said...

I glad to hear Inigo is doing well.
About helping him to eat more, Do you try " Fine Meat for cats " ?
I used to get bored about food. I didn't eat much dried food or can food but after that my mom get me " Fine Meat " I was back to eat more and more and now never touch can food again.
My mom bought from super market in the human meat section but they have special shelf for Pet Meat.
We live in Australia so you might can get the same meat for him.
If you interested, you can have a look at my old post, It's really yummy !!! I always ask for more

Everyday Mr Puddy: Go Wild

M Dawson said...

God bless for Inigo and much love to all of hour, and every last shred of our hope.

Marjorie and Dash Kitten

Princess Jasmine said...

Sending lots of purrs and cuddles to you. Hope you get your apetite back soon xx

Angel Simba said...

Is it likely that part or most of the weight loss is from getting rid of fluid, which is good? Has the cardiologist indicated if his medicine is likely to affect his appetite?

I am gonna purr extra hard for sweet Inigo. We are very glad he seems happy and well.

Teddy Westlife said...

I have all my paws crossed for you Inigo. Being sick is No Good.

Old Kitty said...

Dearest Rumblemum and Rumbledad!!

Me and Charlie have everything EVERYTHING crossed that the vets will determine the cause of why Inigo is not eating!! There must be a medical reason that could be fixed! He sounds absolutely like he is not giving up! The fact that he runs to you both for cuddles and reassurance and is being his old self shows that he is so willing to get better - he just needs to find the appetite to eat!! We are sending him lots and lots of positive vibes and hugs and cuddles.

We will also pray very hard that the vets find the cause of Inigo's lack of appetite!! Please please please find a cure lovely vets!!

Get better sweet Inigo!!!! And hugs too to handsome Rumbles!

Take care

Anonymous said...

We are purring and purring for Inigo! We want him to get better very soon.

The Monkeys said...

We are purring that the vet can find out why Inigo isn't eating as heartily and that he can gain back his weight! We love you, dude!

Backcountry Brodie said...

It do be so frustrating when the V-E-T cannot tell wot the prawblem is. Hoping they find out soon and that a magic pill fixes efurrything.

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are purring & purring for you sweet Inigo, we hope you starting eating sweet friend, it will help you lots.

Forever Foster said...

We love you, Inigo. We're glad to hear that you enjoyed your long weekend. We're sending you lots of loving and purrs and smooches.

The Whiskeratti said...

Inigo, we are sending our best purrayers to you right away. We hope it all gets fixed quickly. We know your family is worried about you!

Marg said...

Gosh, poor Inigo. We sure hope you find why he won't eat. Hopefully it is just a simple infection. Or something else simple. He has has enough troubles. We are sending tons and tons of prayers and tons of purrs too plus some woofs and two heehaws and a Baa. Take care. We will be thinking about you.

The Daily Pip said...

We are thinking about you, Inigo! I bet those scallops will be yummy! Sending lots prayers and purrs.

Your pals, Pip and Rosie

Admiral Hestorb said...

We are sending lots of love and purrs for Inigo. Mommy said that since Inigo is doing so well otherwise is there ANY possibility whatsoever that the Vet's office made a mistake in weighing him? I ask because a few months ago, I was shocked to see I had gone from 10.4 pounds to 9 pounds. And I would have done that in 6 weeks as I have to go to the vet every 6 weeks.

Mommy was scared out of her wits. The following 6 weeks, I was 10.3 again. They made a mistake..and that is certain.

If Inigo isn't eating much..then what with his illness before and recovery period, unfortunately he may indeed have lost a kilo. That is a very significant loss and I hope the vet pinpoints the reason quickly.

Kisses and purrs to each one of you. xoxox

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are purring and purring for Inigo. Maybe the medication is giving him a nasty taste in his mouth like it sometimes does for Humans, and that is putting him off eating.We are glad that he is acting his usual loving self.

Cat said...

I have my fingers crossed for some good news at the vet tomorrow! Hopefully and infection can be treated easily and Inigo will be ok. I think it is a very good sign that he is engaged and affectionate! My boys send big purrs for all of you too!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed it is an infekhtion that is khausing some of the khoncerns -

Khyra and The Golden Khousins

Kea said...

We had thought Inigo was doing better now....Very sorry to read he's not. We wish we could write something that would help, that would comfort, but we know no one can. Just please do know we continue to purr for Inigo and sending healing Light, that we're crossing our paws for him.

Universal Blessings and Peace to you all.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you have a constructive visit with the cardiologist tomorrow. We are purring hard for him to feel hungry and clear his dish up right down to the pattern!
Sending millions of purrs and many kisses - luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are sending our strongest purrrrrrrrsssssssssss to Inigo. feel better buddy

Pandafur said...

I so happy Inigo iz feeling happy an acting normal at home. Az long az him iz happy an nice vet taking good cares of him he can haz lotsa luvs and will purrrr so him will eat some noms.

Raymond and Busby said...

We are purring our best for Inigo. And for Rumbles and the Rumblemum too. Please know we are sending healing vibes. xoxo

BeadedTail said...

We're glad he's acting like his sweet self again and are purring that the vet can find out what is causing him to lose weight. Lots of purrayers and pawsitive thoughts are being sent his way!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We are sooooo feeling what you're feeling as we go through Jack's illness. He seems great right now too. Hopefully you get to the bottom of what the problem is, and Inigo becomes physically his old self too. We love Inigo and purray and pray for his speedy recovery. Come on, Inigo! Eat those yummy scallops.

Sparkle said...

I am sending all kinds of healing purrs Inigo's way! Paws crossed that he has a treatable infection, and that treatment will bring him back to his normal self physically.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

No one wants to have an infection, but if some meds can fix things, then maybe it isn't such a bad thing. Paws crossed for Inigo to be much better soon. Eat, Inigo - don't be like Picky Boy Phantom.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sebastian said...

My paws are crossed for Inigo. *purrs*

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Dear sweet have been in our purrayers since this started and please knoow that we continue to purray for you. We love you.

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Maybe we need to come porch sit for Inigo like we did for Petie and Gunner. *packing suitcase*

Mariodacat said...

M and I are sayiing lots of prayers for him and I'm crossing my paws and purring like crazy. We're so happy he's at least acting normal. Hope you have some encouraging news tomorrow. HUGS for Rumblemum and Rumbledad.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Our paws are crossed that Inigo does have an infection which can be treated.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You must be so worried. I pray that as Jan says it is an infection and it can be sorted with drugs.You have my purrs and mums praers and love.. GJ and Carol xx

Anonymous said...

We are purraying that the meds can help the infection, but on the positive side, he's acting like his well self. Still continuing to purr for him!!!

CCL Wendy said...

Actually, as strange as it sounds, I do hope that Inigo has an infection because that is highly treatable. Antibiotics should knock it right out.

We're purring here again for him, that soon he will be as well as he seems.

The Island Cats said...

We're purring for Inigo and we hope it's just a treatable infection that he has.

Danielle said...

We're keeping him in our prayers!

Cathy Keisha said...

I love you, Inigo. Please eat and get well. I'm crossing my paws and purraying for you. You don't want Rumbles to have the run of the house and ALL the pretty girl cats, do you? Get well and give him competition again. xoxo

Daisy said...

We are hoping it is just a nasty infection and a round of our friend Auntie Biotics will help. Inigo is such a sweet soul, and I am glad that his quality of life is still good. We are keeping Inigo in our thoughts and purrs.


We will keep purrin for you and hope that you get good results tomorrow. We are hopeful since you are actin so much like your old self. Please eat and get completely well.


Lita and the boys in Melbourne said...

Ummm, maybe try "chicken essence" from an asian grocer? otherwise chicken consomme from the stock section at the supermarket? warmed up a little first. Not via the microwave. it's not complete food but it gives them electrolytes and stuff and maybe it will stimulate the appetite? Our brother Fox (who is now crossed over) used to like scrambled eggs? Just lightly so they are still a little runny? Otherwise you know, tinned salmon? the flavoured water from tuna? roast chicken? Niles LOVES roast chicken! and what about some vitamin C? i don't know that it helps appetites but Niles is eating much better and he needs to put on some weight, too. If we think of anything else we'll let you know.

meowmeowmans said...

We are so glad to hear that our pal Inigo is being his normal snuggly, loving self. We are purring and praying super hard that this is all being caused by an infection that can be treated! Purrs and nosetaps to you all at the Rumblehouse...

P.S.- Inigo ... please eat those scallops, okay?

Quill and Greyson said...

Maybe he has a cold or something and isn't smelling the food. Maybe something really stinky good would help?


Ellen Whyte said...

We hope Inigo is getting better and that his appetite improves. Scoop loved carpaccio (raw beef) and it gave him tonnes of energy. Post when you hear back from the vet?

Bunny Jean Cook said...

we will keep our paws crossed for Inigo! xoxo BJC

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are hoping dear sweet little Inigo will be fine. We love him lots. Purrs.