Friday, October 8, 2010

Let sleeping floof lie - Inigo

I tell ya, there is no place like home!

I get praise even when I sleep!

Please bring my noms over. I'll have breakfast in bed
It was back to the vet for a check-up for me today. The nurses and my vet must really like me, I got the BEST cage with a sheepy bed! (I can't have one of those at home, Rumbles eats the sheepy bits *sigh*)

My blood pressure is very low again, but the nice vet says that's just because we're still adjusting my meds. They've changed them to fix my blood pressure.

All the vets and nurses say that I'm the first Ragdoll they've seen that actually has the Ragdoll trait of going limp in their arms! (I do it to charm them, and woo over any bootiful ladycats that might be looking)


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Inigo, you are one sweet and brave mancat. We hope your health continues to improve because we are sad when you take a turn for the worse. Get lots of rest and enjoy being spoiled.

Anonymous said...

you look toooooooooooooo gorgeous in those photo's.....LilycatQueen

Keiko said...

You are such a handsome, brave mancat, Inigo!
We like that you're looking out for the ladycats even when you're not feeling your best. We hope that the meds start balancing you and that you don't feel too weak from the low blood pressure...

You deserve breakfast in bed!!! You should order Rumbles around to do everything for you!

Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

M Dawson said...

So good to see ourwonderful Inigo boy at home and getting better!!

perry said...

wurk it mai pal... iz gud 2 see u home an lounging about... i hope u iz enjoying all teh extra noms dat rumblemum iz giving u an ur eating lawts an lawts an getting stronger evary day. u has 2 get back into shape so u can *POUNCE* dat lil baby bro ov urs! hehehe

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Enjoy being spoiled, Inigo!

WE hope they get the medication dosage all sorted out soonest so you can go back to being a healthy boy, even if it means no breakfast in bed!

The Chans (and a little lick from Tommy)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hopes you get to feeling better! You are real handsome in that picture!

Sparkle said...

LOL, Inigo, I think Rumbles needs to take some lessons from you! ;) Glad that the vet seems to have a handle on your condition, and that you have charmed the staff there.

Angel Simba said...

Breakfast in bed forever, that's my motto! Then run around and play after that.

It must be nice to feel so loved at the kitty hospital, as I am sure you don't like to have to go in your carrier and the car too much.

Purrs to both you and Rumbles.

The Monkeys said...

Inigo, you're just so gorgeous and sweet! We are happy you're doing better and we hope they get your medication just right so you're feeling better soon.

Daisy said...

Inigo, I'll bet you are a favorite wherever you go! I can't wait until they figure out just the right doses of medicines for you so you start feeling your best!

Teddy Westlife said...

You are so lucky. I always get told I'm sleeping too much when I sleep.

Old Kitty said...

Oh sweet Inigo!! Me and Charlie think you should rest and be given breakfast in bed while you are recuperating! :-) We have everything crossed that you get stronger!! We are not surprised that all at the vets love you - you are just so adorable and so sweet!! Please please take care!

And hugs to handsome Rumbles too! Take care

lupie said...

We agree with Old Kitty!

Please take care. You look a bit tired there.

Sending our purrs to Inigo!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Inigo ~ we are so glad yoo are feeling better. We were wearing our purrs owt we were so worried abowt yoo.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Inigo, you can go limp in my arms anytime. I'm glad to hear that you are home and doing better. Continued purrs for you.

Mariodacat said...

Indigo - we are so very happy dat you are feeling some better. You are a true inspiration and one bootiful Rag Doll.

Forever Foster said...

Handsome boy, if you came to my mum's work she'd smooch you silly! It sounds like things are going well with teh vet. We are still sending our purrs to you! :)

Cat Mandu said...

You look very comfy on that blankie. Hurry up and get well!

Kea said...

Inigo, our mom would bring you your meals in bed all the time!

Big smooches to you and lots of continued purrs and healing Light.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You take all the rest you need Inigo and get yourself feeling better, and if you want breakfast in bed, then you should get breakfast in bed. We will even send our mum over to get it for you.

Clarissa said...

You are such a handsome, sweet boy, Inigo. How could the ladies not love you! We hope they can get your meds adjusted.

The Daily Pip said...

Sending you hugs and kisses!!

Love, Rosie (Pip's feline sister)

Admiral Hestorb said...

Inigo, you look SO comfy and happoy to be home. Me and momma want you to stay all better foreffur!

Love and nosetaps

Mishkat said...

Inigo, we're sending you many purrs! We hope the vet finds exactly the right combination of medication soon. And we think you look extremely handsome today.

xoxo from Tasha, Franklin, and Dobby

Brian's Home Blog said...

There isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of you sweet Inigo and we always send purrs your way!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Just think how RagDollyLimp woo would go in my furry paws!

PeeEssWoo: Keep the staff on their paws!

Kruse Kats said...

Mom is crying over your plight. get better.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Inigo we are not surprised the vets give you such great accomidations when you are there - you are a sweet handsome mancat, and totally deserve it! WE are glad you are still doing ok, and hope they can get your meds adjusted correctly soon, but we know it can take some time. We are still sending you lots of purrs and prayers!!

Raymond and Busby said...

Yay Inigo! We hope they get your meds adjusted quickly and you are feeling back to normal. You are such a good fellow to go through all of this medical stuff with humor. xoxo

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

what a good, dear, sweet boy you are and so handsome!

I hope your meds are adjusted soon too and that you are feeling better in no time!

Sending you kitty kisses from Michigan!
Caren and Cody

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We can see why they love you at the vet's are such a sweet lovable fella.

We continue to purray for you daily, handsome man.

We love y'all.

The Whiskeratti said...

You definitely deserve breakfast noms in bed, Inigo.

Jans Funny Farm said...

You sound like the ideal patient. Keep getting better!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you can't have a sheepy bed at home...your brudder is a silly head! Mom said she'd cook filet mignon for you and serve it to you in bed! Our purrayers are still continuing for you!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Breakfast in bed is the least you deserve. Pampering of the 1st degree I think.. HUgs GJ xx

Katnip Lounge said...

Mommy is giggling about Rumbles eating the "sheepy bits"! MOL!

Inigo, you should get breakfast in bed, and whatever else you desire. We have our paws crossed that with a wee tad more fine tuning, your meds will be correct and you'll be in fine fettle. WTG for mesmerizing all the ladies at your vet!

BeadedTail said...

Inigo, we think you should get breakfast in bed or wherever you want it all the time! We're not surprised that all the ladies at the vet like you so much. You are so handsome and sweet! We hope they get the medications right so you are all better real soon. We're sending you lots of purrs!

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

Inigo, purrlease get all better soonest! We iz all purring furry hard for you.

You iz a beeyooteeful handsome mancat, and we iz not sooprized dat you charms da ladies and da staff. You deserve da sheepy bed! Rest well, and feel better.

Munchkin sends smoochies and cuddles.

Cat said...

Inigo, I hope your medication is sorted out soon and you get to feeling great again!

Carolyon said...

I am sure you would leave all the lady cats breathless!

Inky the Shop Monkey said...

Inigo, I may not be a ladycat, but you have won my heart. ("HEY!" says Pixel, "Wait a minute now!")
Kissing your sweet nose,
Pixel's Mommo, Lea
p.s. Pixel says, "I hope you keep feeling better and getting noms in bed. If you manage dat, please write a book to let da rest of us know how to get breakfast in bed. Fangs, bro!"

Jacqueline said...

Inigo, you are a brave and beautiful mancat; you won us over back in January when we met you!...We are purring for your continued recovery and hope your meds/blood pressure stabilize soon...We love you and wish you only the best...Sending you lots of kisses x3 and lots of kitty hugs for your Mom...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Angela said...

You look like a sheepskin rug my floofy friend! I'm a very happy to hear that you continue to do well.


We are so glad to know that you continue to improve and we are purrin and purrin that it continues.


The Island Cats said...

You look so sweet there, Inigo. We hope they get your meds regulated and you're back to normal real soon!!

Danielle said...

You're right, there is definately no place like home. We're glad you can be home, and have good meal service! Keep gettin better buddy.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We understand that ragdoll is what you are, but we really think you are a beautiful doll. Hope the meds all get sorted out and you have a wonderful weekend with the family.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Cathy Keisha said...

My Inigo, you have to continue to get better and I know you will. You are so so handsome, I can't stand it. You can go limp in my paws any day of the week. *smooches

Lily said...

HAHAHA Sheepy bits mol that made me and mum laugh. I also like to flop when people pick me up, mum laughs at it and thinks it is cute.

marley said...

Good werk my floofy pal. Good to see you back in your rightful spot

Marg said...

Inigo, we are so glad to get some good news from you. We will keep our paws crossed though. That is so great that you get the best cage at the vets office. We are also very glad you are getting treated so well at your house. Hope all of you have a fantastic week end.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Of course you would get the best from the vet because you are such a sweetie that they cannot resist you. Take things easy and get back to feeling good as new!

Cory said...

Inigo, you are real deal Ragdoll! Not only do you go limp in the arms of the nice v-e-t staff, all us girls go limp just looking at you!

Purring for you everyday.

Cory & family

CCL Wendy said...

You are quite the charmer indeed, Inigo! I can see why everyone at the vet's office would fall in love with you -- you are so very handsome, too.

Please rest well sweetie and take it easy for awhile. You'll get stronger as your medication takes effect.

You deserve all the praise you can get for your fighting spirit through this illness.

Quill and Greyson said...

Nose taps

Busy Buttons said...

You keep up all that good work, Inigo!

Gigi said...

You look so cute the Human says she could just eat you up! (It's a good thing you live so far away--I think you're safe).

Enjoy the praise and the excellent service, Inigo! You totally deserve it for your pawsome bravery in putting up with the (shhh) v-e-t so many times lately!

@Isagold said...

Yay fur Inigo, @Isagold XOX

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Doing a little CATch up work today and wanted to say thank you for leaving kind words at my place when my grandma left. Your kind words helped us all to feel better when we were sad. What a good friend you are!
Thanks from,
Gracie, Daddie, & Mommie

ps: What a littlf snuggle you are!

Hansel said...

Mommy loves ragdolls. They are so beautiful. We feel really bad, we didn't know anything was going on health wise with you. We are sending the best purrs and prayers and hoping you can forgive us.

Bear said...

Fuzz & I continue to cross our paws hoping you keep getting better. Extra big Bear Hugs for you! Love always, Bear and Forever,Fuzzy.

Sagira said...

You are so brave to keep going there and letting them take good care of you. Hopefully your BP will get back up to normal once your meds are adjusted. :)