Monday, December 6, 2010

An open letter to Rumblemum

Dear Rumblemum,

I've been letting you get away with LOTS of stuff lately. You've taken away some of my noms (something about my weight... HARUMPH) you come home late, you don't give me enough scritchies in the night. Furthermore, you don't keep my blog up-to-date or let me visit my friends as much as I'd like.

Now I know you've got some lame excuses, like "you've been really busy with work" and "you've been really sad cause you miss Inigo so much"... but I'm here to tell you it's time to get the lead out lady!!

Now I've been working SUPER hard to keep you happy. That time I was washing and tipped over? Totally for your benefit. And when I slid off the end of the sofa and landed with a small thud? Just to get you to smile.

You've got to keep up your end of the bargain Rumblemum. This means on-demand cuddles, lots of tunas and more time with my bootiful friends.

That will be all.



cats of wildcat woods said...

This is that time of year that the beans just get soo caught up in stuff that they just don't stop and cuddle us cats. It is our job to make them!!! We back you up Rumbles!

Katnip Lounge said...

Try the sad love eyes, if all else fails.

"small thud"? Exactly what do you mean by small?!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Purrrrrhaps woo khan rekhwest a transFUR to a nice Siberian home in Pawsylvania?


Raymond and Busby said...

Way to put your paw down and demand some action, Rumbles. You certainly deserve on-demand scritches. Was it really a small thud when you fell off the couch, or did the news report it as another earthquake off the coast of New Zealand? (MOL!) We love you!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Rumbles, that is so great of you to help make your mom smile. I'm sure she really appreciates you and will get "back in the swing" soon.

Gigi said...

I think the "small" thud is because you are not getting enough noms, Rumbles. What is wrong with the Humans? Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is as important as our fudz. Nothing. You should always make a LARGE thud when you fall (not that we kitties ever "fall"--we just drop once in awhile to entertain the Humans).

Honestly, you have totally been doing your part. It's time for her to get with the program!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"cleaning yourself and tipping over?" I love it!

I think you spoke your mind very well and I bet your Mom will "get with the program" in short order!


The Chair Speaks said...

d'Artagnan, you do love your mom so much and tried your best to cheer her up.

Sparkle said...

Rumbles, I see you are having to work overtime doing what us kitties do best - forcing our humans out of the ruts they've gotten themselves into! I hope you are successful!

BeadedTail said...

Rumbles, it's very nice of you to try to keep your mom happy and get her to smile. We hope it works soon and she feels better. You always cheer us up!

LilycatQueen said...

Tut tut rumblemum what is wrong with you? If I were you Rumbles I would just sit on her and demand the scritchies and cuddles and meow at the fridge for the tunas. Your weight ok you not fat! Hoomans really what we have to put up with, I mean mine just moved when I am trying to sit on her, really........

Angela said...

You tell 'em Rumbles! Its not good enough!

Angel Simba said...

Very good to make your point with a letter, Rumbles. Humans don't "get it" easily, but this is very well done. I hope Rumblemum shapes up soon.

Ellen Whyte said...

You put your paw down Rumblebum! We're looking forward to how you civilise your humans...

Mr Puddy said...

Dear Rumble, sound like your mom need to get fix.
I think you might have to put her in the carrier and then send to the VET.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Rumbles, our mom is so busy too right now. She has barely had time for cuddles or blogging or anything at home. We also have to find innovative ways to entertain and gain attention.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That's right, Rumbles. Lay it out clearly!!!

The Chans

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Rumbles, yoo are right to tell her now ~ so fings don't get worse.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good for you Rumbles, we miss seeing you pal!

The Monkeys said...

We understand how you feel, Rumbles, but your Mum has a lot to get used to. The tuna thing?...definitely need it on demand, though.

Old Kitty said...

Awww sweet Rumbles!! Me and Charlie are so glad you are giving mum lots of reasons to smile!!! We hope you get your extra cuddles and treats!!! Take care

Admiral Hestorb said...

Rumble, I was so glad to hear from you. I have been so cranky pants and I need to come up out of it.

PEE ESS Mommy loves my thuds too.

Forever Foster said...

A small thud? Pull the other one, Rumbles :P

It sounds like you're being a very good mancat, buddy.

Marg said...

Good job Rumbles to try to help Mom get a little less sad. You are such a good boy to give her a little lecture to get going. WE all need a push every now and then. Big hugs to you Rumblemom. Take care.

Meow_Girls said...

Rumblesssss, You are such a smart kitty. You know how to get Rumblemum's attention. You deserve those scritchies in the night. And the TOONA? Well she should know better. We know she misses Inigo and she will continue to. But that will lessen as time passes. You know she loves you lots. And watch those thuds, Sweetie.


The Whiskeratti said...

We feel your pain about the noms... our Mom has been cutting us back too. It's good that you are trying to cheer up your 'rent.

Kea said...

Rumbles, it's so hard for the humans, when they lose a beloved family member. We think you're doing a fine job trying to get your mum to smile. In fact, it's hard work -- we're sure it deserves extra treats and never mind any so-called excess weight.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Rumbles, that is a well written letter! You are doing a great job of making your mum smile!

Cory said...

Rumbles, see...our humans take for granted the cute things we do, as if it's accidental. Nope, we are talented and skilled entertainers.

Good to tell her like it is!

Mariodacat said...

So very happy you put your paw down pal. He he - it is good you got Rumblemum to smile by going Thud on the floor. he he- I must have been a pretty big thud too cuz you are no small kitty. Just so you didn't hurt yourself. HUGS for you and Rumblemum.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Rumbles - tell your mom to step back and take another look - you need lots of food and treats and scritches and cuddles to keep your weight up.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Humans sure are good at making excuses. They should put less effort into excuses and more effort into waiting on us! MOL *smoochie*

Your Daily Cute said...

It does seem like you've been doing your part to get her out of the funk. Keep it up.

P.S. (to Rumblemum) Watch out... these kitties are conniving types. This could just be another plot for more toona.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Dear, sweet Rumbles....our mama can understand your mum's sadness, but life HAS to go on...if for no other reason than that she has you.

We all miss you when you're not here.....we miss Inigo lotz and lotz, but we also need to see you, Rumbles, on a regular a way it's a comfort for us to know that you are still there.


Cat said...

That Rumbles is one tough cookie! I guess you better straighten up and fly right!

Pirulo Furry said...

I'm with you, pal!

Jans Funny Farm said...

An excellent letter, Rumbles.

Carolyon said...

Oh Rumbles! You are such a brilliant letter writer! I might have to borrow you sometime if I need to write a letter!

Niles, Sammy and Zorro said...

Wow, Rumblepurr, you sure write stern letters! That'll teach Rrumblemum. and even though she may still leak tears every now and then we know she loves you heaps and loves when you be slightly clumsy just for her...and we're sure she plans to stock up on tunas for you asap. (not human tunas? you'll need a B supplement, too, then.)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are being very good helping to make your mum smile. That is worth lots of extra scritches.


You are such a good boy to be so sweet to your Mom..she loves you so and we can see how much you love her.


Sagira said...

Sounds like a great list to start with. Hope you get it all. :)

Danielle said...

You are doing a very good job of trying to keep your bean happy. I can just picture you sliding off the couch! :)

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom's are practically useless right about now... gives yours a chance.

The Island Cats said...

Whoa! Guess you told her, Rumbles!! We hope it does some good!

Lin said...

As much as you don't feel like it, you all have to laugh and play again. And I think everyone needs a little extra love when we are hurting. And I know this season is madness, I have to keep reminding myself to stop and hang with the kitties a little bit more--kitties reduce stress I hear. :)

Busy Buttons said...

VERY well said, my friend! I may have to "borrow" parts of your letter to send to MY Mom!

I don't know how Rumblemum could resist your handsome kitty face...

marley said...

Yes, mum, please let him out for a bit cos I got stuff I needs to give him *polishes THWOCK masheen*

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We see that you are trying your hardest to amuse your Mum and make her smile...and we think it's working cuz we see she's helping you blog more again...Yay! We love to hear what you are up to and how you are wowing the girlcats, too!