Friday, March 4, 2011

The final total

I'm so pleased to announce that the final total for the Christchurch SPCA is...

$3156.03 NZD!!! 

I've just made the donation, here is the message I put along with it:

"This money has been donated by people all over the world that are thinking of you. Speaking for all the donors, let me thank you for helping all the poor animals that have been displaced or injured by the recent earthquake. 

Our thoughts and purrs and prayers are with you all."  

Once again, thank you so much to everyone that has donated. It's been amazing that people all over the world have contributed, and really restores faith in humanity.

On a not-unrelated note, one of our friends has been doing beautiful art of the kitties and puppies from the earthquake and she's selling it with proceeds going to the SPCA. Here is the blog, stop by and say hello and see the beautiful art!


Martin Hooper said...

Well done Rumbles and friends!!!!


The Island Cats said...

Oh Rumbles! How wonderful!! Good job!!

LilyCatQueen said...

Fantastic!!! *jumping in circles* happy for the anipals and grateful for everyone for donating, times like this you realise we are all one big community! LilyCatQueen

Mimi Jeff said...

We are standing - we are applauding - we are purring - we are barking. WELL DONE!

Anonymous said...

Our ♥s and PURRayers are with all of the living beings of Christchurch. May God keep them all safe and free of fear.

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

Super deluxe! We knows yur efforts will be furry much appurrciated by all concerned.

Good on you, Rumbles!

BeadedTail said...

That's wonderful Rumbles! So many dogs and cats are going to be helped with that money! Our thoughts and purrayers are with all those effected.

Elyse K said...

Good on you, sweet Rumbles!

Petting and purrs to you and LCpl Mew from me and Cassie Cat,


M Dawson said...

Wowser Rumble just totally WOWZER!!!!!!

Lunch on us - date and time to be arranged!

@dashKitten and Whskr

Sparkle said...

Rumbles, you guys did an AMAZING job! I am SO proud of you and Dash.

Mr Puddy said...

Rumble, You did the great great thing !
I'm proud to be your friend : )

Angela said...

Woohoo! Thank you for organising it all Rumbles. You are one philanthropic puss!

Angel Simba said...

So much thanks to you and your Mom for doing this fundraiser, Rumbles. We hope for the very best for the dear pets in Christchurch.

Kea said...

Wow, fantastic! Congratulations and kudos for doing this!

-Nicki and Derry

Forever Foster said...

What an amazing effort. Well done for marshalling such a great collection, Rumbles. Our useless mum was too late to chip in through your ChipIn, but we will mention you in our note when she gets her backside into gear.

The Monkeys said...

Fabulous job! Thank you for all you've done to help the lost and injured pets!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well done Rumbles! You did a great job of giving us all a way to help. That is a great total.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That total is fabulous and makes me proud as always to be a part of our wonderful network and proud to be your friend as the job you have done is pawesome.. Well done friend.. Hugs GJ xx

Unknown said...

Oh Rumbles...that is amazing! I am so glad you gave us all the opportunity to help the pets in Christchurch! *high paw*
Cairn cuddles, Oz

Old Kitty said...

Yay!!!! Brilliant news!!!! Yay!!!! Take care

Marg said...

Wow, that is so terrific. Rumbles you did such a great job with this collection. Thanks so much for doing this for all the poor animals. Hope you have a super week end. More pictures of the new kitty please.

meowmeowmans said...

Fantastic job, Rumbles! Thank you for heading up this effort. We are so proud of you!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

YAY!!! That is excellent!!!

Catio Tales said...

Awesome total - well done Rumblepurr. We need more kitties like you!
We still check the news about what's happening in Christchurch and think a lot about everyone there.

Brian's Home Blog said...

All I can say is Rumbles Rocks!!!

=^..^= said...

Great work!!! You're an angel!!!

~Slash & Bronzy

Kate said...

Well done and excellento!!

Ma has been doing some work for the christchurch people and says some of the stories are unbelievable!

And its only 579 kms away!

Mariodacat said...

FANTASTIC! I'm so happy I could be part of this great drive. I know it will help lots of anipals that suffered through the earth quakes.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

KhonKHats fur your dedikhation to the khause!


@WallaseKatt said...

G'day Rumbles,
Gr8 result but guess what!? There's meant to be $65 more for the artwork Isa & I won in @CheshireK's auctions... We've been offline for a week & I've just come by to sort that out. Oops. Do u know how I can donate direct?
Thanks mate,

Nadbugs said...

Dear Rumbles, see shout-out in admiration: