Sunday, March 13, 2011

Preparing for the 'what if'

There's been so many crazy things happening lately, and some have been really close to home. Rumblemum has been taking some steps to make sure we're prepared and she thought you guys might want to do the same (her philosophy is 'it's better to have it and never need it than need it and not have it)

(1) Pack a 'go bag'. A 'go bag' is packed with things that you can grab quickly and get out to safety with. Keep a set of clothes (if you have to run out at night, you won't be wearing day clothes) Make sure you've got a waterproof jacket and a blanket to keep you warm.

Some food (like power bars or granola bars) and water, a first-aid kit, a few packs of baby wipes, a radio, a flashlight, a lighter... but don't forget about us furry friends! Make sure you've accounted for food and water for us - Rumblemum has packed my light metal dish, crunchies, treats and three cans of soft food. Also take a blanket for us! Have an extra set of any medications we might be taking, and some Rescue Remedy to help calm.

In case of emergency, please pack RUMBLE

(2) Even tho I'm an indoor only cat, Rumblemum and dad have me microchiped. It'll make it easier to reunite with me if needed.

(3) Find a hotel or motel that will let you stay with pets. Quite often Red Cross shelters won't accept pets. You'd better do your hotel research now, after an emergency it's unlikely you'll have web access.

(4) Make sure your carrier is somewhere that you can get to it quickly. Leaving it out will also help with any fear that may be associated with bringing it out (I used to hide when the carrier came out, but now it's out all the time I don't notice it)

(5) Always have a recent photo of your pets with you - not just because we're cute and you want to show us off - if we're separated in an emergency you'll want to have photos to take to shelters to find us.

I hope that we'll all never have to use these tips... but it's good to have just in case.


Celtic said...

Awesome post.. and very informative! Thanks Rumbles!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Excellent advise Rumbles! We think we're prepared, but ya just never know. We have those things covered...I think, I'd best check.

Angel Simba said...

This is making Mommy cry, but it is all VERY good advice.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Great post! We need to get our Mom busy getting ours ready.

Gigi said...

Oh Rumbles, that is all such good advice. For a while, the Human says, after the 1989 earthquake in SF, she had a really good emergency kit for her & her Kitties she had back then. But over the years she has used up the supplies and stuff and now: We got nuthin'!! You gave us such a great reminder!

The Human would add some CASH to your list because ATMs might not be working and there might not be anyplace to get money.

Oh, and I wouldn't worry about your new Bro being big like his dad. He'll be little when you get him, and you'll be able to show him who's boss so by the time he gets growed up he will totally understand that no matter his size, you are TOP CAT!

The Island Cats said...

Rumbles, this is very good advice! Thanks for reminding all of us!!

"The Boys" and Karen said...


This is wonderful advice. Thank you for posting it.

A month or so ago, the next-door neighbor's garage exploded and then caught fire. As we (and all the neighbors and people from several blocks away, and the fire department and many others from around town) stood in the cold, the wind and snow watching it all--and as some of the smoke drift toward our house--I couldn't help but think what would we do if we had to get our four cats out in a hurry? Where's this, where's that, etc.?

Your tips will give me a great frame of reference to pack a bag.

And Rumbles, love you in "Gucci"!

Katnip Lounge said...

This is an excellent list! Our Mommy is considered "necessary personnel" in an emergency, and she made sure that pets will be allowed to shelter with her (as well as Daddy) where she works. BUT, we are going to check and make sure we have enough fudz stockpiled and our carriers are ready.

Sagira said...

Very informative post for sure.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is very good advice. Our mum said she will have to pack a go bag because no-one knows what sort of emergency could happen.

The Daily Pip said...

Great advice!!! So important to be prepared. Stay safe everybody!

Your pal, Pip

The Whiskeratti said...

You are absolutely correct, Rumbles and Family.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great advice. Thanks, Rumbles, better be prepared than regret. SS is going to attend to it now. In any case, the carrier is out all the time because of my fear of it.

Lorenza said...

It is important to be prepared just in case something happens, right?
Kisses and hugs

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You're so helpful, Rumbles. Our mom says she needs to prepare us too.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wonderful advice, Rumbles. These days you just never know. We are usually prepared to go to the basement with what we need in case of tornadoes, but we really need to step it up and do more of what you have mentioned. Thanks for a great post.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara


During hurricane season we always have a "to go" package ready. YOu just never know when you will have to leave in a hurry.

Good post with great advise.


BeadedTail said...

Thanks for the great information Rumbles! Our mommy has been thinking about being ready in case of an emergency but now she might actually get ready!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Very informative! Hopefully, none of us will never need this.

Mr Puddy said...

Rumble, Your mom are well prepared, I think she got everything you all need. I hope my human uncle and his family in New Zealand do that too. Me and my family heard the "what if ". I purrs for all in New Zealand and others places all around the world. Nothing will happen.You all will be safe and I pray my mother nature will clam down.

Please Take Care
Puddy and Mom Boom

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Great advice Rumblemum!
Mom is a list maker and this one-- well, she should put it on her list of things to do haha meow.
These are great ideas

We are living in interesting times...
it is best to be prepared.
bonks and bronks to all of you at the rumblehouse

Quill and Greyson said...

Awesome post! Mom starred it so she will work on getting things prepared.

PS Your Baby Brother's Dad is a big and cute fella, but we know you'll keep him in line.

Pup Fan said...

Informative post - really great tips. Thanks for sharing these.

Angela said...

I've been meowing at my hoomans to get something like this sorted seeing as we live in shaky quaky New Zealand near you too. I better keep meowing some more till they do it! And make sure they pack lots of party mix for me too.

Sparkle said...

Great post, Rumbles! Excellent advice.

Nadbugs said...

Other things that helped Bugs and me when we had to take refuge: Familiar-smelling things; the litter he's used to; the flashlight was very important; and, also, I actually checked the pet-friendly motel room the day before, to make sure it was tight with the door shut & there were no impossibly small places for him to wedge into. Even with that -- he found one. Read about it in my blog, Feb. 1st, 4th, & 21st posts. The never-ending ingenuity of -- cats.

Raymond and Busby said...

Great post Rumbles! We live near the San Andreas fault so we have a "go" bag ready. We hope we never have to use it.

HubbleSpacePaws said...

You know, we have so few threats here, we've not thought about this for ourselves. Great advice!

Bambi, Buffy, Ninja and Spyder said...

Our Mom lined up all our carriers by the door because of the soo-nami warning. We live near Santa Cruz Califronya. The birdees dint come to the feeders and we was real nervous. But, we watched TV wif Mom and lernt it weren't gonna be so big. So, we stayed home. Phew!

Catio Tales said...

Very very good post Rumble-guru. This is hard to think about but really important. Äiti worries loads about this sort of thing but where we live there aren't many tsunamis or earthquakes but there might be a nuclear power station being built 100km away.......

Äiti wonders if she should have carriers for all of us - 12!!!!

We hope that everyone who has a 'go bag' NEVER has to use it.

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Rumbles!! Me and Charlie hope and pray that you or Rumblemum and Rumbledad and soon to be little baby brother Rumblejunior will never have to do these emergency stuff! :-(

We hope and pray that you all stay safe and that mother nature will be not be so rough and devastating after these awful tsunamis and floods and earthquakes!!

But we are also very glad that you are all prepared for the worst!!!

Hugs and purrs! Take care

Mariodacat said...

Dis is such a helpful post. You has one smart rumblebum and rumblemum. We don't live in an area dat is prone to earth quakes, but we gets tornados. M says she will pack a bag too and leave it in the front hall closet. It's a lesson for everyone - not just those living in earth quake areas. Stay safe dear friends.

The Florida Furkids said...

Excellent post! We have to be prepared because hurry cane season is almost here.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

HH and The Boys said...

Great post. A go bag is a wonderful idea...

pawhugs, Max

Cat said...

Excellent advice to have a "go" bag ready. We sincerely hope you never have to use it!!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Very well thought out and sensible. When #1 lived in Tokyo with her first cat, Ikkyu, she had everything at the ready, just in case. She never needed any of it, fortunately, but it is always better to be prepared.

The Chans

Unknown said...

Dear d'Artangan,
Great Post! Always be prepared! Because we travells so much, we has 'Passports". They has a picture, our recent shots, our vital statistics, lists of the medications (well just Sam) and contact information, not just for our house, but we has our human brother's in there too!
Rumblemum sounds like a very smart lady!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Those do be furry good suggestshuns - better safe than sorry. And we do beleef that all pets should be microchipped no matter wot. We has known indoor only kittehs wot falled out of windows on accident and gotted lost! It dussn't even take a big natural disaster fur bad things to happen.

Lin said...

Good advice, kitty friend. I think I'm going to work on getting it done this week!

Admiral Hestorb said...

absolutely good advice and we should all have that to-go bag as emergencies come in many forms. And believe it or not, I have a to-go bag but I forgot to make one for my furbaby! That will be taken care of immediately.

Carolyon said...

My Abbey and I have been getting organised too! Best to be prepared!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We hope yoo NEBER hafta use yoor plan ~ but it is very sensible to have one. Stay safe.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That's a great suggestion~!
We are going to prepare our go bag, too!!

marley said...

I fink you haz fort of everyfing there my pal. Altho if i was a doggie I would say also to pack a spare lead and mebbe one toy for comfort. Nice werk

Furry Bottoms said...

You really take wonderful candid pictures, I love it!