Friday, August 14, 2009

Freezing on a Friday - Inigo Flufflebum

I know that as a Flufflebum I should be warm, but it has been VERY cold of late.

My heater brings me great joy, and here I am making sure that the Flufflebum stays nice and toasty.

A special snuggle to my buddy @Perrythebirman's mummy (and NOT a Rumblepurr mummy-stealing kinda cuddle, this is a NICE cuddle)


Theo and Tigsy said...

OMC Dat iz just da CUTEST piccie ever! *nosetaps* -T&T

perrythebirman said...

OMC mai pal - u shure noes how 2 wurk dat heater! *hi-paws*

mommy says 2 say tks fur teh snuggles an dat she wud snuggle wit u any day ov teh week and dat picshure had her laffin so hard it made her tummy hurt!


Misha said...

You look soooo relaxed, Inigo! Mummy wants to snorgle your beautiful belleh!

Milo and Alfie said...

Now that is an excellent way of warming the flufflebum.

The Whiskeratti said...

A warm bum indeed ceases to be a bum in need.

Anonymous said...

What a GRRR-8 picture and gotta always keep the bum warm!!!

Anonymous said...

Over where we live it is summer so there is NO way we wanna get near the heater. We are sittin' in the sunbeams that comes through our windows! We are happy that you are warm if you wanna be warm☺

Reese =^..^= said...

I love that pose!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hahahaha! That is the funniest picture. We laffed lots and we are still laffin