Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dreams in the Mouse House - Inigo

I love my house. I dream of  all the fabulous adventures
Rumbles and I will have!

It's so safe and cozy in here. zzzzzz
I got to see the cardiologist today. I like her, she says I'm handsome and gives me snuggles.

I've made good progress - she thinks I'm a LOT happier, and while I haven't put on any more weight, I haven't lost any.

She's going to keep watching me, and try some new meds. Thank you all again for being so kind to me and the Rumblefolk. It sure does help having friends.


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh Inigo!! What an amazing mouse house you have! Does it even come with cheese?

We are so happy that the cardiologist is happy with your progress and that she is giving you new meds and that you like her!!

We think of you and purr for you every day!

Much love, Caren and Cody

BeadedTail said...

We love your Mouse House Inigo! You look so cute in it too!

We are so happy that your cardiologist treats you so well and is working so hard at making you better. We aren't surprised at all that she snuggles you because we would too! We're still purring for you!

Lita and the boys in Melbourne said...

Hey Inigo,

look at you all handsome in your Mouse House! (not that i even saw the mouse till i read Caren's comment.)
Long may you rule your little house and may you plan many adventures with master Rumblepurr!

Peace of heart to your Rumblefolks.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That's a pawsome house you have there.

So happy to hear encouraging words from the kitty cardiologist. Hang in there and keep doing well.

Purring hard for you still.

Sparkle said...

That is a very cool mouse house, Inigo! I am glad the vet is happy with your progress, and that the new medications she prescribes are even more helpful than the other ones!

P.S. Eat more!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

What a terrific mouse house! That's nice that your cardiologist gives you snuggles. We would too. How wonderful that you are doing well. Jack is too, so much better than Mom expected. He was really good tonight and let Mom give him subq fluids without giving the bitey.

Inky the Shop Monkey said...

Handsome Inigo, you look fangtastic in your mouse house.
Pixel and I are glad to hear you are doing better and that your cardiologist gives good care and good snuggles.
Lea & Pixel

Mr Puddy said...

Inigo, Fabulous house you have ! In the mouse's mouth And I love the color " Black and White "..hee...hee..I think you know why...Tuxie color : )

I really happy to hear you are doing good with your weight. That takes a lot of sacrify !

Keep up a good work !

Scout and Freyja said...

Even though we don't see you alla' the time we want you to know that our ♥s are wrapped around yours to make it strong and well.

Karen Jo said...

I love your mouse house. I am glad that your cardiologist gave you a good report and is so nice to you. It's great that your weight has stabilized. I did that, too, when I was so sick last spring. I stayed the same for a couple of weeks, then started gaining. I wish the same for you. I am purring my best for you.


The Monkeys said...

We're so pleased that you haven't lost any more weight, Inigo! Your cardiologist sounds like a very caring doctor.

We love your mouse-house!

Kea said...

What a fantastic mouse house, Inigo!

Good luck with the cardiologist -- we're glad you're holding your own! Big smooches from our mom and kitty kisses from us!

Angel Simba said...

Way to go good news! Love that Mouse House. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring here.

HH and The Boys said...

Good to hear you are staying steady with your weight. Just keep doing what the doc says. I'm sending you purrs and pawhugs.


The Daily Pip said...

We are so happy to hear the good news! That's a very nice mouse house. Rosie wonders if there might not be room for her in there with you. Sorry, she is a hopeless flirt ...

Your pals, Pip and Rosie

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Ah thats the best news that you are doing well. Just brilliant. I love the pictures in the house.. Hugs GJ xx

Old Kitty said...

Gorgeous and absolutely stunning Inigo!! Me and Charlie are so so so happy with your good news!!! Yay for your lovely vet!! Please keep getting better!! We are sending you tons more purrs!!

And handsome Rumbles!! We love that you are looking very manly in your sweet house!! :-) Take care

Marg said...

We love your mouse house. That is so darn cute. And you look mighty handsome sitting in the mouth.
That sure is exciting news that the cardiologist thinks you are doing so well. We bet you will put on weight soon. Take care and still crossing our paws for you Inigo.

Cat said...

My boys think your mouse house ROCKS!

Good luck today at the cardiologist, we will all be thinking about you and hoping for more encouraging news!!! Everyone sends purrs to you beautiful Inigo :-)

marley said...

If you like, I can gib you lessuns in eatin. I am quite the expert. Woof. Get well soon my buddy

Cory said...

I'm thinking that Nigel could give you one of his extra pounds! He's nice that way.

Inigo, you look so handsome and happy inside your cozy spot. We continue to purr for you.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I just love your mouse house! I have a cube but it isn't as cute as yours is. They are lots of fun. Glad you checked out at the drs. try to gain a few pounds if you need to, I have some extra ones if you would like.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, your mouse house is wonderful! I am so happy you have doing good and holding steady. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of you Inigo and send you lots of purrs and prayers.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We luv your mouse house Inigo - do you share it with Rumbles. We hope your lady cardiologist finds some new meds to make you absolutely purrfect again.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
ps purrs to Rumbles xx xx

Angie, Catladyland said...

So glad you are feeling better! That house is absolutely adorable -- I love the whiskers. You get lots of rest and ask for extra snuggles :)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Inigo, we are so glad yoo are feeling better. We are sending yoo more BIG healing purrs 'cos yoo are so preshus to us.

Jill said...

That mouse house is awesome! So glad to hear you're doing better!
Sending purrs & good thoughts your way.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Keep doing better.

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! That is some pawsome mouse house you got there. You look a lot healthier and happier. My purrays and purrs are with you and the Rumblesfamily that you keep holding your own and getting better. Snuggles and xoxo.

Katnip Lounge said...

Where on earth did you get your Mouse House? It is PAWESOME!
Inigo, we're so happy you're feeling good. And naturally the vet would love you and think you're handsome, cuz you ARE!
We hope the new medicine will work well for you, we lubs you lots and want you with us a loooong time yet.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Inigo~~you look very comfy in your mouse house. We will be purring for your new medicines to work wonderfully for you.

P.S. Meowm thinks you are super handsome!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Inigo~~you look very comfy in your mouse house. We will be purring for your new medicines to work wonderfully for you.

P.S. Meowm thinks you are super handsome!

The Whiskeratti said...

We hope you get another good report from the kitteh doc today. Hugs!

Pumpkinpuddy said...

That's a cool mouse house and the squirts have taken over my little red tent. Maybe I can talk mom into getting me a mouse house!

So glad you're doing better. Sending lots of snuggles and cuddles.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're so happy that the cardiologist was pleased with you, Inigo! Do keep it that way, won't you?

Sagira said...

Glad to hear that things are looking better.

You sure do look cozy! :)

Keiko said...

Oh Inigo, we are so happy that you're doing better! Hope the new meds are good, and you can keep your weight on! Your Mummy knows the bestest thing for you, and we are so happy for you guys!!!
Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is great news that your cardiologist said you are doing well.
We love your mouse house.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We LOVS your little mouse house. Bet it is really comfy in there. Good news from the vet, now all you need to do is start putting on that weight:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Island Cats said...

Inigo, we like your Mouse House!! Very cool!! And we're glad you're doing okay.

cats of wildcat woods said...

So happy to hear you are doing better - still sending purrs to you. Way cool house there!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better. You are looking quite handsome in your house.

CCL Wendy said...

It's good to hear from you directly, Inigo and to know that you are doing better. You are indeed a handsome boy -- your vet knows what she is talking about!

I hope you just get better and better from hereon in! Go Inigo!

Anonymous said...

oh my cod, LOVES your mousie housie. glad to hears you is feeling betters, dude, keep us in the loop!

meowmeowmans said...

We are so glad you have a nice cardiologist, and that you are doing well! We are purring and praying that you'll put on some weight, Inigo.

P.S. love your mousie housie! :)

Pup Fan said...

Glad to hear that the cardiologist had good things to say! :)

Teddy Westlife said...

What a great house Inigo. I'm glad you're feeling better too.

Clarissa said...

Hmmm....nice digs you have there Inigo. We are glad you are feeling better. And of course your cardiologist loves you! How could she not? You are so handsome!

Mariodacat said...

That is such good news sweet friend. Once again all that purring and prayers are working along with your expert vet care and your oomans who adore you. We all adore you buddy. Keep up the good work and I'm going continue purring for you.

"The Boys" and Karen said...

Now that, Inigo, is the kind of mouse in the house we wouldn't mind!

So glad to hear you're "holding your own" and that it sounds like you're a bit better.

We're still keeping you in our purrrayers.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Inigo! We are so glad you are doing ok - we haven't had a chance to visit much but we send you lots of purrs and prayers every day! We are not surprised about the lady vet saying you are handsome - it is so true! It just goes to show what a smart lady vet she is too! We hope you keep feeling better and better! And boy, that is one lucky vet lady to get to snuggle with you!!

Meowers from Missouri said...

peace and blessings upon you and your mouse house and the rumblefolk, inigo! we are elated to hear that treatment progresses satisfactorily, and you remain content and happy.


Gigi said...

You might be a little slender, but I think the Rumblemum will fatten you up a little soon! You look plenty handsome to us, Inigo! So very happy to see you looking and feeling good!

Busy Buttons said...

That mouse house is super cool! It reminds me of my princess tent! You're a lucky kitty, Inigo!