Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Inigo update - Rumblemum

I've been quiet because he's been doing well. I didn't want to get everyones hope up, but he was eating like normal, sleeping on the bed, greeting me at the door, coming for cuddles... it was like before he was sick.

I was getting my hopes up, I knew there was a good chance that I'd be crushed.

Today Inigo went to the cardiologist.

Long story short... he's doing better.

This being said: he is still very, very thin. He needs to eat LOTS more... but I have hope.

Thank you all for your support over the last few days, and for thinking of us all. It's been such a hard time, and having you all here has made such a difference.

You're a wonderful group of friends to us all.


Raymond and Busby said...

This is great news! We can't help but think that the Power of the Purr had something to do with Inigo's improvement! We're very happy for you all and we hope our friend starts putting on some weight. xoxo

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

As long as he is eating and happy, there is hope. Continuing purrs from this corner of the world, from little me :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

This is much better news! I will continue to sending healing purrs for Inigo!

Pumpkinpuddy said...

OMC my eyes are leaking. But this time they're happy tears. *doing happy dance* Mom and I will keep purring and purraying that Inigo keeps improving. *breathes big sigh of relief* smoochies for my favorite boys!

flicka47 said...

Yay!!! That is so good to hear. Hopefully with the right combos of medicine he will be Relatively healthy and happy for a good long time! Hugs to all of you!!

PuppyNumber7 said...

Go Inigo! Keep it up little buddy! Powerful voodoo #pawcircle and #healingpaw combine to help you eat and make you strong. xxx

Angel Simba said...

Mom and I are so glad to hear that things are better for Inigo, at least for now. We are very glad he has more time to enjoy life and for you to enjoy him, and for Rumbles to enjoy his company, even if it may not be forever. We are sorry for your roller coaster ride, and hope he can start to pick up some weight, or at least not get thinner. Still purring and purring here for my pal.

Angela said...

More healing purrs from me and the hoomans. We are glad Inigo is doing well >^oo^<

Anipal Photo Hunt said...

Oh thank goodness! We've really been pulling for him over here!!

That makes us so happy!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

I am happy to hear good news, that Inigo is having some quality of life back. I understand why you feel cautious. Cats can be amazingly strong at bouncing back, but then you hit a bad day.....Jack is doing well right now too, and I thought he would be much sicker or gone already with the multiple diseases, conditions, and syndromes he deals with. I am continuing to think about Inigo every day and pray for his full recovery. You never know. Jack came back from death 2 years ago with nothing but love and prayer, and the aid of a painkiller.

Ellen Whyte said...

Hooray! We're so relived. But we'll keep purring just in case.

Sparkle said...

I am so relieved to hear this! Paws crossed that the medication keeps doing the trick, and that he puts back some of the lost weight. Nothing would make me happier than to see Inigo's quality of life return for good.

Poppy Q said...

We are glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better Ingio. You keep eating your noms and giving your mum smooches.

Poppy Q

Karen Jo said...

Way to go, Inigo! I am so happy that you are doing so much better. I also hope that you have found the right combination and dosages of meds. Don't worry if Inigo just slowly increases the amount that he eats. Herman just ate a little more, then a little more, until he was almost well, then he started wolfing food down.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Like so many others, we have been waiting for news of our friend Inigo and we are so relieved that he is doing better. We know he is in the very best of hands and hope that he will gradually regain his strength and weight. Hang in there, Rumblemum!

Purrs, Woofs and Hugs,
The Chans, Tommy and #1

Teddy Westlife said...

HOORAY FOR INIGO! That is such good news.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks so much for the update. I can't begin to tell you how often we think of sweet Inigo and you. Purrs and hugs to you. Everyone loves Inigo!!!

The Whiskeratti said...

What wonderful news!! We're so glad to hear this!

Forever Foster said...

Dearest darling Inigo, we are in tears reading about your progress. I wonder if Inigo would like kitten formula, like Biolac? My mum gives me some of that as an extra supplement when I get a bit skinny. It is good and fatty. My panting and breathing improves when I have a bit more weight on, and when that means an extra squeeze of Nutrigel on my dinner I am extra happy.

We love you, Inigo. Lots of purrs,
Lishy the 14 month old kitten who wouldn't make it to 6 months :)

Daisy said...

I am so glad to hear good news for Inigo! I can't recall if we mentioned this before, but have you tried freeze-dried chicken liver treats? We are so wild for them, we will gobble down anything with the crumbles from the jar sprinkled on top.

The Monkeys said...

We are SO happy that your sweet Inigo is doing better and we're purring and thinking positive thoughts so that he adjusts well and keeps eating! We love you, Inigo!

Catmama said...

Wonderful news! Go Inigo! Dear little furry heart you have made everyone so happy with your continued recovery. Keep going sweet baby. Hugs, head bumps and purrs to you!

The Daily Pip said...

This is wonderful news! We will continue to send lots of purrs and prayers your way. My feline sister Rosie is so happy, she's talking about jumping on the next plane - and making one of her famous tuna/catnip casseroles for Inigo. Rumbles could have some, too!

Your pal, Pip

Martin Hooper said...

Well done Inigo! Pulling for you here too! All the way from the UK :)

Bear said...

Oh that is wonderful news! Fuzz & I will continue to cross our paws that Inigo gets better and eats. And now Rosy will be keeping her paws crossed too! Bear&Fuzz Hugs and Rosy kisses!

Pandafur said...

yay! hold onto hope, cuz you noes the power of teh paw iz rill! I so happy for dear Inigo an now let's hope him eats some more noms xxxox

Marg said...

Our Mom is so excited and so are we. Yeah Inigo. Gosh that is good news. Our Mom is just like yours Inigo. She doesn't like to talk about you being a little better, for fear she will jinx it. We are still sending lots of purrs and prayers that you continue to do better. Glad you got that medicine adjusted. Take care and keeping our paws crossed for all of you.

Cory said...


We will never stop purring for Inigo.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are ALL thrilled in our howse, that dear little Inigo is doing better. It's been such a worrying time for yoo and us all 'cos we all love Inigo. We are still gonna PURR daily for Inigo to make sure he remains well and starts eating. PURRS.

Love Milo and Alfie xx

The Island Cats said...

We're keeping our paws crossed and continuing to purr very hard for Inigo that he continues to do well. Now let's fatten that boy up!! ;-)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Inigo is a very strong and brave kitty. This is wonderful news!
We will continue to send him our purring prayers...
Love, Caren and Cody

Kea said...

We're SO glad the news is better! Continued purrs and healing Light! Inigo, eat, eat, eat and put on some weight, sweetie!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Precious Inigo. We knew you needed to stay with your family who loves you so very much.
You eat, sweet one, and get strong. I can't wait to hear how you progress.
The Admiral

Cat said...

How wonderful to hear that Inigo is improving!!! I know it is hard to be anything other than cautiously optimistic, but lets all just jump for joy a little :-)

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!! Me and Charlie are over the moon at this news!! We are so so so so so relieved to hear of gorgeous Inigo's progress!! He is a real fighter and a brave brave kitty to carry on being himself even when he was feeling very poorly! We are so glad that you stuck to your gut instincts Rumblemum and Rumbledad!! You saved his life!!!! We are so so glad things are looking positive. We are sending you all tons of purrs and hugs and hope that Inigo's appetite increases!!!

Sweet Rumbles!! You are adorable for being so thoughtful and loving to your beautiful big brother!! Yay!!

Take care

cats of wildcat woods said...

Purrs and positive thinking can go a long way. Glad to hear Inigo is doing better.

meowmeowmans said...

We are thrilled and so happy to hear that Inigo is doing better, and that adjusting his meds may be the solution! I actually have tears of joy in my eyes as I type this, so I can only imagine how pleased you all are.

We will continue to purr and pray. Please eat lots of food, Inigo ... you need to put on some weight, sweet boy.

(((Love, purrs and headbonks)))

Mariodacat said...

We're continuing to say prayers, I have paws crossed and I'm purring like crazy. Enjoy and celebrate his good days - live for the moment. We'll pray too dat he starts eating a little better. HUGs and love from M and me.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, there is nothing like the power of purrs, paws, and prayers - we hope you continue to see progress. Inigo, please eat well and put some of that weight you need on. That is a never-ending battle for us here with Phantom too. Thanks for the update - it makes us feel better.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY!!!!!!!! This is great news. We continue to purray for dear sweet Inigo. We send our love to all of you.

Cathy Keisha said...

Bet you're glad you didn't listen to the Vet that said to put him down and listened to us—and your heart—instead. YAY Inigo! You can do it, boy! Do as I say and not as I do and take all your meds and eat all your food. I want to see you run in next year's NYC Marathon! xoxo


We are so glad to hear that things are positive for Inigo and that he is doing better.
One day, one small step.
We'll take it!
Inigo we love you!

purrs and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Pawesome news!

Thanks fur sharing!


BeadedTail said...

We're so happy to hear this news! Our mommy's eyes are leaky with joy! We'll continue to send purrs to Inigo that he keeps getting better and starts putting on weight too! Give him and Rumbles our love!

Katnip Lounge said...

Hurrah! I am thrilled for Inigo! Fingers crossed he's at the sweet spot for his meds.
If you see a long thin grey Cat around, that's my Dusty...I asked him in my prayers to watch over your darling boy and be his Guardian Angel.
Love, MomKat Trish

Mishkat said...

We're SO happy to hear this! We know it takes time to get medications adjusted. We hope Inigo continues to feel much better.

Lots of love and many purrs to all of you from Tasha, Dobby, Franklin, and mom Katie

Catio Tales said...

Fantastic news! We can send food parcels, but we think you have probably bought the whole pet food shelf already. Purrs and purrs x

Sebastian said...

Yay! Paws crossed that he eats lots more and gains some weight!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Keep eating and drinking Inigo!!! We are purring and purring for you!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

This is just the best news.. I am so happy to read that Inigo is doing well. I contnue o purr that now he can build weight..Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

Amy and Alexander send three cheers for Inigo! Never give up hope! We'll all keep purring for him!

Sagira said...

We will continue to cross our paws!

Meow_Girls said...

SMOOCHIES to INIGO, RUMBLES, RUMBLEMUM and RUMBLEDAD. We are so happy that Inigo is improving. We hope you find something that he really loves to eat so he can gain some weight. We know about not getting hopes up but any good news is something to celebrate...Meow_Girls

Danielle said...

We'll keep him in our prayers for a nom-filled recovery! I hope he continues to feel like himself.

Mr Puddy said...

Yippee !!!! Inigo, we are so glad you doing well. Do doubt ! we still keep paws cross and purring for you

Ivan from WMD said...

This is good news! Eat up, little boy!

Cagneythecat said...

Wonderful news! Mom has leaky eyes but she says she is thrilled. I am doing zooomies of joy for Inigo!

Abigail said...

Cartwheels we are doing!!!
Chasing tails, leaping and purrring.

Fantastic mews.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Aw, this is good news. We hope the dosage is right and he will continue to do better. And gain some weight. Purrs and tail wags.

Quill and Greyson said...

Paws crossed and healing purrs that he thrives on this combination!

Katie Cat said...

INIGO! INIGO! I am so thrilled for you all! Much love is coming at you from across the ocean.

Gigi said...

Oh I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope! Such happy news!

I've been a little afraid to read your reports...but I've been purraying along with Spitty's purring every day! And we'll keep it up because I know you can just hear all the kitties from halfway across the world purring and cheering you on.

Pip said...

Oh Inigo, we cries such happy tears when we hears you are doing better. They sais there is a speshul thing that grows in the heart when love and hope are joined. We hopes your mommy's love-hope makes your heart as steady as a kitten's and as stong as a lions.
We are purring and purring.

Your Daily Cute said...

Oh! It's so great to hear good news. I understand your not wanting to get your hopes up... but sometimes that's OK, too. :)

Keep up the good work, Inigo. NOM NOM NOM (and then NOM some more).

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We are sending our loudest purrs to Inigo! We are so glad that he is doing better!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Inigo, until today we didn't know how much worse you had become. Although we couldn't visit for the last two weeks, we have thought about you very often. We have just caught up on the posts we have missed and are so relieved you are doing better again. We are purring our strongest purrs for you to continue to improve and to put on some weight.