Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hmmm - Rumblemum

I wanted to thank everyone for their comments and support, it's helped a lot to have so many people understand the grief we feel.

It's hard to know what to do next - looking at the blog I don't know what to do. This really was about telling the story of my boys, and their adventures. I guess the next step is to take Inigo's name off. I may wait a while to do that.

It's started to really sink in for Rumbles that his brother isn't coming home. He greets me at the door every day and looks past me, as if to say 'where is he?' We've got the Feliway running for him, and we're giving him lots of cuddles.

Thank you all again.


Murr Brewster said...

I"m sorry. You really came through for him. That's brave and good. And you had someone to be thankful for.

Jans Funny Farm said...

It is so hard when one leaves. We hated to remove Crystal from the header and stop signing his name, and we put it off as long as possible. We want him back on the header but so readers know he's happy at the bridge.

We send lots of purrs and tail wags to you and to Rumbles.

Pumpkinpuddy said...

No wisdom. Just hugs. *purr*

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I believe Inigo khan paw some khomments as The Angel he is!


Pirulo Furry said...

I think you shouldn't remove IƱigo's name altogether, but modify the way to present him. But take your time, just when you feel is the appropriate time. Meanwhile, lots of purrrs and headbumps of love for your family and Rumbles.

Raymond and Busby said...

Thanksgiving day here in the US, and we are thankful to have known Inigo and thankful to call you our friends. xoxo

Mr Puddy said...

We are all here for you...No matter how long it take to support you get back to normal...That's what friend are for...Please Take your time and Take yourself and family : )

Kiss + Purrs
Puddy & Boom

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh boy it's such a horrible time. But he did have a happy life with you, which has to be comforting. We're purring for you.

Karen Jo said...

You could just put "Angel" in front of Inigo's name, rather than taking his name off the blog. It's a really tough decision what to do about it, so take your time. I really feel for poor Rumbles, and the rest of you, of course.

The Whiskeratti said...

Hugs from us. We don't think there's any rush to remove Inigo from the blog either.

Angel Simba said...

If you are comfortable to keep the blog the way it is, and have Rumbles author the posts, I am sure all the friends would be just fine with that. After all, Inigo is still there when we read older posts and you aren't going to take those away. Anyway, no rush, and maybe the idea of "Angel" in front of his name would work.

Hugs and purrs.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Removing a name from the header is always so very painful. We chose to have a side window with the names and photos of our three "Bridge Gang" members. Others still leave those who have gone in the header, but present them a little differently.

We can imagine how desolate Rumbles must be feeling. Please give him a big cuddle from us.

Purrs, Woofs and Hugs,
Everyone at the Poupounette

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We so understand what you're going through. And we're glad that Rumbles is getting extra love ~ you must all miss Inigo so much.

Maybe you could change the header to read Angel-Inigo and give him a halo, rather than remove the dear little boy's name. After all, you are bound to do flashback posts and pics of him from time to time ~ because we will all want to remember him.

We are sending you all love and healing purrs. And on this THANKSGIVING we are thankful that Inigo was so loved and had such a hapy life, even though we are so very sorry he hadta go to the Bridge.

Happy Thanksgiving to yoo all. We hope the year ahead is healthy, wealthy and very happy.

Sparkle said...

Inigo is part of this blog's history. I know it is very painful right now to have to see his name in the header, but I like seeing him there, and remembering him.

We have lost a lot of blogging kitties in the past few months - think about what the others did with their blogs, and then do what is comfortable for you. Whatever you do, I am sending you lots of purrs of support.

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you and purrs to Rumbles. We are SO sorry Inigo had to go to the bridge. We know you will never forget him but understand that the blog may go through a transition.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Sending soft long purrs your way in this sad time. We will never forget sweet Inigo. Hugs to you! Perhaps Inigo can stay as an angel on the side of the blog, snoopervising, as it were.

HH and The Boys said...

Sending you comfort. You'll figure out what to do when the time is right. For now, just remember we are thinking of you.

pawhugs, Max

Kea said...

Lots of (((hugs))) and Light to you.

You will know, in time, what to do with the blog. In our case, even though Chumley had died long before the mom started blogging, she made him a part of the blog because he is so much a part of her.

Blessings and Peace.

Brian's Home Blog said...

There isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of Rumbles and RumbleMom and RumbleDad. We know how difficult it is, we've been there too. Inigo should always be a part of the blog somehow. Purrs & Hugs.

Cat said...

In time you will figure out what to do. There is no rush to decide anything, especially while your grief is so raw. I know how devastating it is and I feel so sad for all of you and what you are going through. Poor Rumbles, please give him love and kisses from us too :-)

Inigo inspired to make a "Friends at the Bridge" page on my blog where I can remember all the kitties who have passed on that were special to me and my boys.

The Daily Pip said...

We have been sending you lots of good wishes. I get teary eyed thinking of Rumbles looking for his brother ...Don't worry about the blog just take your time and let yourself heal.

Your pal, Pip

Mariodacat said...

HUGS Rumblemum. I've been thinking of you so much the past few days because we all know how difficult it is. Poor Rumbles, i'm sure he doesn't understand where his brother went. I'm sure there is a void in his heart too. Don't worry about the blog, you just need some time to heal. You'll know what to do one day when your heart is ready for it. Know you are surrounded by love and will be waiting for posts from da Rumblessssssss or even RumbleMum. Love you all.

marley said...

I be continuin my THWOCK amnesty for RUmbles. We dussnt fink is any rush to remove Inigo from da blog. His contribushun should stay here and we are sure you gonna fink like writin about him in the future.

Hansel said...

We are so incredibly sad. Our hearts and thoughts are with you during this difficult time. If you need someone to talk to, mom is hear ok?

Thank you so very much for sharing the story of your loving mancat with us, he was a part of our lives too, and we will miss him greatly. We hope that you can find comfort in knowing that he was truly loved by many people.

hansel, tesla & ben,
and of course the beans.

Cory said...

Mom is leaking all over again. Give it time and you'll know what to do. We have almost all of our guardian angels on the sidebar of my bloggie. We love the advice everyone else is giving. We've lost so many special CB furriends this past year and you can get wonderful ideas from the CB on how to feature Angel Inigo. Please give Rumbles some extra hugs and nose kissies from us.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I agree with Karen Jo who said you could put "Angel" in front of Inigo's name. I see no need to remove him from the blog.
I have my blog dedicated to my Angel Bobo and he is mentioned in a variety of my blog posts.
He may not be here physically but he is here in spirit, he deserves to be here, he is still loved by all of you and all of us and we are thinking of you!
Love, Cody and Caren

Lin said...

I don't think you have to change a thing. I started my blog when my Henry was alive and I have kept his photo at the top of the page ever since. He's been gone 2 years now. Grief has it's own time schedule and there is no need to rush past it and definitely no need to change the name or remove it from here just yet. That is just way to quick....for everyone.

Give it some time and see what changes come into your life ahead. Who knows what impact Inigo's life had on you long-term? I say wait and see and continue the adventure in his honor!

I'm thinking of you on this holiday and I know how very sad you all must be. We are sending love and hugs from all of us.

Jacqueline said...

We understand the grief you feel too well, but really hope you will continue your blog as a tribute to precious Inigo; we really want to be able to enjoy Rumbles and his silliness once again...We also want to be able to support you in your sorrow since we all loved Inigo as well and share in your sadness...Blessings to all of you as you grieve for your special, wonderful boy; wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time...Sending love and big hugs...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Island Cats said...

Others have given you great ideas...take your time and you'll know how you want to pay tribute to sweet Inigo. We miss him too...we send you and Rumbles purrs and headbutts.

Pup Fan said...

Just sending lots of hugs...

Noll's Nip said...

His spirit will live on. We, from time-to-time, remember those beautiful dogs and kitties who came before us. It gives us great comfort and keeps old memories fond and alive. Purrs to you.

Yoda_the_Dog said...

Whatever you decide, we love you!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Sending you lots of love and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We hope you will find a way to keep the blog going. Time heals a lot of the pain and in the meantime, just hang on tightly to all the wonderful memories you have of sweet Inigo.

Hugs and Woos, The OP Pack

Daisy said...

We will support you however you decide to handle it. I love the idea of giving angel Inigo a special halo, and I know he is looking over you.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I agree with many other comments here why not leave sweet Inigo on the header and give him a halo because he will be keeping an eye on things from the bridge. Hugs GJ x

Old Kitty said...

Oh Rumblemum, Rumbledad and sweet Rumbles!! Me and Charlie are sending you all tons of purrs and hugs! We think that this blog is a fabulous remembrance for darling Inigo! We think that he's now an angel looking after you all and will always be forever here in his and Rumbles' blog! Take care

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We send our love, purrs and purrayers to Rumbles, Rumblemum and Rumbledad, and we are purraying really loudly that Rumbles won't be too lonely.

We love y'all.

cats of wildcat woods said...

Just add angel in front of Inigo's name for now. We have found that telling our cats by thinking in pictures about what has happened when other cats pass on helps them understand better. They do know when one is not there anymore. Sending lots of loving purrs.

Princess Jasmine said...

Awwwwww. Simba said he misses his brother still so he knows how you feel. But........ it does get easier. Mummy said it took Simba a little while to look like his old self again and want to play. I hope I have helped him too by being his new little sister xx

BeadedTail said...

We're sending purrs to Rumbles and to both of you too. We know it's so hard and that you are missing Inigo very much. We agree that maybe you could change the blog to say Angel Inigo since that's what he is and we will always remember him. But whatever you decide to do, we will support your decision.

Hugs to all of you!

Cathy Keisha said...

When you're ready, you can take him off the header but leave his picture on the sidebar so I can still admire him. I love the entire Rumblefamily and know that Rumbles will get a new brother/friend someday soon to share his adventures. xoxo


Thank you for your update RumbleMom. We know that all of this is very painful for you right now. Proceed at your own pace. We will keep you and RumbleDad and Rumbles in our purrs.


Katnip Lounge said...

I was so glad to see a post, please know you have been in my thoughts often. I say you do whatever feels right for you...but I know Inigo lives on in mine and many others' hearts, and I would love to still see him on your blog.
XX Momkat Trish

Lita and the boys in Melbourne said...

Maybe get some rescue remedy for you all. It will help soothe the physical, mental and emotional. YOu probably don't think you deserve comfort but it was a structural thing, you couldn't help him any more. You could keep telling us Rumble adventures - and mum and dad ponderings...whatever makes it easier. Be easy with your sore hearts. And i really believe our animal kids can see their siblings when they cross, they do still miss them physically though.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We know how much you are hurting. It is too soon to decide what you want to do so wait until you are ready. Maybe you could dedicate the blog to Inigo.
Purrs and hugs.

meowmeowmans said...

We are sending you love, hugs, purrs and head bonks. We know that Inigo lives on in your hearts, so we agree ... maybe you should just put "Angel" in front of his name on the header?

Whatever you decide, please know that we love you guys!

Quill and Greyson said...

You take your time. We are happy to see you anyway you want to be seen. Purrs and hugs.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We have been thinking about Rumbles, and wondering if he will tolerate being a solo cat. We know he has lots of love from the Rumble family, but sometimes the feline company is a whole other thing.

Catio Tales said...

There are so many of us who fear what you are going through - what to do about a blog........ You and your blog are an inspiration. Time will tell you what to do.

Catmama said...

Hugs to you, Rumbledad and D'Artagnan. My heart goes out to you. Only you will know how best to deal with Inigo's passing. In time, it will become clear to you. Your heart will tell you.

My hope is that you continue to share this wonderful blog with us. And, even though it's hard, I hope you leave Inigo's name in the title, in some fashion, to honor him. He was very special (as are his brother and humans). People all over the world fell in love with him through the blog. Seems like he should be a part of it forever.

Thank you for sharing him with us. And thanks for making all of us here in Rumblebum land a part of your lives.

Oskar said...

We're so sorry for the continued pain. I know that you'll find a new path for your blog in time.

Nubbin wiggles,

Sagira said...

I am so very sorry once again. :(

I don't think you should take his name off. He is a part of this blog and always will be. Just give everything time.

Our thoughts are with you.

Carolyon said...

It will be a hard time for you all for a while!

Purrs and loving thoughts

Teddy Westlife said...

I am still thinking my best thoughts for you!

fambly kittens said...

We are feelin' furry bads 'bout your sweet kitty leaving for Heaven. We know how much you love(d) him and how much he love(d) you. We would leave his name on the bloggy. He still lives wif you - in your ♥.

Vicki said...

Oh yes, don't take Inigo's name off just yet....we all have to get used to not having him around....

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Inigo will always be there in your heart forever as long as you remember. I wouldn't remove his name.

Forever Foster said...

We don't have any wisdom to offer. We just send you lots of love.

Jenny Rose said...

Me an Momma are sending lots of love an purrrs (I's sendin da purrs, not her) to all of yew. We continue to keep yew in our thoughts.

Hugs an purrs,

Jenny Rose an Momma

Sweet Purrfections said...

Special smoochies and hugs from me!

The Crew said...

Yes, it's hard not only for us but for the animal siblings. When George lost his littermate sister at 6 years of age, he cried day and night for 2 weeks, looking for her all over the house. It broke our hearts and that's why we adopted Tipper as a kitten, to keep him company.

Sending healing purrs your way.

Crew's Mom

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh no we just came across Inigo's tweet profile on twitter! So sad.

Does Rumblebum tweet? If so, Au tweets from

Anonymous said...

Dear Rumbles, RumbleMum Rumbledad..Now i now Inigo as an angel, like me...As you do know i did join Inigo at RB on November 26, i keep mai blog, but i has put that i am now an angel, I have told him that you love him and miss him and we have played, we have run and we have seen you all down here. i think in time we love to see his adventures with all of us OTRB, which is a beginning not the end. I do know how hard it is for the others left behind, i has 5 wee ones, and they not know what to do with themselves. My heart broke when Inigo crossed and my thoughts are always with you, but what healed it, was that i see him again, and i too would be without pain and we would all run free.


Holly said...

You could have it as the adventures of Rumbles (and the spirit of Inigo Flufflebum)

Isagold said...

Hai RumbleMum! I fink MoMo & Marley got the rite ideahs. Don't feel preshud to take Inigo's name off... He's yr Angel neow & he's watchin you AND Rumbles. Ya neffa noe, he might wanna rite some bloggie from OTRB to dob in dat cheeky Rumbles!! That will prbly help u heal as well. MOL, we loves u all, Isagold & WallasEKatt xox

Bad Andy said...

Love you Rumblepurr! Hugs & comfort for you & family. I hope you can adopt a new brofur - bless another kitty's life in honor of Inigo.

Made you this:

xoxox ~Andy