Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today is not such a good day - Rumblemum

The vet has said it's time to let Inigo go. His blood pressure is very, very low and he's lost more weight. Our only option now is to reduce the medicine that's keeping the fluid from his chest and this will help his blood pressure, but we run the risk of losing him at home.

They feel that if it was their cat, they would let him go peacefully.

Inigo has been so bright the last few days, he was even playing with Rumbles on Monday when the Kritter Kondo arrived! They were playing hide and seek behind the big box it came in and he was so happy. He's been coming for cuddles and brushies every day and he sits in his sunpuddle. He runs in when he hears the undercover mouse start up.

I don't know if he's just trying to keep us from being upset and he's hiding that he's suffering. He's such a good boy, all he ever wants is to love and be loved.

How can I betray him and tell them to put him to sleep?

Update: We couldn't do it, we brought him home. He came right out of his cage and started checking to make sure the house was as he left it.

We put him outside on the deck in his Kritter Kondo, and he was SO happy. There was a bird on the deck next to ours and his eyes just lit up when he saw it - he looked so much like a kitten.

We keep changing our mind about the best way to handle this, and as so many of you have said it just doesn't feel right to let him go today.

He goes back to the kitty cardiologist next week. If he has to go I think we'd prefer her to do it. She loves him so much, and he adores her.

Thank you all for your words of advice and support.


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

So sad that this time has come in Inigo's life, and your family's life. I so sympathize. I have made this painful decision to just make Jack's life comfortable until it's time, and on the good days I wonder if I shouldn't do more aggressive treatments. I hope that Inigo's passing will be very peaceful, and I don't think you are betraying him by humanely euthanizing him. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mom Paula: I don't know what to tell you and I know that the day will come for me also as Praline gets older. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you as you make this decision.

Sweet Praline - Purring for Inigo!

Raymond and Busby said...

This is Ray and Busby's Mom: My heart goes out to you! We love Inigo here as if he were our own. I have had to make this decision three times. You are the only one who will know when the time is right. Inigo knows that you love him and you have given him a wonderful life. We support you and love you regardless of what you decide.

Sparkle said...

Oh no! I don't know what to say, either. If Inigo were obviously suffering, it would be one thing, but it sounds like he still has so much life in him. It's awful when the timing of this type of decision is not clear-cut.

I feel awful for you. And myself also, because even though he lives half a world away, I love Inigo too. All of us who visit here have an emotional investment in him and we too are very, very sad that it seems that nothing more can be done for him.

The Island Cats said...

Oh, we are so sorry to hear this. We know how much you love Inigo (we do too!) and want to do what's best for him. You and Inigo are in our thoughts and prayers.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khyra's Mom here -

We always say 'they' will let us know -

Look at his eyes -
His tail -
Listen to his purr -

Have the talk with him -

Then listen to him -

We'll be here ready to offer support from all around the world -

Khyra's Mom and Khyra too

Teddy Westlife said...

Mum and I are both crying for you all. But know that you are doing the right thing for Inigo.

Claire (T and T's mama) said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I know that probably sooner or later we will have to make a decision for Tigerlily (she is getting quite old). I guess if it was up to me I'd rather have them pass on in the comfort of their home, my cats do hate the vet office. But it's such a tough decision! You have my deepest sympathies and hugs.

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Pumpkin's mom here. I had to make that decision twice last year, once in the spring, and then again the day before Thanksgiving. It's the hardest decision in the world to make, but sometimes it's the kindest one. I sit here crying as I write this, and I know how much it hurts when you have to decide. Somehow you'll know when the time is right.

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and that we love Inigo and wish the very best for him, whatever that may turn out to be. As long as the decision is made with love, it will be the right one.

Unknown said...

From Brew's mum to Rumble and Inigo's mum:

We are all purring, praying, and pulling for you here half a world away. Times like these are so hard. But animals have a way of letting you know when it is time. And when it is, the parting is deep, but sweet sorrow. It will not be betrayal. it will be simply letting go.

I wish that we could hold you in this sad time. Please know that we would if we could, and we all care so much for you and your beloved Inigo. Godspeed.

BZTAT and the Brew

The Daily Pip said...

Oh, I am so very sorry. I agree with Khyra's mom - listen to Inigo, he will let you know when he is ready. This won't make it any easier, but at least you will both find some peace.

Your blog was one of the first blogs we started reading and your humor and light inspired Pip and I start to start our blog. I feel like I know Inigo and Rumbles and I love them both dearly.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kristin & Pip

perry said...

o rumblz an rumblemum,
mommy an i are so sad 2 read this bout inigo. u know, sumbuddy told us dat dawg sam wud tell us wen it was time and sure enuff he did. he told me an m&d it wus time 2 let him go an be free an at peace. inigo iz prolly starting 2 feel dat way 2. u will know cus he will tell u.

sending u love an purrs an hugs from me an mommy too!!

blindmaximus said...

Ohmygosh. I just don't have the words. But you do have my prayers.

Cheddar said...

Thinking about you and praying for you. We have gone though this with 3 dogs. Know how hard this is.

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh Rumblemum, I feel for you. I lost my darling Dusty to congestive heart failure, I kept him at home until he started the heavy chest breathing, and then he told me it was time.
My heart goes out to you.
Love, MomKat Trish

BeadedTail said...

Tears are streaming down my face as I read about this difficult decision you are facing about your precious boy Inigo. As Khyra's mom said, Inigo will let you know and he doesn't appear to be ready just yet. It's so hard though but you'll know when he tells you. We love Inigo so much too and our hearts are breaking. Please know we're thinking of you and sending so many purrayers your way.

M Dawson said...

I'm here if you need me to call. Just let me know. You will know when it's time, if he seems Ok for a while let him stay but if he is suffering you will know.

Oh you guys, you guys.............................

JoeyBeanCat said...

I agree with Khyra. He will let you know when it's time. Don't rush him. You'll know in your heart when it's right, and when it's the right thing, you won't feel as if you're betraying him. Our hearts go out to you and your family during this terrible time, and if you need someone to talk to, we're here for you. Love and support,

Amber and Joey

TinyPearlCat said...

Ohnoes.. so so sorry :( We love you all so much. We are cryin. Its so hard for ma, she lost her kitty of 20 years. Its so hard to tell when the time is right. Ma feels bad that she waited to long. She hoped Emma would pass peacefully at home. We Thought Emma had a few more days, so ma couldn't.. then it was the weekend -no vet avalible and she got really bad on Sunday, By the time she got Emma to the vet Monday Emma's body was alive but cold, and her mind was gone. So hard to see and keep in your memory. How much suffering was there? Who knows. It seemed like Emma held on for as long as possible for ma, but ma cant help thinking that maybe she was trying to ask for help too.
If there is anything we can do for you. Please let me know. Love Tinypearlcat

Mariodacat said...

Mario's mom here - this is such a very hard stage. My heart really goes out to you. You need a few days to process this. Indigo will probably tell you when he's had enough, and you will just know in your hearts that it's time. HUGS to all of you for what you are going through.

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

We are sorry for the sad days that have come to your home. Many Purrz,
your Ozark friends

Bear said...

So sorry about Inigo. As everyone says, you will know in your heart when you look at your baby Inigo that it is time. Until then, just cherish all the love there is between you.Prayers,love and of course hugs to all of you.
Bear's &Fuzz's Mom.

lupie said...

Weeping as I read about Inigo. It reminds me of Hung2, how we had to let him go eventually.

We brought him home as the vet said there's nothing he can do for him anymore. He said, we will know when it was time to let go... he was right.

Hung2 had good days when we were so hopeful, then eventually it all went downhill. I still cry when I recall holding him in my arms, on our way to the vet. It was just so difficult.

You have our hugs, prayers and purrs.


Love, Bin and all..

Angela said...

Darwin's mum hooman here: I am so sorry that it has come to this. What a horrible decision to have to make. I think that if Inigo is happy at the moment then I would probably leave him be. I think he will let you know when it's time.

Darwin and I send our kitty love to you all xx

Arty (the cat)'s mama said...

I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I will keep you in my thoughts.

Puss in Boats & Puss' Mum said...

Puss' Mum here. I am so sorry to hear about Inigo. As others have said, he will tell you when it's time. He'll always be with you in your heart. Puss and I will be purring for you all.

Debbie & Puss

Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider said...

No, no. no. no. no!
Mom is crying all over the keyboard right now.

We're so sorry. Our hearts are hurting for you.

Can you take him home and find a mobile vet you can have on call who will come and euthanize him at home if his condition becomes painful?

In Los Angeles, we have vets that do that.

Or can the vet give you a sedative injection you could give him, then take him in, if it's his time?

Mama's lighting a candle for Inigo right now and we're sending all of you much love and light.


pasikas said...

Oh my goodness,Inigo seems such a special boy with so much love for you all.He WILL let you know cos there is a look that says...its time for my next journey,Mum...till we meet again.Pasihugs xxxxx

Keiko said...

We are so beside ourselves with worry reading this news about sweet handsome Inigo.
We want to support you and give you all our purrs and hugs for you and Inigo through this tough time...
We love you all very much,
Purrrs purrrrs purrrrs
Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
& Mum Misa

catageek said...

Oh hell. I'm so sad it's come to this. I've been there before and will be there again and it never ever gets any easier. My guide on this is it's "quality of life, not quantity of life". My advice is (for what it's worth), if your lovely man is going to be OK(ish) and pain free til he sees the kitty cardiologist next week, then let her let him go with love. If not, then let your vet let him go with as much love as your vet can give. I know that whatever way it goes, you'll be there loving him to the end and beyond.

The thing that's always got me through this, is that this is the last kind and loving thing that you can do for him. That won't help your pain one litle bit I'm sure, but it will help his.

Huge big hugs from me and Monty

Candy said...

*tears* i have been watching your bloggy all the time about inigo. i was worried this would be the outcome.
i can only tell u from my experience when the love of my life pacer allen died on sept 1st that he too acted just completely fine the day before. he was playing with the babies, didn't act like a thing was wrong. the night he died i think he had a stroke or something...i knew he was probably dying i didn't know what to do. he had given no warnings. when i woke in the morning he had died in his normal place to lay in the living room. i felt soooo much guilt even tho he was an old kitty...if i would have done this, if i would have done that, would it have been a different outcome. but just like u and i, all of us have a time to die..sigh..the night he died, he did let me know it was time he would be going. i hope inigo also tells u, but the vet told me later that kittys are very good at hiding illness as it makes them vulnerable in the wild, and is their nature to do so.
much love to u rumblefamily. i know how much it hurts. big hugz

Angel Simba said...

So sorry you are put in this position. If it were me, I would want to try less medicine to increase his blood pressure, and then see how it goes. I would not be able to put a kitty to sleep while he seemed happy and playful.

But we know you have to be the ones who make the decision. We know you fear having him suffer.

Sweet Inigo, we love you from far away. Rumbleparents, our hearts go out to you.

Simba's Mom

Jazzy said...

I hope that when the time comes, Ingo goes surrounded by the love of his fambly. The KritterKondo is awesome! I got mine when Lisa first invented it!!

When we lost Holly, she was fine playing one minute and gone the next (heart attack). She was nearly 21. We could not have asked for a better passing in Mum's arms.

The gap she left was awful but she will be forever in your hearts.

Prayers and thoughts with you all. St Francis is Assisi will watch o'er da Flufflebum.

LUL Jazzy and dat Trea XXXXX

Parker said...

We send our love to you - our hearts break for what you are facing.

The Monkeys said...

We are so sorry to hear that Inigo is not doing very well and we are sending purrs, hugs and lots of positive thoughts for you and Inigo.

I agree with a lot of other comments that you know Inigo best and you will know when the time is right. You know your baby best and he will let you know with his actions.

We are hoping that Inigo pulls through this and recovers soon.

The Florida Furkids said...

We are so sorry that you are at this point. We would not have been able to let Sniffie go if we hadn't been 100% sure. You will know when it is right. Our Mom and Dad say they know they they didn't keep Sniffie around too long, but they didn't let her go too soon either.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Mr Puddy said...

We are sorry to hear Inigo is not doing very well.
We pray, we purrs, and send lots of positive thoughts for you. Miracles are our wishes for him.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am so sorry to hear the Inigo is not doing well. I agree with lots of the others, let Inigo tell you when it is time, you will know when he tells you. We love Inigo too and he is loved the world over. We've been there too and it is not easy. Love from your friends Brian, Sascha, Gracie, Zoe, Dolly, Dad and Mom.

Old Kitty said...

Oh Rumblemum and Rumbledad!!!

Me and Charlie are so so so so so sorry. We are truly sorry. We hope and pray for beautiful and wonderful Inigo!! What a trooper.

I know it is so difficult to think about the final scenario. It's not easy when Inigo is bright and cheerful and full of love.

I agree with everyone. Beautiful Inigo will tell you when it's time. You will know in your hearts when it is time. The vets always, always recommend a time earlier, always.

Please please take care. We continue to purr and pray for sweet Inigo.

Lots of love and hugs and prayers

SeaThreePeeO said...

We're so so sorry that we missed this and didn't know that Inigo was feeling poorly.

We're purring and praying that Inigo will get better and surprise us all.

((((hugs))) Pleasxe don't feel like you're not doing the right thing. Inigo will let know know when the time is right to say goodbye. But we hope that time doesn't come for a long long time xxx

Kaz's Cats said...

Our hearts go out to you Rumblemum, and to dear Inigo. It's good that he's having fun with Rumbles, and with you guys at his home. We're sure that you'll know when it's his time - like someone said, talk to him and listen to him and he'll let you know.


Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)

Marg said...

Gosh, that is so sad about Inigo. Mom's eyes are all full of water right now. She is so upset to hear this news. But like everyone says, don't let him go until he tells you with his eyes that he is ready to go. Enjoy him and cherish the time you have with him and let Rumble have some time with him. Lots of hugs for Mom for having to go through this. We are also really glad you brought him home for now. We are sure thinking about you.

The Whiskeratti said...

We are so sorry to hear it's come to this. We were hoping that he would pull through in the end. And now you and your family are faced with a terrible decision. We believe that whatever you choose to do will be the right thing.

Forever Foster said...

I'm so sorry. It sounds like you're making the best decisions for Inigo. Please know that we are thinking of you, and are sending you all our love.
-Fui, Suey, Lishy and mum Lissa.

Everycat said...

We send love and rumbly purrs to you all and especially lovely Inigo. This is such a tough call to make. We think you will know when it's the right time because Inigo will make it plain to you. We hope the cardiologist has some help to offer Inigo.

We are thinking of you.

Whicky Wuudler
& Gerry

Admiral Hestorb said...

This is the Admiral's mom. I am in tears about this and I know how terribly sad this is. We love them so very deeply.

Precious Inigo seems to be happy and playing now and he seems to be still enjoying his life.

He will tell you when it is time I think. My Robin did and it is heart breaking, I know.

Much love to all of you. You have my love and prayers.

Kea said...

Mom Kim here: I don't know what to write, because I imagine that I will be torn about what to do with all of mine, unless the situation is very clear cut and they are obviously suffering.

And that's the problem: Cats are especially good at hiding their pain. But if Inigo was so bad, he wouldn't be enjoying himself like this.

I guess it's a matter of taking it one day at a time and acting for his Highest Good, when the time comes.

Please know we all are purring hard for Inigo and for you, keeping you all in our purrayers and sending Light.

Blessings and Peace.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

The mom speaks:

I am so sorry. I can't begin to imagine your pain at the thought of letting your beautiful special boy Inigo go. if yoo are hesitating, then wait ~ I feel sure you will know the time is right. I so want there to be some treatment that can save him, and help him continue in comfort. But I do know that it is not right to let him suffer and when you have satisfied yourselves that there is no other alternative available, you will make the right decision. My heart goes out to you.
Milo and Alfie send their love but were to upset to comment. We ALL love Inigo in our house.
We will pray and purr for him.

Cat said...

I am very sad at this news of beautiful Inigo, I can hardly see the screen my eyes are so blurred with tears! It is so hard especially because he is so young!!!

You will know when it is time and don't feel you have to rush into something, Inigo will tell you when he needs to leave.

I know you are heartbroken, we all are too! I am so very sorry.

Daisy said...

Oh no, I am so sad and so very sorry. I know you will treasure your time left with Inigo, and he will let you know when he is ready to go. Sending you soft purrs during this difficult time, and we are keeping you in our thoughts.

Anonymous said...

All our purrs and prayers are with you. I know that Inigo will let you know when it is time. You will all just know. *soft paw*

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I had to try and contain my tears as I read this. My heart is breaking for all of you.
I would have done the exact same thing as you. As many others have said who have commented "you will know when it is time"
My Bobo suffered from the same condition. I went through hell, agonizing what to do.
One day I lay on the bed hugging him and telling him that Mom will be ok, I thanked him for 18 most glorious years (Bobo always protected me and I felt he was hanging on for ME) I told him if he had to go it was ok, that I didn't want him to suffer. I asked him to give me a "sign" that it was "time"
My food obsessed boy stopped eating the next day, I always said if he stopped eating I would know. He didn't even want tuna juice. He then urinated in his little cat bed which he rarely used.
I didn't want my boy (who had already gone deaf) to lose his dignity....I felt it was his way of giving me a "sign"...his breathing was so labored for days before I made the decision.
I agonize to this day if I made the right decision. My vet said if I hadn't heeded his signs he could have died a violent death, he went in peace....I comfort myself with that.
I am crying as I am writing this. Inigo will let you know. I would have brought him home as well.
You are in my heart and my prayers, if you need anything I am just an email away.
Much love.

Bunny Jean Cook said...

Dear Rumblemum, mai heart goes out to you and your family. i agree wif your many furends who haf sed dat Inigo will tell you when it's time fur him to go. hold him and enjoy dis time you haf together knowing dat when it's time he will pass peacefully and painlessly across da RB. xoxo BJC

Tia and Millie said...

Tia's human here. Rumbleparents, you made the right decision. I've had these worries very recently, and I can tell you that while there's still a chance, even a small one of recovery or a continued good quality of life, I'd have done exactly the same thing and brought him home. Take one day at a time. Love him, cuddle him, play with him. If he is happy, then be happy. As so many others have said, you'll know when it's time. You know your cat better than any vet does. If you don't think he's suffering terribly, please go with your gut instinct. My thoughts are with you. Believe me, I know how difficult this is. Please let us know what happens.

Pip said...

Dear Rumblemum, With tears and broken heart we know this dark place you are. We know you will know what is right, no one could love sweet Inigo more.
We sends all our best energy to you.
Love TK, Squashies, TKMom

Pandafur said...

We iz so sad about this, but you iz doing teh rite thing. You won't go wrong if you listen to your heart. Inigo we luvs you furever xxox

Morris said...

Dearest Rumblemum, I am so glad that you were able to bring Inigo home. I know cats are meant to be good at hiding their suffering, but it does sound like he's really still enjoying life and telling you he's not ready to go yet.

We are keeping you all in our thoughts and sending you much love and Marmalade Morris Huggles xxxxx

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so sorry to hear this - as long as Inigo is not distressed or in pain and is happy we don't think he is ready for the next step yet.
You will know instinctively when the time has come for him to make his journey to Rainbow Bridge.
Our hearts are breaking for you.
Luv Hannah, Lucy & Mum Sue xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

What sad, sad news. We have been away for a little while and to come back to find this wonderful boy sick makes us so furry sads. Whatever the outcome you decide - we know that without a shadow of a doubt he has been loved deeply for all of his time on this earth and we also know that he knows it, too.

Backcountry Brodie said...

Inigo will tell you when it's time and it sounds like he is telling you he still has some business to take care of, like having some more good times. But we know how hard it is to live the with anticipation of the inevitable. Our thoughts are with you.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, Inigo, we kitties are so furry sad to hear you are sickly.
We's sending you strong purrs and lots of love.
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
Brutus Jr
Mom ML

Mishkat said...

We just saw this and are sending Inigo and all of you many many purrs. We think you made the right decision to wait and see what the cardiologist says. We will keep on checking for updates.

Lots of love and (((hugs))) to you all -
Tasha, Franklin, Dobby, and mom Katie

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet Inigo. Our hearts are breaking here......but we feel that your 'rents made a good decision to bring you home. We feel sure that you will let them know when the time is right for you to go to the bridge.

We send our love to all of you, and hope that in some way knowing how much we can care will be a small comfort to y'all....We love you.

OKcats said...

It is a tough, tough decision. I've had to make it twice in the last 3 years, and I questioned myself both times. I tend to go with the advice of my vets, but truly, you know your boy the best. I've seen your posts from time to time, and I can tell you love your babies so very much - you'll do the right thing. You'll just know.

Jana, mom of Fuzzy and Zoe

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, what a heartbreaking situation. Inigo is evidently very happy you brought him home. We hope there will be better news from the cardiologist next week. We send lots of warm purrs, tail wags, and a big hug from Jan.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are just going to echo what so many have said. We have been in your position too - Inigo is telling you he isn't ready - you WILL know when the time is right, and it seems like so far it isn't yet. Hugs to you, it is so very hard - we are all thinking of you and Inigo and Rumblebum too.

Hugs and Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara and Mom Kathie

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh no, we are so very sorry this time is nearing. We haven't been visiting you for long, but we adore Inigo! We will ramp up our purrs for all of you.

SuziQCat said...

Sending purrs to Inigo...this is a difficult time, but one where only you can make the decision to let him go. Listen to your heart. You will know when the time is right, because Inigo will tell you. You'll see it in his eyes that life is not worth living anymore. Love him while you can and spoil him rotten!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Sweet Praline's mom - you are getting some excellent advice. I'm sure Inigo will let you know when it is time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cat with a Garden said...

This is the most difficult decision in the whole wide world and we completely understand your decision. By what you tell us about Inigo it doesn't sound as if he's ready to leave yet. We're purring and purring for you to have more quality time together.
Siena & Chilli

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Rumblemum my heart is just breaking for you. We all think you made the right decision - it just sounds like he is not quite ready to go yet. And if you have any doubt then you should go with your gut. I keep thinking of Maxdog and his 100+ days of grace, where they said he would be gone in a short time but he stayed around until he was ready to leave. These are Inigos days of grace right now - so just enjoy your time with him as much as you can. He will let you know when it is time - and it doesn't sound like he has done that yet. We are still sending him lots of purrs and prayers - miracles happen (look at Maxie) and of course we hope for one for Inigo. But try to enjoy all the time you have with him - if he is happy right now, that is a good thing and that is how you want to remember him. {{{hugs}}}

Cathy Keisha said...

The peeps have had to make that life or death decision a number of times. It's always been based on the cat's quality—or lack thereof—of life, not a vet telling them it was time. The cats always told them: Faith could hardly walk; Autumn started hiding and preparing herself; Big Tym's kidneys started to shut down and Nicky would've had brain damage and no quality of life. Watch and listen to Inigo and not anybody else. He will start preparing himself by hiding in dark spots or trying to run away. It's a very hard thing to do but Inigo will tell you. Blessing to you both. xoxo

Catio Tales said...

Purrs, purrs and purrs for these last times you have together. Deep down we believe you will know - Inigo will know - when it is time. And then the time will feel right, behind all the pain and grief.
We are thinking of you xxxx

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We are encouraged by your update. He will let you know, meantime, enjoy having your sweet content tiger home sweet home. Every minute is precious. Sometimes we get to prepare to say good-bye and other times it is much harder. we are purring and praying for all of you. just enjoy your sweet guy. I am so gratified that Inigo is home.


cats of wildcat woods said...

If Inigo is still enjoying his life and not obviously suffering then it is not time to let him go. Cats do hide their pain but you will know - he will hide or stay in one spot and sleep all the time. It doesn't sound like he is there yet. Our cat Clarence had a heart condition and passed while sleeping peacefully in his favorite spot with a smile on his face - we wish the same for Indigo.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Indigo is on our purrayer list. It's true that cats try to hide illness, but as close as we are to them we do see it when it gets to "that point". Still, it's never easy. You love him and he knows you'll do right by him whether that's lowering the medication or saying goodbye. Trust your instincts and the advice of his favorite vet...we'll keep purring and purraying for him either way.

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, our hearts are breaking for you, and I have tears in my eyes as I type this note. We are so sorry that sweet Inigo is not doing well, and that you find yourself in such a horrible position. We know you have always have Inigo's and Rumbles' best interests in mind, and you will surely do what is best when the time comes. It sounds to us like Inigo is happy and very much enjoying his time with you right now, so we'd venture to say now is NOT the time. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. (((hugs and purrs)))

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

So, it sounds like you will know when it's time. Right now, Inigo seems to be enjoying life. You will know and it will be hard but you will know that you made the right decision then.
Right now, enjoy your time together and make memories to help you through those days that will come soon enough.
Snuggles and purrs from all of us,
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in Illinois

Your Daily Cute said...

Oh, you guys... :(

This is the saddest news. I will be thinking about all of you all the time until more updates, and even after that, and especially Inigo. {{hugs}} from me, Pimp and Moo.

I'm so happy to know that he's being such a good boy and having good moments still. Hold on to those. Kitties are amazingly special little animals -- they'll let you know when their ready and the time is right. You'll know. If you're not sure, the time is not right.

Give your special boy lots of extra love as I'm sure you already are. And a little extra from us on top of that.

Keep watching birdies and stalking that Undercover Mouse and cuddling, Inigo!

Moxie Paws said...

You will know when the time is right...follow your heart.....hugs and purrs to Inigo

Meow_Girls said...

We are so sad for you and the family. It's wonderful that Inigo can play and show love. Bringing him home was probably the best for all. Maybe he will just slip away surrounded by the family he has given so much joy to. He's just not ready yet. Be blessed and take comfort in all the people and anipals who care so much.

Abi said...

This is so heartbreaking, I feel the pain in your words. Inigo is such a bright spot. You will know when the time is right, Inigo will let you know.
Our thoughts and prayers are coming your way. The rainbow bridge will call when it is ready to be lit by Inigo's soul.

Much love,
Lisa, Madison and Abigail

Anonymous said...

I totally know what you're going through and it's the most difficult decision a pet parent can make. I agree that you'll know when it's time. Our prayers and purrs are with Inigo and your entire family.

Carolyon said...

I am so sorry for your situation.

Purrs and smooches coming your way


Carolyon said...

I am so sorry for your situation.

Purrs and smooches coming your way


Baby Patches said...

Rumblemum, our thoughts and purrrrrrrrrrs are wif you during dis difficult time. Momma says dat Inigo sounds likes he is not quite ready to leaves you and you will know when it is time. We hopes dat you get to spend as much time as possible togethers wif Inigo. I luvs you Rumbles, I knows you luvs your brofur. Snugggggles!

Chrissie said...

I'm sending you so much love and purrs. This is such a hard situation-so hard to do the best for someone you love who can't really TELL you what is best for can only observe and draw your best conclusions. So hard. You have all our love and purrs and hugs from our house to yours.

Your friend,

Angus Mhor

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are sending many many purrrss and hugs and lots of love to you all. we know how hard this decision is. We know that Inigo will let you know - he obviously needed this time with you.


Our hearts are breaking for you, but between Inigo and you if the time comes you will know if it's right for him and for you. We will keep you in our purrs and continue to purray for Inigo. He is so well loved by so many.

Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx,Gracie & Mom Debra

The Creek Cats said...

Our hearts are heavy and breaking for you. It's a decision no one ever wants to make. We think you'll know when it's the right time and he may even let you know like our Cal did. Sending you lots of healing purrs. (((hugs)))

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

We're purring lots! I know the feeling of not wanting to let go; especially when they seem just fine. You will know when. Keiko told us when she had's very difficult, we're purraying fur you! :::PURRS & HEADBUTTS:::

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry that Inigo's condition has not improved despite all the love and care he is having. Having lost Fat Eric not so long ago, I know what it is like to watch a beloved floofy boy struggling as his health goes downhill. Inigo sounds like he is not quite ready to leave you and he is still having some quality of life, enjoying his favourite things. You will know when he is ready to go.
Big hugs to all.
Kate and Dora the Explorer.

Catmama said...

We're so sorry to hear that Inigo's condition has not improved. Our hearts are hurting for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Catmama &
Her Furry Kids

CCL Wendy said...

I know what this is like. My kitty Dazzle had been ill for some time, but I didn't want to take her to the vet. I thought maybe she would pass peacefully at home. Unfortunately, she worsened rapidly and it became obvious that we had to get her help.

You will know when that time comes. I always think it is nicer for the cat if you can avoid going to the vet at all -- as long as there is no suffering.

It sure sounds like Inigo still has quality of life -- he can still give and receive love, and appreciate it. Everyone is right that you will know when the time comes.

I'm so sorry that Inigo is this seriously ill. It's far too soon for something like this to happen.

We're purring for the best interests of all of you.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

We are so,so sad to hear this. Let Inigo enjoy himself in the home and company he loves while he still can. He will let you know when he is ready.

Our purrs and prayers are with you.

Mickey's Musings said...

We heard about Inigo and had to come over to offer our purrs. We believe that you will know when the time is right. For now, just enjoy each other.

Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Anonymous said...

We just heard the news and had to come RIGHT over. Inigo...we know you are a strong boy. We are sad to hear this news. You will be surrounded by the love of your family anf brofur and we know you will let your mommy know, just like Skeeter let our mommy know, when you're ready to move on. We are with you in spirit and know that we all love you furry much!

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Rumblemom you need to do when you feel it's right. I think you'll know when he's ready to go. If he is still enjoying himself, and all of you, then it's not the time I think. I'm sending my hugs to you and yours during this difficult time.


The Misadventures Of Me said...

Rumblemom, you do what you know is right and Inigo will tell you when he's ready.

(((hugs to you)))

Mom Laure

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrrs to you Inigo and RumbleParents and D'Artagnan!! Our hearts are breaking for you all!!! We just know Inigo will let you know when the time is right!!
((((((HUGGGSSS))))) from your TX furiends,

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hugs to you- human to human and cat to cat...

We are so sorry. He will let you know when it's time... and trust your own insticts- sometimes trust yourself to know your baby more than even the vet.

*hugs* again.

- Sherkhan and Reenie

Ellen Whyte said...

We're so, so sorry. You will know what is right and when. All our sympathies to you. Purring...

winecountrydog said...

Dear Rumbles & Rumblepawents:

Many humans ave given you good advice bout howl a bright and wonderfur pussin like Inigo Flufflebum will maow to humans when tis time to go.

Ourselves are dooin our best *corgicuddles* fur the rumblelovepile. Tis impawtant to let you know you ave a big pawcircle round you & Inigo. Tis arfully impawtant, dear furriends. And mum does agree. Mum does send er love too.

Biggest paw hugs,
Tilin Corgi, Jack Corgi & Ani Meezer

flicka47 said...

Ask his cardiologist,but I don't think there is necessarily a lot of pain associated with congestive heart failure,just obviously the inability to breathe well(or at all,at some point). Which is definitely kind of scary, especially since Inigo doesn't know why he can't breathe.

His cardiologist may want to try a different medicine,as some of them are used for high blood pressure in cats also(Lasix),which might explain his low blood pressure.

I'm so sorry that there is no good answer.

Will be keeping Inigo and all of you in my prayers.

Pup Fan said...

So sorry to hear this... will be keeping you in my thoughts. Hugs.

Fergus the Dog said...

Oh my dear friends, I am so sad to hear this. When Perry was going through this with Sam, I told him that, when the time was right, Sam would let his mommy know and she'd be able to tell from his eyes when he was ready. I believe you'll know when Inigo is ready the same way.

As long as he is happy, enjoy every minute of the time you have with him.

Sending lots of healing doggy licks and hugs your way.

Cat Mandu said...

Sending loving purrs your way!

Cory said...

Please listen to your heart and don't be rushed into a decision. You'll know when it's the right time.

Our hearts are breaking. We are all purring for you and Inigo.

Karen Jo said...

I am so very sorry that Inigo is getting worse. I agree with everyone else; Inigo will let you know when it' time for him to go. It sounds like he is having too much fun to want to go yet.

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, woe. efurryone has said efurrything we could possibly say--but we wanna add our purrs an' purrrayers for you, inigo, an' fur your fambly. may you be blessed wif a peaceful parting an' joyous memories.

AFSS said...

We are so sad and so very sorry. We know you will treasure your time left with Inigo, and he will let you know when he is ready to go.

Sending healing & comforting purrs.

Ikaika said...

Our hearts go out to you, Rumblefamily and we send healing and peaceful purrs to Inigo. We believe he will let you know when he is ready to go and that you will know then that it is time.

''Kaika and the Yosemite cats

Jacqueline said...

It doesn't sound like he is ready to go; he will let you know when the time is right...We are so sorry to hear this, we've been purring and praying for beautiful, sweet Inigo for weeks and really believed he would get better...We love you all and send much love and big hugs to everyone=this is so heartbreaking, just devastating news...Kisses to our lovely friend, Inigo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Oskar said...

We are sending pawerful prayer during this hard time.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & his mom person Pam

ZOOLATRY said...

We continue to purr and pray for sweet, much loved Inigo... and for all of YOU. You will know when the time is right for parting.
Your heart will tell you. Until that time comes, enjoy and love him every precious moment.
Maggy and Zoey, and Ann, the Zoolatry Girls

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

WE are so sorry to hear about Inigo. Enjoy these special days with your sweet boy.

Gentle purrs of comfort,
Goldie, Shade and Banshee

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh we are soooo sorry to hear about sweet Inigo. Our hearts are hurting for you and we are sending our wishes and purrs for strength and wisdom.

Listen to Inigo, and listen to your hearts. You will know. Until then, just love.

We've missed you and so many of our blogging sorry to stop by and read of Inigo.

Katie & Glogirly