Monday, November 15, 2010

Inigo says... - Rumbles

I've been wondering where Inigo goes in his carrier all the time... he wouldn't tell me before, he was pretty quiet about where he went, but the last couple of day's he's been giving me the scoop...

He's going to see BOOTIFUL girl cats and eat tunas!! Can you believe it?!? And he didn't take ME along!!

I've taken it upon myself to now try and get out every single time the door's been opened. I'll find those bootiful girl cats AND those tunas...
Ladies LOVE a long cat!

(note from Rumblemum: I think Inigo has been telling tales, cause all of a sudden Rumbles wants out in the apartment hall-way. He's never shown a glimmer of interest in it before, but all of a sudden he MUST go out into the world! Oh what fun for me to have to wrangle Inigo AND Rumbles back into the apartment!! But I'm so grateful to have both my boys, it's not such a bad task really :))


Pumpkinpuddy said...

So when are you and Inigo coming to live with me and Candy? You're mom can have the other squirt. That way neither mom will be lonely. MOL *Smooochies*

Gigi said...

Rumbles, I think it just might, maybe, perhaps be possible that Inigo is not quiet, exactly, totally telling you the whooooooole story. Honestly, I don't think you would really want to go where he's been going, unless you really, really, really like the stabby place!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe Rumblemum should khall the bluff and take woo along next time!


BeadedTail said...

Are you two handsome boys trying to get out to come see us?

Raymond and Busby said...

We think Inigo must be telling stories to Rumbles! We're glad the two boys are doing well. xoxo

Sparkle said...

Rumbles, it's an awful long way from the apartment hallway to California! Or Oregon or Colorado. I think Inigo may not be telling the whole truth!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Inigo is having you on! He thinks you may just volunteer to go in his place next time he is going out in that carrier. Don't fall for it.

Mr Puddy said...

Tuna sound interesting but the girl, you might have to share ( Tuna : )

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh Rumbles! Do not tries to go to the vet! It is not fun! And do stay where you are safe! OK?

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Rumbles, getting put into the carrier is almost never so you can be transported to a magical place of bootiful girl cats and tunas. Just close your eyes and say a wish and Baby will fly through the interwebs to visit you.

Karen Jo said...

Rumbles, I think Inigo is telling you tall tales. It's better to stay safe inside and dream about beautiful girl cats and tuna.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're pretty sure you don't want to go to the place that Inigo went.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Ellen Whyte said...

MOL, Inigo is a wicked kitty. So glad he's better and you're having to run around after them both.

Teddy Westlife said...

I presume you're just trying to come visit me?

Angel Simba said...

Rumbles, methinks you enjoyed the Kritter Knod so much, and being out on the balcony, that you think you will be getting there when you go out the apartment door. Is that it? You are giving the Mum quite the "runaround" it seems.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Erm ... we fink Inigo is pulling yoor whiskers!!!!

marley said...

*prepares Hall THWOCK*

Marg said...

Rumble, you had better stay home. It is not any fun out in the big world.Besides we know you don't want to go to the V-E-T. Take care and we are glad Inigo is still doing well.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree with Marg, you had best stay in where you belong, you don't want to worry Inigo!

Parker said...

Rudy's been doing the same thing! But I think I'll just stay home...

The Daily Pip said...

My friend, I think your brother may be telling you some tall tales ...

Your pal, Pip

The Monkeys said...

We think that one of you going back and forth to the vet is enough for us to handle! Besides, you need to stay home and smooch the Rumblemum!

Kea said...

We think Inigo might be "exaggerating" about where he's been going, Rumbles. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You sneaky little devil~!!! We're PAWSITIVE them lady cats are swooning outside of your door right now!

Cat said...

Rumbles, we think Inigo might be fibbing just a little bit...but we're so glad he feels well enough to tease you just a little bit :-)

Clarissa said...

Rumbles, dear, you shouldn't try to escape from your lovely abode! Inigo is telling you a "little white lie" because he doesn't want you to fret about him when he has to leave for awhile. In the meantime, my sisfurs and I would love to visit with you (and Inigo too).

Clarissa, Fiona, Daisy, Serendipity, Jazzpurr, Panda, Ginger, and Lily

Hannah and Lucy said...

Rumbles - don't listen to Inigo - he has been telling porky pies cos he hasn't been out on dates with beautiful lady cats (but don't tell him we told you).

Old Kitty said...

Oh handsome Rumbles!! Charlie wants to find out where Inigo meets these bootiful girlkitties too!! Oh wait - he says he just wants info on where to get more tuna! LOL!!

Great to see sweet Inigo enjoying himself!!! Yay!! take care

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so happy that inigo is teasing his brother! That is a very good sign!
Beautiful girls and tuna!!! Nothin' better!
Much Love and nose taps!

Keiko said...

Rumbles, we think Inigo is pulling your leg! He's just having a good old laugh because you always fall for pretty girls and tuna, mawhawhaw!!!!!
Purrrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

Everycat said...

Inigo, we are all very happy that you are doing better and the meds are helping you. Rumblebum, Keiko is right about Inigo winding you up about girlcats and tuna! You are both beautiful.

Whicky Wuudler

Cathy Keisha said...

In a coincidence, I've been trying to run out into OUR hall too lately. I'll meet you halfway and bring some tuna, OK? Kitty kisses to both of you. xoxo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

If there is tuna involved, we three might have to join Inigo and Rumbles - we love anything fishy:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Katnip Lounge said...

Rumbles, smell his breath...just sayin'!


I say you and Inigo make a run for it.



Carolyon said...

I think Inigo has just had too much catnip! No need to worry Rumbles.

The Island Cats said...

Hey, Rumbles, we're gonna teleport downunder and help you get to see those ladycats. We hope there's a couple for us too!

Wally & Ernie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You don't want to believe everything Inigo tells you Rumbles. If you go with him you could have a nasty surprise.

Ivan from WMD said...

When you get the urge to wander, you gotta just do it!

Busy Buttons said...

Girl kitties and tunas?! GO FOR IT, Rumbles!

Mom and I are so thankful to hear that Inigo is doing a bit better. Yeah!


blindmaximus said...

BOL! Just last week when I was packing up to go on my road trip to the vet, my Corgi brofur Ein sat by the car the whole time, insisting he wanted to go. I kept telling him it was a looooong drive and just to the v-e-t but he wouldn't listen and tried his best sad face to guilt-trip us into letting him come with us. (He stayed home.)

meowmeowmans said...

Rumbles, I think Inigo's playing with you. Be safe and stay inside! :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

The boys are welcome to come and visit me anytime!