Friday, November 5, 2010

Two bits of news

Inigo was out on the porch in his Kondo (I don't let Rumbles out with him because I don't want him to accidentally hurt Inigo) 

Rumbles was at the glass door, mewing at his brother and looking so forlorn... Inigo was so concerned about him! He mewed back, and tried to find a way through the mesh to get to him to comfort him! I could have cried, it was the sweetest thing how they couldn't stand to be apart. I took Inigo out and put him inside by Rumbles, and they were both happy again. I'll have to figure out a way they can both go out at the same time.

The second bit of news... Inigo ATE!!! Like normal, everyday eating!!! I'd made up two dishes, one for Rumbles and one for Inigo, expecting that Inigo wouldn't want his and I'd have to try and convince him to eat... the second the bowls hit the floor there were two pussycats NOMing!!

I'm so happy he's eaten... but another part of me is saying he could be eating because he's on an extremely low dose of his diuretic, which is controlling his plural effusion... which means he could end up with another chest full of fluid... but for now I'm just happy to see my boys happy.  


Katie Cat said...

Hurray! There is so much love in your house! And, so much EATING! Yay!

Bunny Jean Cook said...

dat wunderful news - i'm so happy to hear dat! keep nomming Inigo! xoxo BJC

BeadedTail said...

Our hearts are so happy to hear the news that Inigo ate! And thanks for sharing the bit of tenderness and sweetness between these two handsome brofurs! We're not going to stop purring for Inigo until he is all better!

Pumpkinpuddy said...

They really do love each other, don't they. And nomming is good. Glad to hear Inigo ate. *purrs*

Raymond and Busby said...

We're happy to hear the boys got to spend some time together and that Inigo ate. It has to be stressful for Rumbles too. Would he really play too rough with Inigo if they were both allowed outside together? Maybe you can just supervise them and if the play gets too rough you can take one of them inside? We are so glad you had a good day togehter!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Small steps are such big steps!


Shiva and Jaya said...

OMC Inigo! Please eats again and again! We luv!

PM Shiva
PM Jaya

Lita and the boys in Melbourne said...

Eat slowly and eat regularly mr Inigo. may you all have a good weekend.

Keiko said...

We just love how much Inigo and Rumbles love each other - it's the sweetest thing!!
We're glad that Inigo ate, and that the handsomes are both happy!!!
Purring for a good weekend!!!
Love and hugs
Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

Mr Puddy said...

Yipee !!! Inigo eats again..That's a great news !
Please keep a good though, it might be a miracle, you have never know !

I will keep purrs non-stop for that !

marley said...

We haz put the bitey on the illness to warn it off and we is summoning up power of pawsitivness from the tweetin border terriers to makes you better.....and you owe me a toona so dussnt be goin anywhere.,..woof

perry said...

mewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! iz so happy dat mai pal iz nommin!! sending *headbutts* 2 inigo and dat rumblz 2!! purr....

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

The good times are wonderful, and meant to be savored. We are saying a big "aaawwww" over how sweet it is that Inigo wanted to comfort his brother.

Candy said...

oh i am soooo happy for some good news on inigo!!! please keep us informed rumblemum....thankful for small steps forward!!! hugz

M Dawson said...

Eat Inigo Eat my lad, eat and eat and eat Enjoy your food sweetheart. ENJOY!!!!

Sparkle said...

I am so glad to hear that Inigo was eating today! I really, really hate him being so sick, so anytime he has a day of being normal, I am overjoyed.

Jazzy said...

Oh! sweeties I am so, so pleased about Inigo!! Paws and whikkers crossed! Enjoy your nom nom noms and your time in the KK!!

LUL Jazzy and da Trea XXXXX

Angel Simba said...

It is lovely to hear both bits of news. Such purring going on here for there being a happy medium dose on that diuretic, one that leaves Inigo with enough appetite and also keeps his fluid at bay.

It's getting too cold here now for much being outside for me. I bet Inigo and Rumbles would like my tent thingie more than I do.

@Isagold said...

Hi Inigo, Rumbles & RumbleMum... We're so happy to hear da boyz waz sharin da kondo togevva, and Inigio - U did hv da noms - Yay! We hopes u r not in too much pain wif yr chest & u can give the loves back to yr mum, as she is so obviously givin u. Take care Inigo, hv a nice wkend wif Rumbles & yr fambly & we see u next week. Loves Isa & Wallas xoxo

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Yippee for eating!!

Sweet nosepats for you all.

AFSS said...

So glad Inigo started eating again. Sending more healing purrs. It is sweet how much Inigo & Rumbles love each other and being together.

Marg said...

Gosh that sure is good news. Maybe the lower dose of medicine will still keep the fluids away. Miracles do happen and Inigo deserves a miracle. That was such a great story about the two brothers calling each other.
Sure glad he is also eating. It is always so exciting when they start eating. I know how you feel.
We are still keeping our paws crossed and sending tons of purrs and prayers. Take care and big hugs.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We have been visiting every day and before our Teri goes on her trip this weekend, just had to stop and comment this time...

A good appetite again! Thanks purrness for a good day and good mews. Our hearts have been heavy when we think of Inigo and all of you...but the sun is shining thru today.

Oh, our BlogBlast post for 2010 was in honor of Inigo...check it out :-)

lupie said...

Yes, miracle does happen!

We pray and purr for Inigo!! Hang in there buddy, you will win!

Daisy said...

Hooray for good nomming!

SeaThreePeeO said...

YAY for nomming.

We conitue to purr and pray every day for Inigo

The Whiskeratti said...

They are both so sweet! We'll keep sending our best purrayers to you all.

Kruse Kats said...

Thanks for keeping us posted on the news. His eyes will tell you all you need to know. Much love and purrs.
mags and Wanda

The Monkeys said...

Yay Inigo! We are purring non-stop and Mommy is thinking all positive thoughts for sweet Inigo. We know you can get better!!

Old Kitty said...

Yay!!! Yay!! Lovely Inigo ate!!! That's such wonderful news!!! Inigo you adorable kitty please, please, please keep positive and eating!! :-)

You're such a darling!!!! You are a wonderful big brother to gorgeous Rumbles!! That was such a sweet and adorable scene!

Me and Charlie are purring and praying very very very hard for you and Rumbles and Rumblemum and Rumbledad! Take care

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We will carry on purring EVERY day til we know sweet little Inigo is OK! It's great he is eating and his brother's and fambly's love will help him lots. And we all love him to bits in our howse too.

Forever Foster said...

It is so obvious how much love there is in your home. It bursts out of every word. You're a good boy, Inigo, to eat for your Mummy.

cats of wildcat woods said...

In times like this just take one moment or day at a time and cherish each. Sending love to you all.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks so much for the update and for making us smile too. My sisters and I are purring and purring for sweet Inigo, keep eating sweet one. We all love you!

Kea said...

Yay, Inigo! We're glad you ate and hope you continue to do so, and that your chest *doesn't* fill up!

Continued purrs and healing Light from the Fuzzy Tales crew!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'll take any good and happy news!

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE~YAHOOEY~!!! WTG INIGO~!!! Nom it up!!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

All paws crossed that Inigo wil continue eating with no negative side-effects.

The Island Cats said...

Oh we are so happy that Inigo ate some! We hope it doesn't cause him other problems though. We continue to purr for him.

Clarissa said...

Inigo! You ate! We are so proud of you! And we are happy that you and your brofur got to be together last night!

meowmeowmans said...

We are so thankful for some good news about Inigo! Keep eating, sweet boy!

It's so sweet that Inigo and Rumbles love each other so much.

(((Purrs and prayers and hugs)))

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are doing happy dances now Inigo has nommed his food today and we hope he will continue to have some more noms. We love that they still want to be close together.
Inigo your mom and your brother love you very much and also all your kitty friends do too.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Daily Pip said...

That's a sweet story about Inigo and Rumblebum on the porch! They are very dedicated to each other. I am so happy that Inigo is eating. I hope you don't mind, but I put up something about Inigo on my blog.

Your pal, Pip

Meow_Girls said...

So happy that Inigo is eating. We are still sad for Rumblepurr, Rumblemum and Rumbledad. We know you are trying so hard to help him. Sweet Rumbles must be sad to be separated from his brother, even for a little while. Are they very rough together outside? We are praying for you all. Peace and hugs.

Quill and Greyson said...

Glad there is some improvement in your perfect boy!

Your Daily Cute said...

What a sweet little story about the two of them. So much love. :)

And NOMS! Yay for noms, Inigo. One day at a time. Today, eating is a good thing.

Pimp and Moo say hi to both of them!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a trying time for y'all.....please know that we love y'all and are sending up powerful purrays for Inigo and all of his family.
We love you bunches, dear friends.....xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Katnip Lounge said...

Rumblemum, we are so happy for you...13 tails flying high for Inigo. Mommy prays you have lots more time with your darling boy.

Corbin said...

I'm stopping over from Pip's blog! Thoughts and prayers are with you! I hope things continue to look up!

Hemmingwayscat said...

We love you Inigo...SO VERY MUCH!!!


Hip hip hooray!
we will take any piece of good news as a major win win win!

Keep it up Inigo
We are still purrin hard.

purrs and hugs

Jans Funny Farm said...

Sitting on a seesaw is a hard place to be emotionally. We are glad you are having some good time with Inigo and we hope it continues! Purrs and tail wags for his health.

Cat said...

Yay, we are so happy that Inigo had a good meal! Its so sweet how much they love each other! I'm sure Rumbles would be gentle with Inigo if you let them out together :-)

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so happy to hear that Inigo ate! We're purring loud and hard and hope that the good news continues.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

YAY!!! Eating is a good thing. It must have been so sweet, albeit sad, to see the two trying to get to each other. We think animals understand when their furiend is hurting and that Rumbles would be gentle with Inigo. We are all hoping you have a quiet and happy weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Moxie Paws said...

Eating is a very good sign....paws crossed!

3 doxies said...

Hellos, I am Puddles and Pip told me bouts Inigo so I wanted to drop by and give ya'll some of my most awesome doxie vibes.
I read through your blog and I am so sorry ya'll is going through dis and dat Inigop has been havin' da sickies. Please knows dat we will be thinking of ya'll.


Abi said...

Great news!!

Lynx217 said...

Wissen here lil Inigo, you keep eating, ya hear me?
- Nimbus

If you have to keep him low and have to drain his lungs now and then, than do it, at least for now, so that he can regain his strength. Figure out where to go after that. Maybe his lung won't fill up again!

Sorry Rumbles, I got to do this... *pawhugs and nose kisses* sweet furiend!
- Jadzia

Anonymous said...

Hooray for eating good, Inigo! Good job! We know that makes your Momma very, very happy!

Sagira said...

That is some GREAT news...I hope he continues to eat and eat well. :)

Bear said...

Brotherly love.So wonderful. Fuzz&I hope Inigo continues to feel good and eat!. Big Bear & Fuzz hugs for Inigo,Rumbles and Rumblemum!

The Lee County Clowder said...

Good noos. Keep eating, Inigo.


MizzBassie said...

Yay, so glad Inigo ate. Hope it continues and hope his pleural effusion does not get worse. Healing purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.

ShaynaCat said...

Thrilled to hear Inigo been nomming, &, like everyone, so touched by the love between the brothers.

Purring hard for all the family :-)

Gigi said...

So happy to hear of the good day they had together. I'm still purring and purring and purring for the whole family. XOXOXO

I'm even trying to teach the Human to purr also, but she's hopeless. She can't even trill her R's in Spanish! Love to all of you.

Pirulo Furry said...

Inigo is really a sweet-sweet boy. Maybe because he's been watching the birdies, he got back his desire for noms. I'm so glad about it!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

We are furiends of Mr. Pips~~

We are pawraying for continued impawrovement

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Team Tabby said...

We sure hope you'll be feeling better soon. Hugs and purrs to you Inigo.

Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

Neeko said...

Hi you Guys :o)

I just came over from my good friend Mr. Pip and learned that prayers are needed in your house.
Paws together! Sending good Yorkie vibes your way.
May sweet handsome Inigo Flufflebum be made whole again and enjoy the good life for a verrrrry verrrrry loooooong time!

Neeko :o)
P.S. You Guys are verrrrrrry Handsome!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z gonna keep purring fur yoo but we is really glad yoo ate some food. We is kinda like yoor mom and only wanna see yoo happy.

Jacqueline said...

We are so happy that your boys are happy!...Great news that Inigo is eating and enjoying time outside and with his brother...There is so much love in your gorgeous, sweet boys; we are purring and praying for precious Inigo's recovery...Sending the boys kisses, hugs to their parents...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Vicki said...

Yay!!! This is great news that Inigo was hungry and ate something! I hope this is a breakthrough...

Karen Jo said...

It is sweet how much Rumbles and Inigo love each other. I am thrilled that Inigo ate like he usually does. Keep it up, Inigo! Herman sends his best healing purrs.

Poppy Q said...

Ingio, we are glad you felt like something in your tummy. What a rough time you are having, but we think mum and dad made the best decision to bring you home and keep you happy.


Mariodacat said...

We have leaky eyes again reading your touching post about Inigo and Rumbles wanting to be together. What a beautiful bond they have. So happy to hear Inigo is nomming so well. I'm still purring very hard for him and paws are crossed.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Inigo nomming his foods. Hope he has another good day today.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Every bit of good news is great. So glad dear Inigo is improving a bit and eating.

Still purring hard for my dear furriend.

Cory Clark said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Inigo!! I've been away from blogging so long that I didn't know that he was sick until now! So happy to hear that he is eating & it was such a sweet story about Inigo & Rumbles wanting to be together! You & your family are in my thoughts & the boys are sending along their rumbliest purrs that Inigo continues to feel better!!

Cory (&Nico, Simon & JayJay)

Mishkat said...

We're happy to hear this! Still sending many purrs to all of you.

Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider said...

I'm happy too! Phew! You should let Rumblepurr come to the #ATPawty! It's today!

Carolyon said...

That's brilliant! Eating is always a good sign!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That was a lovely sweet tidbit! We hope that Inigo feels better.

Anonymous said...

Hello...I came over from Pip's bloggie. I know this must be a real hard time but if Inigo's happy, that's all that matters right now. I'm sending you luving brindle wishes and gentle wiggles and wags.


A few Good Cats said...

We are happy to hear Inigo is having good days lately. We will continue sending purrayers for him...

Ramblingon said...

My heart was full and warm with the love you shared with us between the two brothers. I am so grateful that he is still enjoying life and that today he ATE! Please let us know how he passes the night and how he is in the morning.

I send all my love to both babies and to you and your wife.

The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow! Keep up that good eating, Inigo!! Keep on improving. We love you!!!

Ellen Whyte said...

Terrific news. We're purring for you Inigo!

SuziQCat said...

Enjoy all the good days you can...sending purrs to Inigo.

Pip said...

We thinks it is wonderful that the boys has such loves fur eachother.
I knows this must be oh-so-very hard for all of you... We purrs.

Keep on nomming Inigo!

Noll said...

One day at a time...good to hear Inigo is having a good day. Here's purring for many more.

Ikaika said...

Good job, Inigo! We are sending more healing purrs your way. We are happy your brother is there for you.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh we are so glad that Inigo is eating, and we are so glad that he and Rumbles have each other and are so happy together. We are still sending him tons of purrs and prayers and we hope that he is just a happy boy for as long as possible! We are so glad to hear the good news that he ate!

Anonymous said...
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Kat Wolfdancer said...

Sending prayers for Inigo's continuing progress into wellness ! *White Light* and many Purrs!
