We both have nicknames.
It's a terrible thing, to lose control of your name in such a way - we both have fine first AND last names, what do we need nicknames for??
d'Artangan Rumblepurr... it sounds so regal and dashing, oui? So how do we go from that to Junior Jones?? Mummy even has a song about me being Junior Jones!!
And Inigo Xavier Flufflebum! For goodness sake I even have a middle name!! How come I get called 'Fluffyboo' or 'Floof' or (horrors!) 'Boo-puff'!!!
If the humans knew what we called them...
Oh, the indignities a handsome man cat has to suffer.
I do kinda like Fluffyboo for you, though Indigo... :)
But they're such cute nicknames!
Those are cute names! I have read that the more nicknames we have the more we are loved!
Great Photo!
We know exactly what you mean. We have lots of nicknames too. I want to know what this Jones thing is. Mum calls me Mr. Jones sometimes. She started with Flynn which became Flyndy which then was Flindiana. Obviously she then tagged the Jones on the end of that. When I am naughty,(not that I ever am of course) instead of calling me Flindiana Jones, she says 'MR JONES, COME HERE RIGHT NOW!'
WE must say that we are a trifle puzzled by the "Junior Jones" thing too. We understand "Fluffyboo" a lot better!
We have nicknames too
Charlie is Charlie Barley Warley Boy
Thomas is Thomasey Womasey Woo
Lola is Lola Bajola Coca Cola
And Shen is Shenny Benny Wennyicalls
No name is safe in this house
We got lots of nicknames too! Most of the time she uses our first initials...like Wally is W and Zoey is Z and I'm E. We think she is just to lazy to say our whole name...
I hear you! When I hear mum calling me FattyFatty Moimoi, I know that's it. There can be no greater indignity!
Those names are silly. My nicknames are simple. Miss Breeze for Breezy or Breezy Baby and Harleycuns for Harley or Harley Boy.
Oh I know the injustice of it all...Momma calls me so many funny names. She especially likes to call me Abbadabbadoo,,who does she think she is Fred Flinstone? She also calls me muffin girl and muff and goodness all kinds of funny things. I just get so embarrassed. But heck Boo has it worse than me , she is BoozieWu!
It's ridiculous how names change with those mums...We're Samson and Delilah but she calls Samson, Monks and me DeliBean...what the???
We kinda like Junior Jones, though.
We larfed at your names. We have nick names too. Alfie is Alfie-whizz-kid (amongst other things) and I'm Milo-bum!
Oh yes, we have so many nicknames, it's ridiculous. Of course, since we pretty much ignore everything, does it really matter? ;)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I think having nicknames means you are very loved!
Harley Quinn is sometimes called "Quinto Bean"!
Don't tell them. They might try to make you go get a job to earn the bux for kibble. QOL
Boo Puff! I am Toontzy
I have so many nicknames I can't post them all here. I did write about them a little while back if you want to read it.
Huffle Mawson
I did my meme that you tagged me for. Sanjee helped.
MOL, we have so many nicknames it sickening! You'd be here a week reading them all! Humans are fired for that!
Oh, I think every kitty out there has at a minimum one nickname but most likely a lot more! You are not alone.
We kinda like Junior Jones! And Boo-puff is very cute (although potentially embarassing!). But we know what you mean about humans and nicknames...
Many purrs from Big D, Baby T, and Mr. Lin :)
We are still young, but called names too. They insist it is all meant very affectionate. But what is a cat to think of 'scheetje' (little fart)? Really!
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