I'm very tired of this winter thing, not enough sun puddles and warm.
Last night I even had to cuddle with brother to keep warm!! I was feeling kind, so I also let him wash my head a little bit. Sometimes he's an ok little brother. When he's not eating my food. Or cuddling my mum.
Inigo an BP I love your new bloggy. Is so professional and nice - Mighty Misha is so talented!
What a lovely sun puddle! I'm totally over winter, too. At least you've got lovely floof to keep you warm!
So you're tweeting kitties who now blog. Nice to meet you. We're blogging kitties who are thinking about twittering.
Your blog is really neat. Mishka did a great job.
nice to meet you too!! I am a blogging and tweeting poochie who is trying to raise money for a cause!! I like kitties too!
twitter: @powernubby
website: http://powernubby.com
I will definitely be following this site!!
I'm sick of winter too. When is the sun coming back?
Huffle Mawson
Dudes, I am a kiwi blogging cat too!! How do you know Mishka, are you sneaky Aucklanders too? Wellington has been bathed in sunshines today, and we have even had some nice days.
Anyways your blog is cute!! I look forward to hearing more of your adventures.
Poppy Q
Hi!!! Great blog. We'll see you lots!!!! And we hope you stay warm.
Hi nice to meet you. We read about you on the CB. We are in the UK and it's supposed to be summer here, but you could have fooled us.We forget what sun looks like.
Hi guys! Nice to meet both of you! We tweet too...but not so mcuh...we blog more...we're happy to see you blogging now too!
We'll visit again and hope you'll stop by to see us sometime!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
It's so nice to meet you. Welcome to the CB. Please feel free to come over and visit anytime.
We are very happy to meet you! Where we live it is supposed to be summer but it has been so cold we think it is still winter. When winter comes we will really be confused☺
Very happy to meet you. I love all your fluffiness. It is rainy and cold her too and its supposed to be summer..
Hugs GJ xx
Welcome to the catblogosphere! It's nice to have you!
Awwwww Inigo I so sorry dat it stills mighty cold out der for you. It sweets dat you lets Rumbles washes your head and snuggles wif him. I likes to washes LociLu when she lets me.
Baby Patches
Howday ya'll! Welcome to the CB! I'm from Texas and I'll be glad to share my sunshine, 'cause I've got plenty! Do click over sometime, won'tcha'?
Congratulations on your new blog! It's very nice to meet you. I wish I could send you some of my weather; we're sweltering in the tropical heat here!
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