Saturday, December 27, 2014

My new bed

Rumbledad got a Lego R2D2 for Christmas... I think that if Hammy was a robot, he'd be an R2D2. They just seem pretty similar. That doesn't mean I'd be C3P0 tho. I'm much too good looking.

The upside of him getting this? I get a new bed!!

It fits me perfectly! Thank you Santa!

Yeah that's right. You're not gonna throw this box away

I love a bed that accentuates my floofs!

I wonder if they make Lego Ewoks? I think I'd like an Ewok

And my new bed is multi-purpose! I also use it as a ramp - I run up it and launch myself onto any toys that are lying near by. It's awesome when a gift does so much.

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Blurf is the noise we make when we're SO FULL of yummy stuff we don't want to move! Me and the Ham both had lots and lots of turkey and ham... we're so tuckered out we both went to sleep on the cat tower at the same time! A Catmas miracle!

Double blurf
I woke up when I heard that it was time for me to open my gifts! I say MY gifts, because that Ham didn't even open his eyes to look at them!

Our friend Miss Candy sent us this lovely nip-filled fishie! As you can see, I liked it (in a polite and demure way, as is my fashion)


I love you little fishie!

Nothing will ever come between us

And I won't let that Ham drool on you

And a lovely card too!
 And our friends at The Poupounette sent us these beautiful gifts!

Oooo shiny! 
I'm going to be mauling you latter, little bug toy!
Merry Catmas to you all, and we're sending lots of cuddles and purrs to all our pals. 

Monday, December 22, 2014


Look at how totally helpful we are!

What cha doin', Rumbledad?
I'm not so sure you're doing this right. Maybe you should put this
guy into a box first? Boxes are pretty awesome...
And this end of the wrapping looks like it's a bit too much. You should use
less paper
*sigh* That Ham has no follow through

Thursday, December 4, 2014

C'est moi!

Don't you just love it when your favourite chair has your name allll over it?

Maybe it should be "Le HANDSOME chat"?

Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes! I had an excellent birthday, tho not as many treats as I deserved! I did get many snuggles, which was almost as good! And some chick-hen... which is TOTALLY good!