Saturday, November 28, 2009

Once upon a time... Rumblepurr

...there was a handsome young cat-prince. We'll call him Bumblefur.

Prince Bumblefur was a mighty fine fellow. He kept the house safe from little bits of fluff that floated on the air, and made sure that all tuna-fish was well nomed.

Life was good in the Bumblefur kingdom... till one day an enemy emerged!

Nobody could understand where this evil rogue came from (it is suspected he came from Australia) but young Bumblefur knew that he had to keep the kingdom safe for his mummy and daddy, and also for his big brother Ruffletum.

Rendition of evil rogue - real rogue image far too frightening for family blog

At about 3am every night, unbeknownst to all but our Prince, the rogue comes to life on the shelf where he hides with the soft toys. The rogue flexes his claws and shows his teeth - sleeping mummy and daddy suspect nothing! Only Prince Bumblefur understands the danger!

With a mighty CRASH and a hearty THUD Prince Bumblefur sets into battle. Evil MUST be batted across the room and into submission! Zooming MUST be done afterwards, to make sure that no evil minions are lurking anywhere else in the house!

It is a thankless job for our fair Prince, and he asks for so little in return. The triumphant cuddles when he finishes his vanquishing and headbutts his mummy are thank you enough.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Prince Bumblefur sounds very brave. His sleeping mommy and daddy must be so thankful that he is so alert at 3am.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Whatever would your mummy do without woo to protekht her?


Jasmim said...

Great history !

perry the birman said...

sounds liek birman bond needs 2 come ovar der 2 protect teh rumblemum frum dastardly bumblefurs...i'm jus meowin...

The Florida Furkids said...

You're Mom is so lucky to have a brave Mancat to protect her.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Bumblepurr gets a "thumbs up" in my book for protecting mama & daddy. He is one creative kitty. Mariodacat

The Island Cats said...

Wow! Bumblefur is quite the protector...that evil rogue looks really mean and nasty! You are so brave, Bublefur!!

Forever Foster said...

What a brave Prince!

Teddy Westlife said...

Holy cat! We must see this on video!

Angel Simba said...

How terrifying to realize that roque was in your midst, plotting harm on all. Good for Prince Bumblefur!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! What a wonderful story! And how brave and tireless of Prince Bumblefur. His parents are very lucky indeed to have him around.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I love this story. Prince Bumblefur is so brave!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Caturday!!!!!!!!

Our bean is feeling much better but is kinda overwhelmed today in trying to catch up with everycat's blogs......:)))))
She oooohed and aaaahed over the baby picture of Rumble.....what is there about beans and babies???

CCL Wendy said...

Good job Prince Bumblefur! You have proved your bravery and your right to be King one day.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You are very brave, I bet your mum is glad she has got you... Hugs GJ x

Danielle said...

What would your human beans do with out you? :)

Cats in trees said...

We have yet to see an evil rogue, but we like to crash and thud and zoom at about that time too, just in case. And now we know it must be working.

Quill and Greyson said...

That was very scary, thank cod for the Prince.

Sparkle said...

Prince Bumblefur saved the day - but just barely! I know for a fact those weird plush things are E-V-I-L and must be destroyed and vanquished (not necessarily in that order)!

Lynx217 said...

*waving back to our kitty friends*
thanks for stopping by. I guess I have to show everyone MY plush thing!

GLOGIRLY said...

I love Prince Bumblefur's story!!! VERY funny : )
This may explain some of the "battle noises" I hear in the middle of the night.

Thanks for stopping by our blog tonight! ...We weren't even done editing and heard the "ping" of a new comment! ... and I couldn't agree more about Katie's devious look in the last photo. Sometimes she is pure evil. (I mean that in the most loving way possible.)

: )
Glogirly (... and Katie too.)

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you sure are a furry brave kitty!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Yoo go Rumbles! Errrrr Bumbles!
Fanks for stoppin by for Fanksgivin! I hopes yoo gotted sum turkey from our cold box.
SAnjee and tha resta tha Hotties

Rupert said...

I would be SOOOO ripping that thing apart to purrtect my family!

Paws 'n Claws,

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Who needs the doggies to keep watch. The kitties do just as good of a job.