Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ha ha, Inigo!! - Rumbles

Inigo has to go to the Vet tomorrow!! Shhh, don't tell him, I don't think he knows. Something about getting his teeth checked. That sounds super yucky, but it's for his own good *mew ha ha*

I'm going too, I suspect it's so that the vets can admire me and lavish me with praise. And tunas. Lots of tunas. Sounds like a reasonable explanation, doesn't it?

...doesn't it?...

...maybe a spa day?...

"What's a 'vaccination'? It's like a vacation, right?"


Angel Simba said...

Yeah, definitely like a vacation, dudes.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Oh, dear!!!!!!! Brace yourself, Rumbles!!!!!! It'll be a vacation you won't soon forget....:) xxxxxxxxx

The Whiskeratti said...

Umm.. yeah.. definitely a spa day..

Amy & the house of cats said...

Well, we hope it isn't to tough of a visit for either of you! Tooth checks aren't fun but they aren't too bad usually! And vacination - not quite a vacation, but they aren't that bad either.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Um, maybe we'll tell you about it later!

Anonymous said...

Hope the visit goes well for your brudder! we hope you get a spa day, too. Pandora wants to say thank you again!

Pirulo Furry said...

It's not really like a spa, but you give them the oportunity to admire your good looks. That's what happens to me everytime. Even in the waiting room: "oh, so big", "oh, so beautiful", "look at that fur", etc. So, to me it's like a contribution to general happyness. Enjoy your trip and, if you have the opportunity, bite the vet- ja, ja.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh comisserashuns! Yoo don;t wanta know, really yoo don't!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha! Sounds like Inigo isn't the only one who will be getting a surprise tomorrow.

Jacqueline said...

Sorry boys, you might need a vacation after the vet!...We have to go for our yearly checkup in a few weeks too and we're not looking forward to it...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Ivan from WMD said...

Err..yeah. That's right!

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, of course, Rumbles! Nothing untoward would ever happen to you -- just to Inigo!

However, if you need to cheer yourself up anytime soon, just come and see yourself on the LOLSpot.

Cats in Trees said...

I went to the vet this week. She was very nice, she wanted me to go to sleep. Nothing wrong with that. Except, I felt really sick when I woke up. Strange, that.
But on the plus side when I felt better I got lots of treats.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo khats are soooooo purry gullible!

PeeEssWoo: I khan't believe woo are falling fur THAT!


WE hope it's a quick and painless visit!

purry purrs

The Island Cats said...

Don't laugh too much, Rumbles....

Misha said...

It may be the vet having the last laugh, Rumbles!

Hansel said...

yes a very nice vacation where they shower you with love!!

Raymond and Busby said...

Have fun at the Vets office! We hope you both have a spa day. We HOPE!

BeadedTail said...

We're not sure it'll be a vacation but we're sure you'll get lavished with attention!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

I don't know...going to the vet is never a vacation. There is always some poking and prodding to be done. Hope all goes well.

Forever Foster said...

We're reluctant to comment incase we let the cat out of the consult room, we mean, the bag.

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh no Rumbly! Do you want to come here and hide out, just in case?

Marg said...

Hope you both do all right at the vets but we know you will. It will all be over with really quick. And yes it is like avacation. Good luck. We will be thinking about you.