Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Inigo


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Hi there sleepyhead!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...


Anonymous said...

Hee hee hee, what a cute photo! Is that your super secret snuggly casbah?

Forever Foster said...

You look very cosy in there. Smooches.

Teddy Westlife said...

::whispers:: oh hello!

Mariodacat said...

he he - Is dat you Rumbles? so cute.

The Creek Cats said...

It looks very cozy under there!

The Whiskeratti said...

Are you having a ruff day? Or just needing some along time?

Kea said...

Peek-a-boo! What a great spot for a nap, nice and cosy and hidden. :-)

The Monkeys said...

We're sure that secret spot WAS private!

Brian's Home Blog said...

My, you are really hidden in there!

Raymond and Busby said...

Inigo, we barely saw you in there. That looks cozy, the perfect place for a nap. xoxo

Jacqueline said...

What an adorable photo, Inigo; who could resist that face under the covers, you silly sleepyhead!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Elin said...

Weee! Good hidey hole! I tagged u in my blog :D Check it out!

Lisa Kolosey said...

I see you...are you asleep? shhhhhh...have a quiet day.
~Lisa Co9T

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a wonderful photo!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx

Busy Buttons said...

Is Inigo playing peak-a-boo? How cute!

missbreezysbox said...

Was this taken while the maid was trying to make the bed? Harley likes to get involved in making the bed. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Baby Patches said...

Are you in dere Inigo? MOL hehehe

I luvs to do dat too, caves are pawsome!

Handsome Rumbles, I awarded you and an award on my bloggie. I hopes you comes to picks it up.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hellooooooooooooooooooo? Is anybody home?!


Did we wake you...you seem a little sleepy - eyed!


SuziQCat said...

Come out, come out, wherever you are...

"The Boys" and Karen said...

Ooo, we bet someone's hiding in there somewhere. Come out, come out.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Peek a boo I can see you.. Hugs GJ xx

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Inigo! You look super cute under there - that looks like a great place to nap!

BeadedTail said...

Awww Inigo! You are too cute for words!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We see you!

Cats in Trees said...

Did we disturb you in your power nap? Don't worry, we won't keep you for long. Just wanted to see your beautiful face.

The Island Cats said...

Want some company in there, Inigo??

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I khould still find woo!


Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

MOL how cute you look in der! Munckin sends smoochies!
And now, furriends, we haz a surprize fur you--we has reeceeved an award dat iz fur passin along, an we would likes to haz you be one of da ones we pass it to.

Sunshine Award:

Greetings, Furriends!

We haz been furry honored to have reeceeved da Sunshine Award, an we would likes to pass it along to you. To accept da award, all you haz to do is bisit our bloggie, where you kin pick up your award and find da instruckshuns for what to do next.

We haz selected you as one of da reecipeeents becuze reading your bloggie fills us wif sunshine.

We hopes you haz a furry wunnerful day wif lots of treats and nip and cheeses an fishies, and treats an nip, and.. did we say nip??

Your furriends, Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches of the “Talk With The Paws” crew.

Quill and Greyson said...

::Waves Paw::

Anonymous said...

peekaboo! i see you!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Ha! Ha! Is that your cuteness peek-a-booing there! So cute!!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Inigo, you are so hidden, we barely saw you. Have a fun nap under there.

Kate said...

Long time no see!
Ma has been a lazypants and I have been nagging and nagging for her to come and check your blog! My toes are too fat to operate the mousey thing. Kitties like mice, ay!

Great hidey spot! Can I join you when its time to go "outside"


Angel Simba said...

Great Hidey-hole!

Marg said...

Gosh we almost missed seeing you. That is one fantastic hiding place and also looks very warm and comfy. Have a great day.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

you look very cozy and sneeky in there.
Isn't it great to be snuggly in a softie cave and also be able to check up on what is happening out there?

bonkbonk - back to your nap!

CCL Wendy said...

You are just too cute peeping out from under there, Inigo!

In I go, but when well you come out?

Anonymous said...

Yo Inigo and Rrrrrummmmbles! Thx for bringin’ sunshine to my day!


The Brew

Sparkle said...

Looks like you wanted to go nap somewhere where you wouldn't be disturbed... but your human found you anyway!

Pirulo Furry said...

Hey, you look like a sandwich.

Lynx217 said...

Inigo: Good hiding spot! Looks warm and comfy! I think you've got the best spot!
Rumbles: TAG! Mombean finally did it. It's up on my blog.

Your Daily Cute said...

I see you!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...


Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Looks like the BEST place to get some peace and quiet, while looking handsome at the same time!
