Friday, April 9, 2010

FOXY Friday - And all that Jazz(y) - Rumbles and Inigo

We have two BOOTIFUL angels this week, both named Jazzy!


My Jazzy is actually Jazdia... she is such a perfect and BOOTIFUL angel, I picture her like this

Those hearts? All mine, all for Jazzy
Isn't she stunning? She's a Maine Coon, just like me!! I bet we'd have all kinds of fun knocking things over and running around... *happy sigh* If you haven't met her and her brother and son yet you should totally stop over and visit them!


 My pick this week is another angel, and another Jazzy... but this Jazzy is defiantly a different kinda angel! I see her more like a Victoria Secret angel!!

She and her sweet little ducky Daisy Boo are big favorites in our house, they're saucy, bootiful and smart - who could resist???

Who needs Victoria Secret undies when you have
Daisy Boo to cover you?

We bet George is happy to see Miss Daisy Boo featured for our Fox this week!


The Creek Cats said...

Wow! Check out those foxy ladycats!

Kea said...

Whoa! Nicki and Derry are getting a bit too revved up looking at them! ;-)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh these are both wonderful choices for this week! We highly approve!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Mighty fine!

Anonymous said...

WOW! A Jazzy squared post! Excellent choices! We will go say hey to them!

Lynx217 said...

OMG you made me work so fast! Jazzy bout fell off my lap when she saw that! You got me AND the girl blushing! How sweet of you. And Jadzia is quite good at not knocking THINGS off, that's Curzon's job, but she tends to ROLL off things, especially windowsills lol. Luckily for being such a petite Coon (compared to both the boys), she's a tough cat, for all the falls she's taken. But ain't no cat in the world can catch her in a full-steam chase! She's the best jumper too! She's my perfect little bundle kitty, fluffball, cuddlebug, Queenie, and trust me Rumbles, she's made me feel the same way you do for years now!

- "the mom"

Siamese Peaches said...

adorable angels! great job, they look like they are ready to fly away....

Cindy said...

Lovely, fine angels!

Mariodacat said...

he he - you two romeos sure know how to pick the ladies.

The Monkeys said...

Absolutely beautiful girls! You boys always find the cutest foxes!

Cats in Trees said...

You did a again! Two beautiful angels.


Kate said...

OOOO La Lah!

Are you boys inviting these purrty girls to Twixy's Date Night?

Koda MD

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all made my whiskers grin up, great choices!!!

M Dawson said...

Nothing like a pretty kitty to look at! You two have perfect taste!!


oooo two booteefull lady cats!!


Rosemary B❤️ said...

these girls are real cuties!
I love the hearts and wings for added
enthusiasm! well done!

jazzy bonks to all of you

The Island Cats said...

Woowoo! Those are some cute angels!!

Jacqueline said...

Two gorgeous girls; you guys have very good taste in women!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are surely khollekhting khwite the pawesome HAIRem!


BeadedTail said...

Such pretty ladycats! You boys know how to pick 'em!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awesome gerls!

Forever Foster said...

Wolfwhistles all around!

Jazzy said...

OMC! Ingo has such great taste in da wimmins! And so you you, Rumbles! Love da pichurs too!

I gotted engaged kast night to @Cokiethecat but he knows dat I am not giving up ma boyfurrends any more den hims gives up his girlfurrends!

I am so excited to haz been chosed by you two very sexy mancats!!


Raymond and Busby said...

We had to stop by again to tell you that your comment on our blog about Busby being an imPODster cracked us up! Thanks for a good morning laugh!

Cat Mandu said...

I've never seen angel kitties before. They look beautiful!

Pirulo Furry said...

Those two are pretty-pretty ladies!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We haven't met either of your foxy ladies before so we will go and say hello.

Anonymous said...

You boyz are just so, so naughty! It was good to hear our momma laugh and giggle this morning when she read your bloggy.

CCL Wendy said...

You certainly chose some very beautiful ladycats to immortalize this way. Who needs Charlie's Angels when you have Rumbles' Angels?

By the way, Rumbles is on the LOLSpot today.

"The Boys" and Karen said...

Those are some really special looking wings you've got there.