Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Betrayal - Rumblepurr

The Rumblemum has FINALLY come back. The first thing I did was run over to her, only to smell... HANDSOME MAN-CAT!!!

Now normally it is MY handsome man-cat aroma, but this was different...

Hmm, could Misha be in here?!?

And for some unexplained reason, she had a temptation in her bag?!?

"Inigo - anything to report?" 
"This side smells like bootiful girl cat!"

Betrayed. She says she was thinking of me the whole time she snorgled Misha, but how can I trust her?


Teddy Westlife said...

Oh noes. But look on the bright side - she came home to you!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

As long as she comes back to you without another cat in toll, that's the main thing. When my SS came back, she smelt of all sorts - mancats, ladycats, bunny, doggies....

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Well, sometimes these things happen. She's home now, try to forget about it.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hate to break it to you, but we feel you actually can't really trust her......

Anonymous said...

You know, if you work this thing right you could get a LOT of extra treats out of her. Play on her guilt. . .

Pandafur said...

Jump on her lap an rub rub rub your mankat sniffs all ovur hers as fast as you can rumbuls, that'll do da tricks!

Jacqueline said...

At least there wasn't another kitty in her suitcase!...Hope you guys got lots of extra cuddles and treats...kisses beautiful boys...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Monkeys said...

At least she's home now...without Misha!

Anonymous said...

But, she DID come home to YOU guys!

The Island Cats said...

You better start rubbing her really hard to get all that other handsome mancat smell off of her!

Kea said...

It's awful, isn't it, when your humans cheat on you! Maybe some group counseling to rebuild your trust in her...or just a heck of lot of grovelling on your mom's part (in the form of treats) to make up for this!

Forever Foster said...

Have you checked that Rumblemum isn't under any kind of Mishaspell?

Angel Simba said...

Cats can detect smells so much better than humans - you can probably smell every single place she went to!

Not sure what to suggest about the betrayal part. But you have the upper hand as long as she is back home.

The Whiskeratti said...

Well, darn. That was rude of her. But... it WAS Misha after all... so maybe you could give her a pass this one time?

Cory said...

She should just admit it...she thought of Misha when she was snorgling Misha...

At least she is home now!

Cats in Trees said...

Well, she's back. That's good. But it may be best to keep her inside for a few days. Photoguy made Dushi do that when he had been away a few days.

Raymond and Busby said...

Oh well, at least she's home! And brought a treat with her.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree with some of the others, extra treats would be a good start!

HH and The Boys said...

Oh-oh.... not the best reunion, but it counts for something that she came home to you, so you must be the favorite.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We're happy she came home to you.......and we hope you get lotza extra treats!!!!!! xxxxxxxx

Busy Buttons said...

Oh, that's terrible! How on earth could she treat you like that?! Maybe you should come live with me. I really want a kitty...

Cindy said...

Just infatuation. Your the only ManCat in her life.

Mariodacat said...

Well at least you got a treat out of the deal and she did come home without a cat with her! hehe - it could have been worse.

Lisa Kolosey said...

If you love somecat, set her free, if she comes back....you know what I mean :).
~Lisa Co9T

Backcountry Brodie said...

Those two-timing, unfaithful hoomans! Happens to me all the times. I feel your pain. Grrrr.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Beans just can't be trusted. They give their affecshuns out willy-nilly to any passing pup or kitty. :sheesh:

Pirulo Furry said...

Oh, she's back, that's the important thing. She can visit other furrys, but I'm sure you two are the ones she loves. Who's Misha, anyway?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Amy & the house of cats said...

Well we are glad your mom is back - and we think it is kinda cool her stuff smells like Misha. What does Misha smell like - we picture it being really good since he is a modelcat. Like fresh tuna or tasty ham.

Oh mom posted a picture of Lola with the pics of Barney on his birthday at our blog - she forgot to mention it there but she was thinking it would be a special treat for you both since she knows how much you like the ladycats!

little princess Luna~ said...

i know what you mean--i am very jealous too. i only want mum to give ME attention. :/

but it's true--she did come back to you! so she loves you the most~! ;)


Anonymous said...

oh the shame!

Misha said...

You can't stand in the way of twue luv, my fwend.

The Kitty Krew said...

At least she's home...but yeah, it's hard to say if Misha may have corrupted her forever.... :o

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

BeadedTail said...

We're glad she came back to you though! We hope you get lots of treats out of all this though!

Katnip Lounge said...

Dirty rotten, no good, two-timing...what? Mommy? You're home? love love love love...

There, any strange kitty smells are all gone!

Sparkle said...

Hmph. The least your human could have done was rub down the suitcase with nip and treats in order to hide the smell. It's almost like she was showing off her brazenness.

Gigi said...

People are so fickle. Pfffft.

Oh, and if you ever really do come to San Francisco, come visit ME (though I'll probably just hide under the ned, MOL!)

Keiko said...

Don't worry!! She came back and also she brought you Temptations! We can tell who her No.1 is!!!

tekorin said...

What's most important is...you LOVE her and she definitely LOVES YOU!!!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Don't worry. Moms always love their own the best.

Anonymous said...

Momma always comes back smellin' like other kitties and woofies, but we just got used to it. Mommas who love us seem to love all anipals!

"The Boys" and Karen said...

We're sure glad she finally got herself home to you. Even if she did bring a few different smells.

That's some cool looking blue contraption there, too.

The Crew said...

Come on now...how many humans travel with a Tem-ta-shun in their suitcase? This is obviously a betrayal!!

Danielle said...

Well boys, look on the bright side. If your human comes home smelling of other anipals, it shows that your human loves fellow kitties. And, if she loves other kitties, she deffinately loves you alot, too!

Your Daily Cute said...

But you got a Temptation out of it, right?! Let's look at the bright side here.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh the humans! They say one thing! Then they do another thing! But in the end I am sure that your mom loves you two the best!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Ya know, stuff like this happens, cuz cat lovers tend to stick together and well, they have kitties too...just make sure she brought you home some prezzies and it'll be ok