Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What else is a handsome man-cat to do? - Rumbles

Well, I've decided to follow in the pawsteps of Misha, and throw my hat in the ring for New Zealand's Next Top Cat Model!

I may need to call on your support in this (especially the girl cats - smoochies are very helpful when you're running for Top Cat Model. Honest) And so you all know, it's for some very good causes. I'm going to be supporting the Wellington Cat Protection Society.

Keep watching this space for more on my quest to be....

Watch this face, watch this space!!

New Zealand's Next Top Cat Model!!


Gigi said...

If you've decided to enter, that contest is over already! Who could possibly be more adorable than you?

Busy Buttons said...

Just look at your feline handsomeness! How could you NOT be a model?!

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh My! There will be LadyCats swooning in the aisles! ::thud::

Quill and Greyson said...

I will vote for you a million times... is that allowed? Best of luck!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Would gurl dog smoochies werk?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khousin Merdie and I would love to add our special 'smoochies' too!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

With that face that launches a thousand swoons, you would win paws down!

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

OMC! You will have more votes than you know what to do with, we are sure. (Patches will send smoochies...Munchkin will have to make sure Inigo is not looking first).

Kate said...

Instead of Tyra, I wonder if Khyra will make an appearance!

Good luck on your quest to be.. New Zealands Next Top Cat Model!

Mishkat said...

We think you'd make a purrfect top cat model. That's an amazing photo - we are sure the judges will love it!

Angel Simba said...

Tell us how to vote!

Ashley The CRPS Girl said...

I will definitely vote for you. Fluffy cats make the puurrrfect models.
-Karma, cat sister of Dixe the Catahoula

Jacqueline said...

You got all our support gorgeous Rumbles and we'll give you as many smoochies as you can handle!!...kisses to Inigo too!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh Rumbles! That is so very exciting!!!

By the way, you did send us Yuu-Chan's badge which we featured on last week's Manly Monday. But #1 has so far failed to put it in our sidebar. We shall be pursuing the matter with her!

The Chans

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow! We know that you'll go far!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We'll support yoo Rumbles ~ even though we're boys! We can't promise to smoochie yoo though ('cos we're boys).

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Rumbles, you most certainly are the perfect model mancat. Baby wants to know as soon as possible where to vote and vote and vote for you. And it's for a good cause too!

Sparkle said...

But you are already a Top Cat! Aren't you overqualified for the position?

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Sounds like fun!! Tons of smooches? I'll have to look into a Canada's Top Cat Model.

Purrs and Good Luck,

Teddy Westlife said...

Well, of course I'll be voting for my best boy!

The Monkeys said...

We are TOTALLY voting for you, Rumbles! You're the most handsome model!

Quilts and Cats said...

You have our support 100%...Puss, Muffin, JB, Horatio and Dusty.

Forever Foster said...

You've got our vote, handsome. You have our dad's vote, too. He often spies over mum's shoulder when she is helping us blog, and he always comments on how handsome you and Inigo are.

Daisy said...

Good luck, handsome Rumbles! I think you will sweep the competition!

BeadedTail said...

We think you are the purrfect Top Cat Model for New Zealand and beyond! We'll vote for you!

Can you please tell your Rumblemum thanks for the Good Kitty Club badge? We'll post about it later this week - our help is pretty slow.

Mariodacat said...

you are definately one handsome mancat and could win "hands down."

Marg said...

We will certainly keep watching this space and you should win that Model contest with no trouble. You are so very handsome.
Have a great week.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You make a wonderful model and will knock the opposition for six.

Brian's Home Blog said...

If they let U.S. votes count, we're there!!!

Danielle said...

I will totally be voting for you! (though I'm not promising any smoocies) I can't wait for the competition.

Pumpkinpuddy said...

You're so handsome you have to win. Here's some smoochies to help you get started. *Smoooochies*


Yay! Sounds like a lot of fun!
On Facebook they have kitty contests,
I will add you and send you the link.
I will vote for you! :)


You might like the kitty-fight-club
visit it at:
gorgeous "model" kitties go head to
head with votes online! :)

Amy & the house of cats said...

We think that is so cool - we totally think you can win it! We are all for you mentioning it at the Naughty Kitty blog - we will all be behind you for sure! If you want to make a badge or something about it email us and mom can post it in the sidebar even - like if there is a link to vote. Good luck!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! We are cheering you on!!!!! xxxxxx

Cathy Keisha said...

How can you lose? You're the most handsome, sexiest mancat EVEH! That picture is GORGEOUS! You were meant to walk the catwalk with the world's most stunning cat (me) by your side. xoxo

Anonymous said...


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

With lookis like that how can you fail.. Gorgeous.. Hugs GJ xx

Raymond and Busby said...

You are definitely a hunk of mancat handsomeness. (is that a word?) You have our vote!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Uh oh! You have my vote. How does Misha feel about this competition?

Cats in Trees said...

The organisers must be so happy to get a candidate like you for the competition. With you they are certain to have class, style and beauty.


YOU have our total support!


Keiko said...

Rumbles, you are so handsome!
Gorgeous boy, we'll vote for you many many times!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Woo - you ARE one handsome kitty - we think you have a wonderful chance in that competition - lots of luck.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Cory Clark said...

Ooh! Ooh! We'll vote for ya!

Good Luck!!

~Nico & JayJay :)

Cory said...

Go for it!!!!!

Pip said...

is it too soon to start the smooching?
*smooch, Smooch, SMOOOOOCH-POP*

Karen Jo said...

You are sure to win with all your mancat good looks. I will vote for you.

Deborah said...

You have my vote!

Vicki said...

You will definitely be the winner.....