Friday, October 15, 2010

A question for my friends - Rumblepurr

I ask you... what makes a normal, handsome man cat go from this:

I love my mummy!

I VANT to suck your BLOOD!!
Must be Halloween in the air!!

Inigo is doing well, but he's very thin. Rumblemum is trying to fatten him up (and me in the process! heh heh heh) He has much more energy these days, and that makes us all so happy.


Sweet Purrfections said...

Are they searching for vampire kitties for the next version of Twilight? You'd be purrfect for the role!

Still purring for Inigo!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh Wow!

'nuf pawed!


Raymond and Busby said...

Nice fangs, Rumbles!

We are so glad to hear Inigo is doing well. We hope he is back to his former robust physique soon!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That's a good scary look! You make a handsome Count Catcula too. We are glad Inigo is getting some energy back.

Inky the Shop Monkey said...

Are you saying "Fang you very much"?
Pixel is impressed!
We think the lady cats will find you even more irresistible! (Is that possible?)
YAY, Inigo! Upward & onward, bro!
Lea & Pixel

Mr Puddy said...

Not my blood !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

EEEeeeeeekkkkk!! You scaired us.


Kate said...

I am beyond words at that transformation, in Transsylvaniaaaaaaaaaaa!

Good to hear Inigo is getting more "pep". Nom nom

Sparkle said...

Heh-heh, Rumbles, I thought it was nip, not Halloween that was making you look like that.

Tell your human to make sure Inigo gets lots of yummy (but healthy!) treats!

Angel Simba said...

You's starting early, Rumbles! Do you have a Halloween costume?

Inigo, keep up the good work with getting better. And eat up your noms like a good fella.

Ellen Whyte said...

WHat makes us switch is a BATH! Hope this is not your fate.

Treats, yummy treats, that will make you and Inigo nice and round.

Teddy Westlife said...

I am a little bit scairt now.

Marg said...

You are a little scary, Rumbles. We sure are glad to hear that Inigo is still doing better. That is like a miracle.Bet you are enjoying all that extra food Rumbles. Take care and have a great week end.

Daisy said...

I vant to suck yoor bloods!

I'm glad Inigo is more energetic. Getting extra foods sounds like fun!

The Daily Pip said...

A beautiful lady cat?

Glad Inigo has more energy!

Your pal, Pip

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Rumblepurr!!!! You are just too handsome and gorgeous even when you go into dracula mode! LOL!!! Awwww what a cutie!!

Me and Charlie are sending lots of purrs to sweet Inigo!! We're so glad he's got lots of energy now! We hope he fattens up soon too!

Take care

Forever Foster said...

Hahaha! Rumbles, we're coming over all BellaSwanlike. That can't be good! :P

I wonder if Inigo might like Nutrigel? It is a high calorie supplement, and it is YUMMY!!! We give it to skinny kittens, and are also giving it to Dahlia to help her keep the weight on while she feeds.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Both pictures are wonderful Rumbles, that second one is just the model showing through! I am so happy to hear that Inigo is doing well!!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are pleased that Inigo is doing much better. Maybe you could save all your treats and let him have them so he puts some weight back on.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

BeadedTail said...

We think you're trying to woo both the ladycats who want a good Mancat and those who like the Bad Boys too!

We're so glad that Inigo is getting better!

Jacqueline said...

All you need is a cape, handsome Rumbles; we look forward to seeing you in full costume!...So glad Inigo is feeling better; he just needs extra Temptations=we are still purring for his continued recovery...Happy Friday, sweet boys...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MEOWZA!!!!!!!!! Please tell us you're not a vampire kitty, Rumbles!!!!!!!!!

We are so happy that Inigo continues to feel better....we continue to purr for him.....and we hope he starts gaining some weight back.


Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh, Inigo...just keep getting better and better and better. We love you sweet one.

Katnip Lounge said...


Dude! That was our Mommy running scared her pretty good, MOL!
The GalCats here say they'd be willing to come over and "coax" Inigo to eat...we think they have Evil Snuggling Plans in mind.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Yep, it is almost Halloween alright!

And we keep purring and praying for Inigo - it will take him some time to put the weight back on but we know it will happen. And it is good that he is more enegetic now, that is a good sign for sure!

The Whiskeratti said...

We're so glad he's doing better now. It was such a worry for all of us!

The Island Cats said...

You are a little scary there, Rumbles!!

Glad Inigo is doing better!

Sagira said...

Yes, I think is it the Halloween in the air for sure.

Hope he is able to pick up some more weight.


You give Dracula a run for his money!

In fact, you're better!

Glad Inigo is better, tell him to nom up!

Have a great weekend.


Danielle said...

We think Rumbles is just working on his Halloween outfit early. :)

Eat up, Indigo! It'll help you get better.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad Inigo is getting better. Rumbles, be careful not to scare the ladycats.

Carolyon said...

Oooo!!!! You must want more blood enriched food!

misayamamoto said...

Mawhawhaw! Rumbles, you remind our Mummy of Kenji, he does that face too!

We're glad to hear Inigo is doing better. We'll continue to purr for him! We hope he'll get his appetite back and put his weight back on!

Lots of purrs and hugs,
Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

Lynx217 said...

atta Inigo!
Rumblemum: weight loss is normal for what he's been through. Do your best to fatten Inigo back up without fattening Rumbles up any more. He's a big boy already, and Coons are so prone to heart issues and diabetes. You really don't want to have 2 cats with heart issues, do u? I know Rumbles doesn't wanna hear it, but there's no need to fatten the boy up any more, unless he's trying to out-big Dante!