I was hunting mousies in my tunnel, when Rumblemum took these. She has no respect for the fact that I keep her safe from the massive mice, she just laughs and takes photos!
That mousie is gonna get CHEWED! |
Gonna get ya! |
... now how do I get out of this...? |
That brother of mine - there was a slice of something called a 'hawiian pizza' sitting on the table, he grabbed a corner and tried to run away with it! His little face was quite determined, but Rumblemum caught him before he got too far. She swears he has a 'hammy sense' that tingles whenever there is even a tiny scrap of ham to be found...
That's a very tidy tush and you should be proud to have it on display all over the planet! And Hammy is such a hunter - all the way to Hawaii for a meagre slice of pizza which was then confiscated. Poor Ham.
That's a very tidy tush and you should be proud to have it on display all over the planet! And Hammy is such a hunter - all the way to Hawaii for a meagre slice of pizza which was then confiscated. Poor Ham.
Sounds like your bro needs to practice his stealing technique...
That's one handsome Rumble bum! *swoons*
Rumbles, you definitely know how to use a tunnel! Hammy, it sure does sound like you have Hamdar.
Amazing Rumbles!!! What great action shots of your floofy behind! Yay! LOL!
Awwww sweet Diego!! You are one determined kitty! Yay! Take care
When knuckles was little he went loping through the room with a half sandwich in his mouth.. He was so little it was dragging and bumping along on the floor, but I know what you mean by determination. When there's food involved.... They will attempt anything.
hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles.
You sure got your going getting along good Rumbles!
Rumble Tocks! if you Spoonerism it, that's Tumble Rocks, hee hee hee!
Rumblebum! *swoon*
That is a floofy-licious Rumble bum! And Diego has a sixth sense when it comes to finding ham! Happy Sunday, Rumbles and Hammy!
You sure have some floofy fancy pantaloons!
Rumble Bum! Yes, that's awesome!
We feel for the ham thief, if there's any in the house, Star knows it and will be very very upset if she doesnt get a little.. Or a lot.
So the Rumble Bum was a distraction so the other one could get the ham? Teamwork!
The Hawaiian pizza, is that the pizza with the pineapple on it? It's so not worth getting caught by the humans cause you gotta take all the pineapple out.
Now, if you tell me ham...
I would have loved to have seen that!
That's quite a Rumblebum!!!
I think that should be a new nickname - Rumble Bum! Better luck with the ham next time Hammy!
That floofy Rumble bum will get the ladycats swooning.
We're MOL thinking about Hammy sneaking away with the pizza!
Bottoms Up and Tasty Tocks!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
dood...ewe knead ta put a mouze in yur momz shoo that way her noes eggs act lee what kinda soooper hero ewe R by savin de entire household frum de mickey wanna bee
Nice bum! Is furry gud effort to gets that mousie.
Me unerstands Hammy's acshuns. Me loves pizza pies too. Too bad him not get to keeps hims prize.
Have a nice week friends!
That surely IS a RumbleBUM! We love that story about Hammy and the Hawaiian pizza. :)
Oh that is fun seeing the real Rumble Bum. Great picture and it is a very handsome bum at that. Hammy, you are too funny. Take care.
Rumbles, me has ansolutely no idea what yous was blogging about! me was totally taken by your glorious Rumble BUM!
I can't hardly tell which body part is which with all that floofiness! It is all very beauteous!
Gosh Rumbles, you're a big confusion of fluff. You must be having a lot of fun.
Very funny floofy pics.
Love and licks, Winnie
You got as floffy bum as me *mol*
Hope you did catch that mousie !
Um..er...you have a very nice backside! Did you say ham?????
Terrific 'tocks!
Yes, finally you live up to your blog name, Rumbles! And what a sight it is, too! Woo hoo!
Seems ripe for the picking to me, if you get my gist.
And Hammy's busy living up to his name, as well -- hamming it up as usual. No doubt.
There's an obstruction in this tunnel....*poke poke*.....ah....got it....*THWOCK THWOCK*
Cute bahooookie !!!!! Pasihugggs
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