I've decided it's time to train the Rumblemum. She's pretty smart (for a human) and I think she has lots of potential. She's picked up my first lesson very well!
When she gets home from work every night I've got her trained to say 'Smoochies... SMOOCHIES...' and lean in towards me. As a reward I give her a smoochie.
My next lesson will have something to do with tunas. Lots of tunas.
A bit of good news about that poor freezing kitty from the other day - the wonderful people at
The Southern Cat Connection have rescued and named her Sunrise! Here's hoping that she finds a wonderful forever home soon. You can find out more about this kitty on
Dashkitten.com :)
I kept checking on that kitty on Facebook and I was SO relieved when she got rescued!
Aw, you're an excellent trainer of humans!
Pardon me but I must do this.. SQUEEEEEE Look at that tummy!!!!!!!!
Star says: There's always room in my bag for such a handsome mancat. Purrrrrrrr
ok the mom is squeeeeeing to loud for me to efen write a comment - so I must go now and haf more blooberry pamcakes. - Miles
With that look, Rumbles, we bet you get lots of tuna. :)
We're so happy that kitty was rescued!
I know you will have her trained in no time! That is super news about that poor cold kitty!!!
Oh, our human would give you LOTS of smoochies!
Great news about the kitty being rescued! :-)
Mum! Please! Mr. Rumbles, I think....
MUM! I'm trying to type here!
Hey Rumbles! Great trick! When you figure out the trick about the tunas...lots of tunas...please share it with us. You know I love my tuna (even though I am a dog)!
Happy Monday,
Thwockies! Thwockies! *THWOCK*
I have to watch my Mom. She scoops me up and buries her face in my furs. (I hate to sit on laps.)That stuff is for girls.
Oh, that tummy pose is a tuna magnet. So glad the kitty was rescued :-)
Great idea, Rumbles! We can hardly wait until you have her walking in with tuna in hand! Purrs...
DOOD !!! now therez a class in skewl we wood LOVE ta take...tuna 801 ~~~
let uz noe how ya traned yur mum if ya can !!
*snorgle* *snorgle* *smoochie* *smoochie* I could not possibly hold those in even a moment longer. xoxoxo
You are doing a good job with the mum training Rumbles.
Good work! Perhaps when you have finished with your mum you can come and train mine!! MOL
Good work on training the Mum. I have Dad ready to give me a nice back rub when he meets me on the steps after that Werk thing he does. Rumpy gets a real head bump as Dad can lean right over and - Bump. And even the new little one is getting a nice head scritch.
Who says they are hard to train!
Maybe we should collaborate on a book?
Let me know
Rumbles, sounds like your training program for your Mom is moving right along!
We're so pleased to hear that kitty was rescued from the cold.
Rumbles, if you keep looking that cute and adorable, your Mom will pass all your training at rapid speed:)
Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning
Good job on training Rumblemum. We actually didn't think the humans were trainable. You must have super powers. Purrs and paw-pars, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
That is most excellent dear furrend!
Yous must share your human training secrets!
Rumbles, you're such a good teacher. I'm sure you'll have your mum trained to do a tuna trick in no time.
Brilliant! But now you hve to make sure nobody steals her!
Humans are hard to train but it's worth it when you do!
The Florida Furkids
Training humans is tough but they ARE trainable thankfully. As for the little kitty newly named Sunrise - we are SO HAPPY for her happy ending.
Hugs, Sammy
Wow, good job training your human! We hope hers picks up the tuna lesson as quick as she did the smoochies one!
Our mom's are all lining up to give you smoochies, believe ME! Humph! Well, actually I too would line up to give you a smoochie. xxoox
We, Mickey Mouser and Tommie, have perfected the "Mind Meld" and only have to give "the look". Works every time, sort of. Of course sometime they give us treats when we were thinking about nip...
It's good for us cats to share techniques.
you made mom almost faint with that beautiful belly and happy face she went squeeeeeeee! Excited about the lessons, I am going to start now! Glad to hear about the freezing kitty.
Well Rumbles, you are so smoochable, we'd smooch you too! Good luck on the tunas front!
Nice job with that training, Rumbles! Let us know how that tuna training turns out, okay? :)
Great news about Sunrise x
Good job training your Mum, handsome boy!...We are loving that awesome photo of you too, sweetheart=such glorious furs!...Have a fun weekend, dear friends...smoochies :) ...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Um, Rumbles? I really doubt that it took much training to get her to do "smoochies". It;s going to be WAAAAAAAY harder to find some trick that makes her give you lots of toonas. You might need to team up with Hammy to do THAT.
I just clonked my face on da 'puter trying to give you a smoochie, Mr. Rumbles. OW! Could you please have Rumblemum give you an extra one for me? One for Diego too, please.
xx oo
oooh, we think another excellent training class would be "WAND Toys"!
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