That Hammy! Lately he is trying to do EVERYTHING that I do. He's been lying on my spot on the tower. He's been trying to attack the toys the same way I do. He's such a copy-ham!
One thing he's not ever going to be better at is being a secret-hidden-cat! I have that nailed.
This is my very favourite spot! |
I can spy on that Ham and make sure he's not copying me! |
So far, it is very quiet. That's never a good sign... |
I might need to go ultra-covert if I'm going to catch him! |
We wanted to say a big thank you to everyone on Facebook for leaving us lovely posts :) We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends :) I know we're not so great at blogging regularly, but now that it's heading into winter we'll make Rumblemum post more often (or she won't get cuddles! She needs LOTS of extra cuddles in winter to stay warm!)
doodz...nice ta see ya bak thiz way !!! hope all is well with everee one; hope everee one keepz ther hidin spots sekrit frum de other....
{ guess what rumble...ham reeded yur post } N we hope ewe both haza sooper grate week oh end ! ♥♥
Awww, Rumbles! You are a very special secret-hidden kitty! Hugs and lovies to you and Hammy for the weekend! xoxo
Nice undercover pictures!
Over here it's soon summer, so my mom-person is helping me less :(
He just wants to be like you, that's all! But we understand what a pest that can make him.
You are very good at going undercover Rumbles.
Nice to see you again, I hope your Mum lets you visit more. :)
We could hardly see you there, Rumbles. You really are a good hider. We hope Hammy doesn't find you.
You're a great hider!
Ham can't copy you Rumbles - you are a true original! He will just have to create his own niche.
It's nice to be a role-model but not if Hammy's driving you nuts! Ultra-covert might turn out to be your best option Rumbles!
Hugs, Sammy
You are the best at hiding by far!
You are very good at hiding but I must admit, from this dog's perspective that first photo looks like you are hiding IN a who is really copying who? BOL Have a great weekend, Rumbles!
Rumbles, you better pull that tail of yours in better or Hammy will spot you for sure!
Ugh, Copy Hams. We do not think we'd like one of those either. Have a happy, hiding weekend!
Have a nice weekend!!!
Great job of hiding, Rumbles! Make sure you tuck that tail in so that Hammy doesn't find you, okay?
We kept looking for you in those photos, Rumbles, but couldn't find you anywhere. Can you post some nice photos of yourself soonest? Please?
The Chans
Rumbles, you are a terrific hider. I bet Hammy will never find you there or be able to copy your excellent technique. As for blogging, we think quality is better than quantity! :-)
I kno of corse dat yoo is not hidin cos yoo iz skared...not a sir...*snigger*
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