But the good news is that mummy got some nice photos of me.
Yeah I'm lookin at YOU mummy....
Hello. My name is Rumbles. Short for RumblePURRRRRRRRR....
Face of an angel. That's me.
Pose? Me? NAHhhhhhh.

Right - that's enough now mummy. I'm not Brittney.
My, my you are one handsome devil aren't you!!!
Purrs Banshee
Well, you may not like the cold but you are looking awfully cute RumbleBumble!
Huffle Mawson
We can't help but get a warm feeling when we look at you, Rumblebum!
Oops. We still have your sunny days. (But we like them so much). But, if we have to, maybe we can send them your way after the weekend? But be sure to send a few our way very soon.
You did a good job of bringing the photo shoot to a close, Rumbles.
It is rainy and chilly here in Dallas, However, to see your face of an angel--brightens it ALL up!
You do look rather angelic, Rumbles!
You'll be warming up in no time, Rumbles! That face of yours made our Mom melt.
Ahhhh, Rumbles....you're looking so very gorgeously handsome. Thanks for the photo shoot, it's nice to get our RumblePurr fix.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
What gorgeous floofiness! Very nice pictures indeed.
You sure are one handsome dude Rumble. And, Pandora REALLY thinks so!!! We sense a little secret crush there! We hope you all have a purrific weekend!!!
What a big ham you are! But so floofy and handsome...I don't blame you for posing.
So handsome, floofy and regal Mr Rumble! And you certainly can show an Angel's face too! I'd love to snarffle your belly :).
~Lisa Co9T
Thwock! Thwock!
BRRR is right! At our house the leaves are falling off the trees, so it is really feeling like fall (Or winter). Your mommy did a nice job on your photoshoot.
We love the photoshoot! You have such an expressive face.
You are such a good model Rumbles. I should take lessons from you!
Do woo need some of my furs to keep woo warm?
I am sure that your sunpuddles will show up soon, Rumble. I love your photoshoot, but you were quite right to put an end to it when you got tired of it. That is a kitty's privilege.
You are one gorgeous kitty.. Lovely photo's.. Hugs GJ xx
You sure do have a handsome face! We are envious of your cool weather because it is still in the 90s here this week. Yuck!
Work it , Rumbles! I think you might have to enter Top Cat Model next year.
Those are great pictures - the second one has a "yes, I am Mr Rumblepurr and yes I am awesome" feel to it - very modelesque!
Have a great weekend!
Those got my purr motor humming...
We are sorry you miss the sunpuddles! It is hard when the sun goes away! Your photos are great!
hey everybuddy! please follow my blog! qtbird.blogspot.com
P.S. i like the last pic!
Y'all can smile well.
Sally Ann
Looking good Rumbles!
Tigger, Patches, Jigsaw and Munching say:
Aw, Rumbles, We iz sure your sunpuddles are on da way. Spring is a bad time, da weather can't make up its mind--cold or hot or not.
Munchkin says: Hey! da Tigger misspelled my name!
Thank you for you kind words to my mom. Still love those photos of you. You have such cute expressions on your face!
OMC! What a handsome Rumbles you are but I fink you knows dat by da way you posing der MOL hehehe
Momma's and der flashy fings geeez!
You cats are awesome! I wanna do a story on you! Is it ok to use a photo of your grand selves??
Sharyn @
The Kitty City Gazette.com
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