Rumbles likes to hog the Undercover Mousie, but really it's MY toy.
I'm gonna GET you, little mousie! |
Rumbles doesn't get idea of the mouse. It's all about timing and precision. He just floomps down on it so it can't move... where is the sport in that??
Mousie can't see you from this angle |
I believe it is a dance we do, Mister Mousie and I. Sometimes I pretend I can't see him, then I POUNCE. Sometimes I try to psych him out face to face.
Fear my glare! |
Mousie and I have had some good times. As long as Rumbles doesn't come and interfere of course.
Ah! I see how it goes:
Flufflebum: It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.
Rumblepurr: It's all about winning.
You show them your finesse, Inigo.
We have got to get ourselves one of them toys!
Have fun!
It's the frill of the chase that's the impawtant and fun bit.
Oooh, that looks like a super fun toy! Must get it *purrs* P.S.: You have a great technique!
Inigo, we have always seen an uncanny physical resemblance with you and Whitey, but after reading that Rumbles "floomps" down, purrhaps Whitey is more like Rumbles! Because that is just what he does!
Oh this is most excellent toy, I think I must have one.
Winston x
Too much floomping and too little upstairs?
Its all about tactics isn't it Inigo!
Though...the floomping obviously ends the mousehunt quickly.
Things to be thinking about....
Koda MD
Haha! Eric is a floomper too! You and I prefer the hunt.
Hey Flufflebum... you are looking very beautiful in those pictures.
You sure are having a great time...I still can't figure out why we don't have one of those!
*bowing to the great hunter* Go Flufflebum! Get that mouse!
We don't have that toy, but it sure looks fun! We have an infestation of bed mice...they appear when Mommy goes to bed. They wiggle around under the blankets and we have to KILL them! Sometimes our killing maneuvers makes Mommy scream, we are such mighty pouncers.
xx Lounge Kats
And what a handsome mighty mouse hunter you are Inigo!...You look like you are having so much fun with that toy, we need to get one of those!...Have a fun weekend...Kisses to both of you sweethearts...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Looks like fun....we need to ask mama to get us one of those!!! xxxxxxxx
oh that's not very nice to hog such a great toy as that one. WE hope that you learn to share it. :) Mom says one day maybe we could get one of those but dad says not now because well, the house isn't big enough. Mom keeps filling it with cat things. :)
he he - I has one of those mousies too. He's always trying to tease me. I never looked under the cover tho. Guess I'd better do dat.
I fear Rumbles would not make a good hunter, while you, Inigo have the technique down pat (so to speak)! You need patience and subtlety to catch mousies (even the fake ones). Well done!
Good for you Inigo my lad! I like your approach.
We had one of those toys once but someone peed on it and it didn't work after that!
I love the look of concentrashun in your eyes. You has eyes only fur the mousie! (My sis Sydney - a dog wot thinks she is a kitteh - gits that look in here eye when she sees mousies, too.)
Oh, wot a fun toy! We wants one, but mom sez she can't afford it. Mewf! But you seem to be a furry pawsome hunter/mouser, Inigo!
Pssssstt--Inigo.. .. our video is finally kin go to our bloggie fur da linky!
Spare him no mercy, oh Mighty Hunter!!
You have pawesome technique oh Mighty Hunter Flufflebum!
You do have a fearsome glare! That mousie better run!!
Very good strategy!
Maybe Rumbles is forcing the mouse to take a rest, so he will have extra energy when you are playing with it. Did you ever think about that?
Just a different philosophy to playing games.
Yeah, Ernie plays with Mister Mousie like Rumbles...he just sits on him. But I like to play like you...I toy with him...
No one should ruin mouse time.
that's a cool toy. now I want one, but mom just got me some stuff from baby patches mom. I guess I have to wait. You look like you're having so much fun!
Hi Rumbles (blushes)
What do you call that toy? It seems like everyone wants one!
Cat Mandu
Dancing and all? You're quite the romantic, Inigo!
That toy looks pretty inneresting. Floomping on it looks like fun. I like to stalk my mousies but I can't figure out where the mousie is in that thing. In fact, the more I look at it, the more that thing looks a little bit scary. I'm a coward and proud of it, too!
I am glad you took care of mousie!
You ARE a mighty hunter!
i think i would enjoy the chase more myself. good for you!
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